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Unban Appeal - CC - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for CC  

In-game Name: CC

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198220229227

Ban ID: !!rpuk15029!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.7 - Chat Ban (Auto ban)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned due to me sending the F slur into a group chat in RP. I triggered the auto ban system where such word(s) like I typed, would automatically be flagged under it being inappropriate enough to warrant the auto ban. I believe that this has been put into place on the server to stop troll and/or vulgar behaviour from being seen by the rest of the server and, in general, keeping the server much less toxic and free from negativity. An example of this other than my case would be something like a troll posting such slurs on Tweedle for the masses to see, to gain a quick buzz for themselves or others that would find it funny. In essence, a 'class clown'. This is the case for myself in my opinion.

Why should we unban you ?: I believe that I should be unbanned because I know what I did was wrong. I can sincerely say that I wanted and needed to step away from the server for some time because I just didn't enjoy it anymore. I was feeding into the toxicity and negativity and I knew myself that I would just carry on if I wasn't banned. So, I took the less than ideal approach by getting myself banned. The answer? The quickest way I knew how to. Knowing from previous people that have got banned before, I knew the quickest way was to get auto banned by triggering the system in place, and so, I logged onto the server as you can see by the logs and very shortly after I decided to send the message into the group chat. To add to this and also highlight what I previously mentioned about it not only being wrong but the way I went about it, I want to emphasise the genuine admittance and recognition of my actions and make it known that I know the way I went about it was wrong. To say that it was idiotic would be an understatement and there were many other avenues I could've gone down to avoid this situation. But I took the lazy approach and the easy exit.

Now, I want to extend the sincerity of my actions and apology by saying that I did not for any second mean anything hateful by what I attempted to send into the group chat. I know that because it was 'in house' or 'behind closed doors' that you may think I may use it as an excuse for my actions but in reality, it's not. Regardless of who it was directed towards, who could've witnessed it and most importantly who it could've offended, makes it all the more inexcusable. Again, I know what I said can upset and harm many individuals if they were to see it or if I directed it towards them but I would never do such thing in a hateful manner. I know these lazy approaches for silly reasons along with 'jokes' can be a tell of character in the long run but for myself I strongly believe against this. I am in no way that type of person and again apologise for going about my own selfish problems in a selfish way.

I believe myself to be a good roleplayer in the community and for the many years of being here, seen hundreds and maybe even thousands of people come and go. All to which of course there were some bad eggs in that bunch, but many are still here to this day. I believe that they would advocate for me with the points I have made based on the character they know me to be. Whether they have took a disliking to me or not, in or out of character for whatever reason, to discredit the roleplayer I am (and I know all of my interactions haven't been perfect) is something I believe only a handful of people would express. This leads me to the point of my addition to the server, my contribution, my commitment and whatever else in a positive manner that you deem to be necessary in a good standing member of the community, I strongly believe I uphold and add to. Overwhelmingly positive or neutral in my existence of being a part of RPUK. I have ventured into many roleplaying storylines where some of which I have thoroughly enjoyed and some more than others. All to which I can say puts a damper on everything when I have landed myself in this position that I never thought I'd be in.

Please take what I'm about to say as an extension on the above and not as an excuse to why I should be unbanned. Thank you.

Throughout my time on the server I have (to my goldfish memory knowledge) only been banned once, maybe twice? I cannot remember for the life of me and please correct me if I am wrong. The ban I can remember which was only a 1 day ban, was within the first year of myself being on the server to which I can be transparent as always and say that I did not know the rules to the extent of which I should've. The only other ban and again was for only 1 day was still a long time ago. To be honest it's been so long so I could be talking nonsense with details but I think the first was power gaming and the second was common sense? But the second may have been only a warning? Again, I'm not sure.

Anyways, regardless of that I bring the point up because this is my first permanent ban. I haven't gone through the fair ban system of course as I haven't been a repeating offender. Neither have I received a permanent ban straight off the bat. So, with that being said, I would like to tie this point to the previous few paragraphs that highlight my character.

I believe I should be unbanned with the above being mentioned. If I was to get unbanned, I would continue where I left off before I decided to cause an issue for myself and in which, continue to enjoy and add to the community.

I would like the opportunity to one day have the dramatic fairy-tale ending of me flying away on a private jet from Los Santos Airport (for good this time) and eventually leave the server when I am done in a manner to be remembered by. I can only put my hands up in admittance for my poor decision making and believe that staff will look at this appeal and take my word as my promise. I extend my apology once again.

I believe I have said enough to explain all fronts and answer any questions you may have had. But of course with that being said, if there are any in addition I would be glad to answer.



Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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