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Unban Appeal - bslater354 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for bslater354 

In-game Name: bslater354

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199102600320

Ban ID: rpuk#4467

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 G1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I think I was given my ban because I used to go round rdming people and combat logging all the time, I have now understood that this behaviour is not allowed if I want to be a part of your server and I understand why you banned me for it. I cant remember exactly what I did to get banned but I know it involved combat logging and random death match.

Why should we unban you ?: I think you should unban me because, it has been 2 months since my ban (2021-06-27) and I now understand what its like to be a real role-player and what it means to follow the rules to keep the rest of the community good I can also say that Roleplay UK is the best roleplay server I have ever played and these past 2 months a few of my other friends have stopped playing because they don't get much time to play as it is and they would only be on if I get on so they don't really play no more but I'm sure if I was somehow able to be unbanned they would all love to come back now on your server I had worked very hard to try to purchase a house and I was there had the money and I want to to come back and provide jobs for the newer players in the server I would also be willing to start back up my ex-gang (The Men In Black) and offer the newer less fortunate people a chance to meet new people make friends and enjoy your server just like everyone else.

thanks for all the help and stay safe


Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Not only do you seem to have a general disregard for our rules, you also like to ignore what has been stated very clearly already in your last unban appeal. 
You can appeal your ban again once 6 months have past since the day you have been banned. Try again after the 27th of december.

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