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Unban Appeal - chris hansen - Altis Life

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chris hansen

none of you're bee's wax's
Unban Appeal for chris hansen 

In-game Name: chris hansen

Server: Altis Life

Steam ID: 76561198150303623

The date you got banned: 04/19/20

Member of the team that banned you: Drew

Reason given for your ban: annoying and messaged player because things didn't go my way

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i didn't agree with someone i was making a big deal out of nothing typing to him alot and i was fairy banned it was my fault didn't see that then do now

Why should we unban you ?: iv been playing for years and been on gtarp one since banned i play rp well and play along i dont make myself the star or break rp even if the other person not and been banned for a year gave myself some time away from arma rp and can bring alot to rp on altis still support this server even if im still banned just need to try

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @chris hansen

Having just looked at your notes, I'm going to go ahead and deny this appeal. You didn't just disagree with someone, you went out of your way to abuse our staff members too. If you want any chance of your next appeal I would recommend actually admitting to what you did and putting some effort in. Our staff work hard, they work on a voluntary basis, and they are not here to be abused when things don't go your way.


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