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Unban Appeal - ChrisGM - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for ChrisGM 

In-game Name: Chris Reece

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199007121006

Ban ID: !!rpuk14387!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Hello, it has been a long time since my ban on the server and since my ban appeal which I got told I have to wait a month to do one. Just for a little rundown of what happened I was on my first day (2nd time) and some people started beef with me and my friend, after we lost the fight while being unconscious I was cuffed and put in a trunk of a vehicle, then after a long time of driving, based of what I heard the car was thrown in the water with me in it, I waited some time and I only had like a minute until respawn, no one was there and I was alone for a long time (atleast I thought based of what I could hear). I am being truly honest, I was not aware that it was not allowed to disconnect there, I got called to go cs2 with some friends and because I was on the server quite a while I thought it would not be a problem (I legit did not even think about it) and went off.

Why should we unban you ?: I was new on the server and I was still getting familiar with the rules, especially after all the time that has passed I have taken my time to read the server rules way more carefully and understood them way better, my intention was not to break the server rules or do harm to anyones experience on here, I legit wanna play the server to have some good and fun time on here. I am also sorry to anyone that was involved if my disconnect ruined any roleplay scenario or anything, I truly did not think there was a problem if I disconnected, obviously no behaviour like this is going to be repeated and I will be way more careful from now on.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good morning @ChrisGM, I hope all is well! 🙂

Did you read the rules before joining the first time? I'm not fully sure why you'd disconnect whilst downed, what did you expect would happen when you next logged back on?
If you could help me understand the thought process, it would be greatly appreciated!

I look forward to your response.

Hello @Danooand thank you for your reply. I am not going to lie to you, it has been a long time and I dont fully remember the situation. When I did play the server I did go over the rules of course but not into much detail cause I play roleplay servers in games a lot and I know that most of the rules and their depth come with experience, probably my mistake for not reading them well enough. As for your other questions, as I remember I was thrown in the ocean blindfolded and tied up in a car and I could hear nothing (I was not dying) for quite a long time and I began to think that nobody was coming and I was legit being trolled and that everyone left me there forever (I did not think that there was any kind of roleplay still going on), I did not think much of it and because I had to get off I did and went to sleep. I tried connecting the next day and to my surprise I was banned. 

Of course what happened is wrong and I shouldn't have disconnected, and since my ban I did go over the rules multiple times to understand them better and more in depth. 

Good afternoon @ChrisGM, thanks for the response! 🙂

The rule of C2.3 is as follows: "Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first)."

The part I've highlighted in white is what applies to you logging out whilst in the ocean, you had been dumped within roleplay and it was clear that you would need to respawn from this incident.
What was your plan the next day when you were going to log back on? 

Hello @Danoo

Thank you for highlighting the rule I have broken for me, as I said I know what I did is wrong and I would not be doing the same if that situation happened again. To answer your question when I got on the next day my plan was to get to startup more like get a good job, make money, meet more people and just in general get to know the server more and get some progress going on for my character. 

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Good morning @ChrisGM!

What is your plan if you're able to return to the server....

What character(s) are you planning to play?
What fun/interesting roleplay can you provide here? 

Hello again @Danoo

If I were to return to the server I am thinking of starting fresh probably with a new character or look on what status Chris Reece is on and go from there (I do not remember anything on the character). Most likely start fresh, other than that I would really get to know the server more since I did not really get the time to look at all the job opportunities and everything. I would like to maybe one day join the police department and start a career over there since I like police roleplay but I am not sure. As of roleplay, I can provide good roleplay in any situation that may occur and will try my best to have fun along with the other players on the server. 

Good evening @ChrisGM, thanks for the response! 🙂

I'm happy enough to give you another chance on the server, this is currently the only ban you hold on record and I hope it remains this way.
Please do not waste your chance here, any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as per the Fair Ban System.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

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