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Unban Appeal - Captain slong - GTA RP

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Captain slong

New member
Unban Appeal for Captain slong 

In-game Name: Tom Smith

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198984644524

Ban ID: G2.9

Reason given for your ban: transferring in game funds

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: my friend sent me in game funds and later asked for them back i didn't realise he had broken rules whilst doing it.

Why should we unban you ?: i will ask next time where the funds have come from next time as i was completelty oblivious to the situation. i will also be a clean citizen and you will never hear of my name again. i truely am sorry. i also really enjoy playing your server. i am just asking for one more chance as i can guarentee this will never happen again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: my friend sent me in game funds and later asked for them back i didn't realise he had broken rules whilst doing it.
"Later" 5 minutes it taken to do these transactions. You really expect us to believe you didn't plan on transferring money?

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I understand that it seems suspicious I honestly do but I promise this is one massive mistake. I should of asked where the money was from and now I know I feel like a total muppet. I am very new to the city and all I ask for is one more chance. I understand I have broken a bad rule and understand that this rule is in place to make the financial side of things in the game fair for everyone. As I said if you could give me one more chance I promise you will never hear of me again I will be a role model citizen. 

I will do anything to be unbanned. I am very sorry and would never even dream of breaking another rule. If you unban me I will read through the rule THOROUGHLY. I am so sorry I have seen a wipe of the account is offered commonly I will happily accept that as my punishment if you are willing to give me just one more chance at this brilliant server.  

My apologies Robbie since that last reply I can assure you I have read through the rules thoroughly! The rule I broke was the following. 

 (G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method. 

The rule is in place to stop people gaining an unfair advantage and abusing money making rules.  

I understand the rule I have broken and I will never break another rule again. This is my first ever RP server and I hope you will give me a second chance to make this server my home. 

I am happy to accept an account wipe as I have seen it is offered to people who break the same rule I have. In the time I have been banned I have really missed the server and I am eager to become a great member of the community I have watched some peoples streams as a police officer and it is something I would love to have a go at !. 

thank you for your reply Robbie I hope to hear from you soon. 

@Captain slongWhat are the plans for the character if you were to get unbanned?

@George Harris thank you for getting back to me ! 

my plans are to escort people around the city and provide good RP in the taxi. Once I have a comfortable amount of money I then hope to apply for the police force and the nhs as I have watched some people’s streams on the server and it looks like a really good challenge which entices me. But my key aim is become a role model citizen and make friends in the city and hopefully build a good name for myself. 

Because you have been banned under rule G2.9, in order to get unbanned we're going to be completely wiping your character of all of its assets, money, vehicles etc. etc. 

Once unbanned, you will then have a fresh start. 

Do you agree to these terms? 

yes i happily agree to these terms @Fluqii really appreciate being given a second chance nothing like this will happen again i assure you.

@Robbie thank you so much to you and all the admins that have taken time out of their day to go through my appeal ! I can’t wait to prove to you all that you made the right decision. 🙂 

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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