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Unban Appeal - Cekoja - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Cekoja 

In-game Name: Ceko Koja

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: --

Ban ID: not sure

Reason given for your ban: RDM

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Hello Roleplay UK Staff,

I was banned a while back for RDM. There had been a situation where I believed myself and my friend was disrespected by another and I had killed him. After some dispute in tickets and what not, staff had explained to me that I had not given good enough RP/or not enough RP to be able to kill him and in hindsight they was correct and I agree with their decision to ban me. I agree I was hot headed with my decision to instantly kill somebody who disrespected my friend whereas whilst reflecting back on the situation now I understand that there was many different avenues of roleplay to be executed for example; taking him hostage, making a deal with him, or come back later and extend the roleplay scenario.

Why should we unban you ?: In the midst of getting banned I have taken some time off gaming and whilst returning back to the UK and trying out different servers, I have realised the high expectations and qualties that are installed within the Roleplay UK Community are the very reason which make the server so great and prosperous. After a few run ins with "RDM" in this server, I believe I am well equipped to learn from my mistakes of haste desicions to resort to violence and broaden my decisions to create more fun roleplay scenerios for all parties involved. I do apologise for the way I shortened the roleplay for resorting to violence and I can only promise to improve on my RP skills and I wish to showcase it to you guys if I get unbanned.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Steam ID:  76561198410814731
Ban ID: 11907

You were unbanned on the 13th of February, following; 

Where you agreed to; 
- Given your record, if you are banned again within 6 months. You will be given a 6 month cooldown, do you agree? 

And then you end up being banned on the 26th of February...you lasted 13 days....
Ban, after ban, after ban, after ban. 

How many chances do you need before you learn? 


After a long time away, I have understood the importance of rules within the roleplay servers, for a start I have reread the rules once again to refresh myself so I could not make the same mistakes as I used to. I believe when it comes down to the RDM, I am currently more equipped to not make haste decisions on resorting to violence and exploring better avenues of roleplay for the sake of everybodys enjoyment. 

I can only apologise for my previous mistakes, and hope that this time I can prove to you that I have learned from them and will be working towards improving other roleplay stories.

I have reread the rules once again to refresh myself so I could not make the same mistakes as I used to.
From your last appeal:

I assure you that after reading the rules once again if given a second chance I will learn from my previous mistakes and roleplay to the best of my ability as I have always attempted. I understand that me breaking this rule goes against the core values of the server and it would mean ruining the city and the servers reputation. Once again now that I have been made aware of such rules and reading along all the other ones I understand what I must do to not break any of these rules again.
You've already done this and got banned 13 days later. Why is this going to be any different?

Sorry for the late response,

I understand where you are coming from and I understand the severity of my actions. I had made a mistake with a rule previously where I had not fully understood the rule hence my ban initially. With RDM,  I can promise to improve the quality of RP I provide when I do intend to execute people and try to venture out to different pathways of roleplay instead of resorting to haste decisions such as executions.

I do apologise as even though some words was exchanged in my latest ban; after talks with admins and reviewing everything myself I now understand why I should be giving much higher quality roleplay before executing especially as someone who had been on the server for a long time. 

Why should we even keep entertaining this?

I believe you're in the top 5% of players that have been banned the most in a short time in this community.

If we decide to let you back, will you keep providing piss poor RP?

I think it may be time for certain conditions...

In all fairness, I haven't really been on an FBS system as I didn't see it get used on me. (Not to mention a long ban I had served for no reason)

I made a mistake with a rule that I didn't completely understand hence my initial 6 month ban, and I got hot headed and didnt provide enough RP prior to an execution in a scenario.

Needless to say, its well known that I don't provide "Piss Poor RP" majority of the time, and it was just a poor slip of judgement as I felt I was seriously offended when spoken to in my last ban which led to me making a bad decision which I have apologised for and assure you that I will try to improve on.

At the end of the day, I'm looking for a second chance to prove that I wont let myself slip in terms of getting angry and executing without providing proper RP acceptable within the community. Once again, I apologise and I'd appreciate another opportunity.

(Not to mention a long ban I had served for no reason)
It wasn't entirely for no reason. We were safeguarding, and it was removed as we found no foul play.

Needless to say, its well known that I don't provide "Piss Poor RP" majority of the time, and it was just a poor slip of judgement as I felt I was seriously offended when spoken to in my last ban which led to me making a bad decision which I have apologised for and assure you that I will try to improve on.
Known by whom?

I understand safe guarding, however regardless to say I did serve a few months for entirely no reason which is quite unfair on my behalf alongside I dont think FBS was used on me (I could be wrong but I'm not too sure on that entirely). I'm not a bad roleplayer, nor a "fragger". I interact alot with the community even outside my gang or circle of people when I am in game and I don't just go around giving poor quality RP. 

If your trying to paint the picture that I am a shit roleplayer then you haven't interacted with me much within the game, and your going off stuff not within the game. I'm not sure how to answer your question as "whom". I know the player I was within the game, and I'm sure that the people who would have seen me in game and interacted with me regurarly and not so much regurarly will definetly not say that I give out "piss poor rp" constantly and I'm sure people would have enjoyed their time interacting with me.

I came here to apologise for my actions, and try to show you that after 6 months of serving my ban for my mistakes and hot headedness, with time off from the game I have bettered myself and matured to where I think I am able to expand and improve my roleplaying alltogether and avoid scenarios where I resort to violence without the adequate roleplay needed.

I dont want to feel like I'm being attacked or belittling my time in RPUK with my mistake of a hot headed RDM to which I sat out my ban for; in the forums whilst I am trying to return to the community we both love and play.

