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Unban Appeal - cv23richards23 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for cv23richards23 

In-game Name: paddy lee

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199466790431

Ban ID: !!rpuk12084!!

Reason given for your ban: for breaking multiple rules

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i had been banned for threatening to report a player going way out of roleplay multiple times i guess as such i began to power game rather than role play mixing up the realities of my actions.

Why should we unban you ?: may i just start with i do not blame the ban i feel i maybe need time to cool off i do get heated in these situations i had felt hard done a rather than just enjoying the moment an carrying on making a enjoyable roleplay moment i acted on emotions an as such wouldn't comply and overall ruined the moment for others. after speaking with staff who ever the kind gentle man was to give me there time (45mins) of time which is more than i deserved he had broke down multiple situations in my past where i have done wrong i have broke rules and that you have tried steering me in the right path to u better my self which i understand i have tried by tweaking the life of my fictional character in the city to make it more in depth which i feel ive learnt from my mistakes i can only ask the same again i feel a perm ban is a little unfair i would be happy if you would considering removing it or lowering it after reading this. i feel as much as i have read the rules i still struggle to understand them until im physically in the moment i guess i miss interpret how the situation would be ive learnt from my past mistakes so i know im capable of doing the same again an trying to provide a better role play environment for everyone i thank the staff member who spoke to me again he did really help me as i had alot of the city's basic knowledge miss interrupted i hold my hands up an im no innocent person but i ll allways try learn an do better.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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(IF I WAS UNBANNED) I  would definitely take every action i do in the city from drinking a smoothie to a heavy police encounter with  alot more maturity and respect  an overall realism   i am the  first to hold my hands up when i know ive done wrong an i admit after spending many hours flicking from this report  page  and the rule page im certain if i was to return to the city i would have a better understanding of how to deal with the repeated situation i seem to find myself in... which is down  to my lack of control  in the moments im sure you  can understand at the end of the day  we are all human  and all  are here for the same reasons to engage and create an atmosphere that is close in comparison to the real  world i would like to make an apologies to anybody (staff or anybody)  i have been difficult with i am trying my hardest to adapt fast to the city and all though ive started bumpy it will be a smoother road  from now  all though  ive had many issues in my little over a  month here is  because im dedicated with  many hours  daily i can get  caught up in the emotions of situations and will focus on making sure  this wont happen  again. 

Locked for 3 days due to bumping the appeal.

It does seem like that you are not really here for the right reasons. Rulebreak after rulebreak making the time spent on you almost a waste of time.
You can appeal again in 6 months from your original ban date - That would be 14/9/2023.


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