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Unban Appeal - Burnsie - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Isaac Duggan
Steam ID: 76561198263298101
Ban ID: 16374
Ban Reason: C1.15
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because my cousin logged into his steam account on my PC to show me his cars and stuff in different cities about a month ago and then he cheated on the server a few days ago. I had to idea he was cheating. If I knew he was cheating I would’ve got staff, I’ve grinded for a good amount of time playing the server. I dont want to lose my progress over someone else’s actions
Why should we unban you: Because I haven’t cheated. I wouldn’t cheat on a game everyone’s supposed to have a fair game. I would never cheat. Wouldn’t spend money on cheats to start off with. I can honestly prove that I have a completely different steam and FiveM account. I have a twitch and he has a twitch. His is also a different name to mine. We are different people, I’m not ban evading.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
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