I understand safe guarding, however regardless to say I did serve a few months for entirely no reason which is quite unfair on my behalf alongside I dont think FBS was used on me (I could be wrong but I'm not too sure on that entirely).
C1.6 (Community Bans) are not FBS bans due to the fact, that you were removed from the community. Nevertheless, talking about that ban is irrelevant at this point.

If your trying to paint the picture that I am a shit roleplayer then you haven't interacted with me much within the game, and your going off stuff not within the game. I'm not sure how to answer your question as "whom". I know the player I was within the game, and I'm sure that the people who would have seen me in game and interacted with me regurarly and not so much regurarly will definetly not say that I give out "piss poor rp" constantly and I'm sure people would have enjoyed their time interacting with me.
I have interacted with you, and your friends quite a lot. Your record isn't exactly painting a picture of someone who provides High Quality roleplay at all times.

I came here to apologise for my actions, and try to show you that after 6 months of serving my ban for my mistakes and hot headedness, with time off from the game I have bettered myself and matured to where I think I am able to expand and improve my roleplaying alltogether and avoid scenarios where I resort to violence without the adequate roleplay needed.
You have apologised, it is noted and we hope that after all these months that you will learn from it. No-one wishes to be forcefully removed from playing a game for a few weeks, nevermind 6 months.

I dont want to feel like I'm being attacked or belittling my time in RPUK with my mistake of a hot headed RDM to which I sat out my ban for; in the forums whilst I am trying to return to the community we both love and play.
I'm sorry if you feel that this is how I am coming across as it is not how I mean to portray text to you.


What do you feel that you'll get up to most on the server, if you were unbanned?

What activities, who will you be meeting up with, which groups will you be joining if any? Do you fancy any faction roleplay with different characters? Please go into it

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I was on about the 6 months I had gotten prior, however I agree that talking about previous bans is not useful. 

I personally don't remember interacting with your character in game however, if you did not enjoy your time with me then I apologise and I'll try to improve. I also appreciate your apology.

Moving forward, I haven't really decided if I will be joining any groups as im not really up to date with the server much and I am not sure whats going on within it. If I get a chance, I will probably have a feel for the server and see what the best route for me would be. I will obviously join, and catch up with the people my character "Ceko" would have been in game with. I'll probably have to find a new house as I would have lost my current one alongside with my items in it. Other than that, I haven't really put much thought into who I would join or what groups I will be around considering I geniunly don't know where everybody is at and how the server is at this current point of time.

I will obviously join, and catch up with the people my character "Ceko" would have been in game with.
Can you go into who these people are, please?

Your other characters:

  • Blake Hoxha
  • Cekolotti Moretti
  • Koja Shahwah

What was the previous plan for these characters (Excluding the Moretti character 😉) and what do you think these characters can do in the future? (Including the Moretti character 😉)

My Blake character was in the Police Force but I had gotten removed because I was out of the country for 4 months, and I haven't resumed police roleplay on it once I had my role removed.

I cannot remember my Koja Shahwah character, but I don't think I will be using it, I don't have any intentions of building a storyline with it.

On my Ceko character, his old circle of people would have been the ballas so obviously I would catch up with them and decide my next steps once I get up to date with the city develoments.

My biggest fear is that if we unban you, how are we certain that you will not be banned again in 13 days like before. 
What is it that you think keeps getting you in trouble? Is it bad judgement, getting carried away? 

If given a chance back this will come with conditions.
- If you're banned again within the next 6 months, a minimum of 3 months cooldown. 
- I want you to explore other avenues of roleplay, clearly being a gangster keeps getting you in trouble, I think it's time to try G6, NHS, Police.
- I do not want to see you near  gang-rp / crim-rp for at least 2 months.  

Let's see if all of these conditions will help you thrive, or will be your ultimate downfall. 

Regarding my most recent ban, I think it was bad judgement in regards to different peoples life experiences in actual real life; I didn’t take into account that some people may not understand the weight of some words and with time not taking that into account I should of not switched to violence and I should have taken all things into considerations and produced proper roleplay as expected from RPUK.

With your conditions for my unban, I will agree to them but I would like to make it known that I will be using my main character as I would like to progress it and get back onto my feet rather than roleplaying in NHS / Police force as I have no desire to do such (I have tried policing and I don’t have the time to commit to certain hours and remembering all of the policing acts etc on top of that I didn’t really enjoy it). My intentions was not to jump into gang activity anyway, I didn't want to join any gangs instantly on my return so this is a good condition for me. I will try to take the legal route, and socialize and try to progress my character. 

I do agree to these conditions, and I can only promise to fulfill them to the best of my ability and stay out of trouble to prove it to you guys.

Hello there, sorry for the late reply. 
I will give you a second-second chance, and the conditions will apply IMMEDIATELY on your unban as of today. 

It's more of I want to see you explore other avenues of roleplay, maybe G6, maybe even RP as mechanic with Auto, Tire? They're pretty lenient and fun! 
I do not want you near any gang-rp / crim-rp 

Your current Conditions + Default Condition
- If you're banned again within the next 6 months, a minimum of 3 months cooldown appeal cooldown.
- I want you to explore other avenues of roleplay, clearly being a gangster keeps getting you in trouble, I think it's time to try G6, NHS, Police.
- I do not want to see you near  gang-rp / crim-rp for at least 2 months.  

Default Condition
- Any ban in the next 6 months will be a permanent ban. 

Welcome back, I do hope we won't see each-other here again. ^^

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Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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