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Unban Appeal - coleyflower307 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for coleyflower307 

In-game Name: cole mcluvin

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199151629904

Ban ID: !!rpuk10139!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: because i logged out combat logged

Why should we unban you ?: First of all i would like to say i sincerely apologize to all the roleplay staff i know what i did was wrong and there is no excuses for it but i thought the officer said i could deal with it tommorow as i had no time to play as i had to handle something in real life but i now know only to play when i have time and i want to start taking my roleplay serious on ur amazing server and i have read the rules fully this time and now understand them perfectly thankyou for taking time out of ur day to read this forum and i hope i can get another chance on your brilliant server.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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i know what i did was wrong and there is no excuses for it

So a staff member was trying to give you advice and you decide to go off in discord saying you was banned for no reason etc. In this appeal you have suddenly switched that onto it's head saying you know what you did was wrong? Why should you get another chance on the server? What can you add to the server if unbanned? 

i apologize for saying that to staff i was just really angry and there is no excuse for that but if i get unbanned i will bring positiveness and serious roleplay onto this amazing server as i want to become a big criminal with my friends and maybe even start a gang  also i should get another chance as i have changed my attitude towards rp for the better 

So, Ive just gone back and re-read over your conversation with our staff member and frankly your attitude is disgusting. Question, how old are you?

Well due to you bumping your appeal multiple times it will now be locked for three days! 

I'd suggest you read up on the appeal guidelines. 

You were told by Stuart to read up on the appeal guidelines, evidently given your message on Stuarts page, you've not done this.

 If you're not going to be able to read, understand, and follow the most basic of Unban Appeal Rules, then how are we to expect you to be able to follow our game server rules?

3 days clearly weren't enough, so take another 3 days. 

Your unban appeal today will be denied and if you wish to resubmit an appeal you cannot do it until 3/11/2022 and no sooner.


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