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Unban Appeal - Cammy Santos - GTA RP

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Cammy Santos

Active member
Unban Appeal for Cammy Santos 

In-game Name: Cammy Santos

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198349989081

Ban ID: !!rpuk9657!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned due to combat logging.

Why should we unban you ?: First of all, having to be here for the times I have is not good at all, having to appeal because of my actions in which I would like to apologise for. My time away that I have had away from the server has made me really think about my actions.

I think I should be unbanned because I would like to start a fresh slate with my roleplay, I would like to prove to you guys, the staff of RPUK and the community that I can abide by the rules and provide high quality roleplay.
I made a great mistake after just getting un-banned, I let my emotions get the better of me due to an incident that occurred and I basically thought It would have been acceptable to right a wrong with a wrong but that was totally not acceptable and I was completely wrong.

It's really not a great look getting un-banned then getting yourself banned again, I totally understand that and it was completely wrong of me and all I can do is assure that if you guys are ever in the mindset of unbanning me that I can completely assure nothing like this will happen again. I really enjoying playing on RPUK very much and by me doing what I done I have jeopardised me being able to do so and it sucks.
I truly let my emotions get the better of me here, after just getting un-banned I got agitated at what happened and done the wrong thing.

I was told previously in my other ban appeal it would be extremely difficult for me to get unbanned again if I was ever banned and which I completely understand as I have not made it easy for staff with the rules that I have broken and had to appeal a few times which I shouldn't be having to appeal, I should be following the rules in the first place.

I would love to give the community of RPUK the roleplay that I never actually did and provide them with high quality roleplay that all party's can enjoy, not let my emotions get in the way and ruin everybody else's fun in the process and show the staff of RPUK that I can follow the rules and that there won't be a need for me to ever be appealing again.

I should not have done what I done, it was really not good of me and I would like to apologise for breaking the rules that I did, also I can give guarantee and reassurance that If I am ever back on the server, I will be extremely cautious with every thing that I do and that I provide the up-most quality roleplay that people can enjoy.
I would love to prove to staff and the community that I'm not here just to break rules and I'm here to actually provide roleplay and give what I can.

I regret all my previous actions that has got me to this stage and I would really like to make amends, I can assure no shortage in high quality roleplay if I am ever to return to the server, I can guarantee no faults from me and that I can control myself and not do the wrong thing.

To be apart of the RPUK community is really amazing and I would really like to continue to be apart of it and I understand I have made it really hard for myself to do that now.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there @Cammy Santos
I hope we're all well today. 

I'd like to start this off with a thank you for taking the time and putting effort into your unban appeal, I understand they can be time consuming. 

This is your 5th ban now,  and as you stated you recently came back from an unban. 
What are your plans if given another chance? You say you want to provide high quality roleplay how would you go about it?

How can we be sure you won't break another rule again and we end up in the same predicament that we're currently in. 
You claimed you were RDM'd by a member on the server, but then decide to break a rule yourself, two wrongs don't make a right, please explain that situation to me. 

What happened? 
Why did you think that action was justifiable?
What was the thought process behind this? 
How will you make sure your emotions don't get the better out of you? 
Were you really RDM'd? 

Remember honesty is golden in this community. 

I can give guarantee and reassurance that If I am ever back on the server, I will be extremely cautious with every thing that I do and that I provide the up-most quality roleplay that people can enjoy.
How can you guarantee this?

I'll be eagerly awaiting your reply and I hope you've a wonderful day! 🙂

Hi Mike, I'm well thank you and I also hope you are well.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me I appreciate it.

My plan would be If I am given another chance to return to the server, is I would like to carry on with my main character Cammy Santos and carry on with gang life in Triads and better myself in the scenarios I encounter on that side of the city, also I have never made a police character and that is something that I most definitely to do and experience as I have only really experienced criminal roleplay.

I would go about providing high quality roleplay by going along with scenarios that I end up encountering, not letting emotions affect how I see an active scenario that could be occurring and most important making sure that everyone is enjoying there time with the roleplaying that is going on.

I have broken quite a few rules in my past on the server which I am not proud of at all and which has lead me to this point, I've had some time away from the server and it's made me realise the stupid mistakes and rule breaks that I was doing and I miss out on so much experience.

I can assure the staff of RPUK that If you guys decide to unban me that there will be there no more rule breaking and us having to end up being here once again, that shouldn't be happening at all. I enjoy my time on RPUK and sharing experiences with the community inside as well and I've jeopardised this a few times which is dumb of me. I would like to provide the community with the roleplay that they enjoy and not ruin anyone's time or enjoyment by breaking rules and also ruining my chance of experiences within the server.

So what happened in the situation with the RDM,

I was in the triad safehouse standing at the window, having some back and forth words to some other gang members that were in a sticky situation with us at the time, then I was shot and killed with no engaging words, I had bugged through the window and was outside triads safehouse at this point then said few gang members proceeded to circle this is when I stupidly combat logged.

For me to think this was justifiable at the time was really not wise and dumb of me, I think that I thought that it would have okay because I thought that it was RDM so it won't matter if I leave but that was completely idiotic to think like that.

I was angry at the time, I had just got off a ban and I thought that it was banter that me and the other gang members were having then when I was shot so I just got really pissed off at that then I was thinking if he has done wrong it won't matter if I do which was way wrong to think.

I can make sure that my emotions don't get the better of by just taking a second to think before doing anything, think to myself for a second what this action could cause me if I go ahead and do it If I'm feeling some sort of way and I will make sure to tell myself there's no point in lashing out and doing something irresponsible.

