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Unban Appeal - Broccolii - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Broccolii 

In-game Name: Mike Terminator

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198045561680

Ban ID: !!rpuk9043!!

Reason given for your ban: Bulk Selling

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for abusing a bug that allowed me to sell weed or coke quicker then normal.

Why should we unban you ?: I know full well tat what I did deserved a permeant ban. I feel like the chances of me getting unbanned are pretty much slim to non, But I would hate it if I didn't at least try to get back into such a great RP server. Since joining RPUK I made mates, Increased my RP dramatically. and have had some of the funniest and best moments wit the community that RPUK has built. I understand that what I did could have completely ruined the servers Economy and that I let greed get the better of me. Since being away from RPUK I have had a lot of time to think about what I did and if I even deserve to come back. I understand that from a staffs point of view, or even anyone else's for that matter, There is no chance of someone who was willing to risk the servers economy to be allowed back in. The only reason I am making a ban appeal is there is just no server like RPUK. there's no community as nice, funny and enjoyable as what RPUK prides its self on , its community. everything from The mechanics at auto and tyre nuts. the the police giving great RP situations. even the gangs and there highest standards of RP. This is what makes me want to come back. cause there is nothing like this in any other server I can find. I understand this is most likely gonna get thrown away and there is pretty much no chance of me coming back. but I wanna at least try, for the main fact of there is no other server like this anywhere

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

As Sammy said in your last appeal and I'll quote "Due to the severity of your usage of the exploit and failure to report it in the first place, you are no longer welcome in this community". This is the case and as such the appeal will be denied.


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