To say if I was RDM'd for sure I don't know, I feel like I was, obviously there was back and fourth chatter between me and the rival gang members on the turf, there was some stuff going on at the time between Triads and the other gang but there was no official war rules put in place. At the time I was just angry about getting shot and just assuming and feeling like it was RDM.

How can you guarantee this?
I can guarantee this by assuring the staff of RPUK and the community that I won't let my emotions differ how I act towards situations and get the better out of me, abide by all rules that are stated and making sure that everything I do is extremely cautions. If I feel someone has done wrong within the server, I will not act out with breaking another rule, I will do what's right.

I have already jeopardised my time on the server and if I get the opportunity and another chance to be back within the community I can honestly say I do not want to mess that up again.

I would love to live up to my words and just provide the fun high quality roleplay that I've said I would and not cause all the grief for the staff either.

I do not want to miss out on the anymore experiences within the community , I can honestly say that there will be no more mistakes from me and to the community and staff of RPUK I would like to apologise for my previously bad RP.

Thank you again for taking the time to reply Mike, have a fantastic rest of your day! 😊

Hello there @Cammy Santos
Sorry for a late reply, got a little busy with real life. 
I hope we're all well and doing well! 

Thank you once again for a detailed reply, it's greatly appreciated. 

I want to be 100% certain that you have learned your lesson before we end here for the third time,  in the one month you were gone, what changed? 
Not only did you break one of the serious rules, you also thought it'd be justified cause someone else might have broke a rule before you.

- You stated you were angry at that time, were you angry because you got off a ban? Or because of the 229 war? 
- You can guarantee that you won't let your emotions differ or get the better out of you and you'd be extremely cautions, how would you go about this? 
- You mentioned providing high quality rp, give me a run down of a hostage situation in high quality rp that you would provide. 

Thank you once again for your reply and your time.
Have a fantastic rest of your day and stay safe! 🙂

Hi again @Mike Wolfie

Not a problem at all I understand.

I'm good thank you, hope all is well with you.

You are welcome, I appreciate it,

In the month that I've been away, I have realised that how I had went about things before within the server it wasn't right and it's got me to this point having to appeal a few times, I don't want that for myself or for you guys. I've missed out on experiences within roleplay that I could have been apart of if I didn't do the things I had previously done.

What has changed is I don't want to be missing out on fun roleplay scenarios/experiences and I've learned that I can't let my emotions differ whatever is happening current at a roleplay situation, no matter if it's going to my advantage or whoever's advantage. I want to be able to provide what I have said I would do, give everybody a great experience and high quality roleplay and also just not being able to play on the server just sucks and that's my problem and I would like to make amends for that. 

I was angry at mainly getting shot by the rival gang member, as I was thinking it was just back and forth cheeky banter and it wasn't going to lead to what it did, and I had just got off a ban and as I felt like I had just been RDM'd I was frustrated.

I can go about controlling my emotions and not letting them differ how I'd act is by just telling myself there is no point getting angry and doing an irrational thing that is going to get me in trouble or banned. I'd be extremely cautious by making sure that every thing that I done within the server and RP is not breaking any rules and I'm acknowledging everything that is going on and I'm making sure that I'm doing the correct thing.

For a hostage situation -

Starting of I would grab me and couple other members of the gang, we would proceed to go to a clothing store and get changed into clothing that we can't be identified in. I would ask that 2 groups of 2 go fetch a stolen vehicle. Once 2 groups of 2 have both said stolen vehicles, we split up in the vehicles looking for a singular civilian roaming the streets of LS. All 4 members of the gang have a gun, each passenger with 2 zip-ties and a bag to put over the head of the hostage.

Once finding the hostage walking along a pathway, we proceed to pull up in front on the civilian, passenger exits the car quickly points gun and then I get out the car and point gun. I ask him to place his hands in the air with no sudden moments. Once he puts his hands in the air, I radio and ask the fellow gang member to search his pockets while keep the hostage calm, the gang member finds a phone which I then ask for the civilian to pass over to the gang member. With my gun still pointed to him and his hands in the air, I radio and ask my member to zip-tie him, put a bag over his head and place him in the stolen vehicle.

We proceed to make our way with the hostage to a local store, on the way I'm explaining to the hostage he is not in any harm, we need him for a quick 10 minutes then he will be let go and for his cooperation he shall receive a small cut of what we rob.

Once outside the store, we scout for a little while make sure there is no other civilians and we wait for the other gang members to arrive without another hostage. I proceed to ask the hostage how he is feeling, if he is need of any water, food or if he takes medication that he may need.

Once replied with no and the other members arrive, we proceed to move into the store, taking the hostage out the car and telling him not to do anything silly if the police arrives.

Once in the store I ask him to get on his knees, whilst making sure that he stays calm and he knows that there is no threat unless he becomes a threat

We start robbing the store, waiting for the cash register to be busted open by a gang member, alarms start going off but no police have arrived.

We manage to get the cash out the register, still no police arrive, I ask the hostage to get to his feet. Take him by his arm and we all proceed to leave the store in a hurry, put the hostage back in the car we brought him in and we drive away.

Still no sign of police as we drive away, with the alarm going off at the shop.

As we make our way and get distance from the city, I proceed to take of the hostage's bag, I then start talking to him getting to know him as he is being friendly, as the friendly we become and more we talk, I cut his zip-tie loose. He proceeds to tell us that he used to be involved with gang life which then let to me getting his name and phone number.

We headed to a local bar to celebrate our little shop robbery and the hostage became our friend and joined us.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to me again Mike, I appreciate it.

Have a lovely rest of your day! 😊

Very well... 

I will give you one golden chance to show us that you can play by the rules. Any nonsense from your side, any rule breaks and you will be shown the door for at least 6 months this time. This is your golden chance, do not waste it.

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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