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Unban Appeal - Daniel-Son - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Daniel-Son 

In-game Name: Danny Harris

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199144986487

Ban ID: !!rpuk14541!!

Reason given for your ban: PEGI/ belief of ban evading

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I believe my ban was due to a miscommunication between staff and myself during a ticket.

The ban evading section of the ban was issued, due to the belief that I was indeed the person a while ago for PEGI. However, I would like to reiterate that I am not said person and am over the age of 18. (20y) at first, I thought it had something to do with Jonny nox brother (I don't know his in-game name) he got banned for PEGI as his son went on his account on RP and got him banned, what I know of anyway but then, later on, I found out from Jonny nox that the account you sent me (wazzam) was his sons, aka Billy stevens little brother. I don't know if his little brother has been on RPUK or anything like that as I don't have him as a friend on Steam/discord. what I do know is that I'm not the 14-year-old and I do not speak to him often or have anything to do with him outside of family gatherings (Christmas/ birthday/other family gatherings).

Why should we unban you ?: I believe I should be unbanned as I'm 20 years of age, I was born in 2003 and I am happy to prove this anyway I can without breaching GDPR, I would happily sit on a call with staff whilst I've got my camera on or show my id on my camera whiles also showing my face so you know it's me. I've spent 1000 hours into RPUK and This is my first and only RP server I have ever played on, I've only been banned once which was for a 1-day due NLR which I fully accepted and have tried to better myself since.
I would like to also mention that i have very much enjoyed the short time I have spent playing RPUK and would hate to see that time cut short due to a misunderstanding, I believe I have provided some fairly decent RP and believe i can still be a good asset to Marabunta and RPUK as a whole

I apologize if any of the miscommunication was caused due to myself, I am not the greatest at explaining myself via text/messages. If staff require I am happy to jump into TS (If I work out how to use it) or Discord. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Right, there is a whole lot of information in a lot of places with this ban. Now, to make this a little easier i would like you to explain from top to bottom as though i/we have no idea why you are banned. Type that here, then once that is done head to Teamspeak to speak with a member of staff and link this ban. 

The staff member there will be able to read what you have put and we can continue the appeal from there. 

Good morning, @Daniel-Son!

Please respond to this appeal soon else it may be timed out. 

hi Charles thank you for getting back to me just so u know I have bad dyslexia so u might not understand some parts if u don't just get back to me and I'll try to explain the best I can 

to start off it was the 27/10/23 I went on in the morning at about 12ish i was on till the 2 o'clock storm then jumped on after the storm till about 3 then had to go out later on when I got back about 5ish I turned my pc on and loaded up 5m and tried flying in the server but then it comes up saying I was banned didnt say the reason why so I made a ticket as I had no idear as to why I was banned a staff member got strate back to me to great me and help me out and find out the reason I was banned then the staff sent me a steam link to a steam account what I have never seen before and said now the time to tell me the truth I was so confussed because I didnt no who it was at the time later on a family member who use to play rpuk told me who it was the staff member got mixed up and fort the account was me and I was trying to ban avade for being pegi because the steam account that he sent me some of my friends/ family on steam was friends with the person. the person that they are on about is one of my family members and i guess he got banned for being Pegi i don't really speak to this person so I don't know if he actually did get banned or anything to do with Pegi or ban evading but the staff member fort i was the 14yr old boy but I am not im 20yr im happy to sit in call with my camera on and have a chat with use and i will be able to explain the whole situation abit better to use over call as my righting/messaging is really bad lol. And again thank you for your time and thank you for getting back to me. and again I dont really know how to use Teamspeak as I'm newish to PC would we be able to do  this in Discord if not no worries ill get someone to help me 

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Good evening @Daniel-Son, we can understand this just fine so not to worry 🙂

If you are unaware of how Teamspeak works then it is possible for us to have a chat over Discord if absolutely necessary. 
Please can I ask you to open a Discord ticket and link this appeal, any staff member will be able to have this chat with you before we proceed with the appeal. 

HI danoo doing it in discord would be great as i dont know how to work teamspeak i will open a ticket now thanks 

hi lil ive already made a ticket and spoke to them thankyou anyway 

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Hello there @Daniel-Son

Let´s go from top to bottom and please try to explain each point as best and as structured as you can:

You were linked to a banned PEGI player, whom you have no idea who that is.
You provided a Steam account and stated that it is your brother, despite that Steam account not sharing the same IP as you.
There is another Steam account linked to you, shares the same IP as you, but has the same Steam name as your "brother"?
You share your PC, and your accounts with a banned C1.6'd player Aka GetSky aka Billy Stevens.
The 14 year old who is banned, and that you're linked too is Steam friends with GetSky (Billy Stevens) dad.

HI Sammy just wanna say thank you for getting back to me and that I will try to explain it as best as I can.

so to start off with I didn't know who the banned player was as I had never seen The Steam account before but then later on I was explaining to a family member who you know as Jonny Nox why I got banned and I was telling him I didn't know who the person was. then he said he got him as a friend and that it was his son Billy Steven's little brother. I don't speak to his little brother so I didnt even know that he played rpuk or had pc.

The Steam account that I provided is my brother and the only reason we don't have the same IP is that we don't live together he has his own house and we just game share as he has had a PC a lot longer then me and has a lot more games.

the other account that you are on about is his other account he has 2 I use that one too but he hardly uses that account so I might have been the last one logged in and that's why its got the same IP address as mine.

only I have access to my account Don't share it with Billy only when he comes over we have a drink and play games together we do not go on rpuk as its a risk of me getting banned and I didn't want that to happen as I enjoyed rpuk.

and the reason Billy's dad is friends with the banned account is because they are family and they all play other games together.

hen he said he got him as a friend and that it was his son Billy Steven's little brother. I don't speak to his little brother so I didnt even know that he played rpuk or had pc

only I have access to my account Don't share it with Billy only when he comes over we have a drink and play games together we do not go on rpuk as its a risk of me getting banned and I didn't want that to happen as I enjoyed rpuk.
Do they contradict each other or have i missed something?

What we essentially want to know, if you were to be unbanned. Is there any way that any other person would have any access to your steam/game or PC for them to play on their own accounts? Will anyone else have the ability to pose as you or ruin your chances of playing here again?

Hi Charles thank you for getting back to me I will try to explain as best as I can.

so for the first question you, asked that was pretty much all that was said as there were quite a few of us in the discord chat so didn't talk about it much just that it was his son Billy's little brother and that he had him as a friend on steam.

yes sorry didn't mean it like that i mean when Billy comes around we play games like Cod and games like that, not RP as I didn't want to get banned due to liking RP and I know that it could have led to me being banned. and to answer your question no one has access to my computer and the only person who has access to my Steam account is my brother as we game share but he doesn't play RP anymore as he doesn't enjoy it so he wouldn't ever go on 5m.

I hope this helps a little trying to explain it as best as I can thank you for taking the time to respond.     

So when Billy comes around has he ever logged into his accounts on your computer?

Even if only once.

Another question, even though you've stated your little brother doesn't like roleplay. What's to say in a week or a month he fancies another go? 
People can go through phases, and rekindle lost enthusiasm. Have a bout of nostalgia from one good memory.
What do you have in place to stop him from accessing your account here? 
It doesn't sound like much.

Hi, I hope u are well Thank you for getting back to me so quickly to answer your question' yes he has logged in on his account to game share with me as he has got most of the cods and I've got none of the old ones but that is it. 

and to answer your other question it is my older brother and if he ever did want to go back to playing RP he has his own account so he would go on his account but as I said his RP days are over so I don't think he would come back but would be great if he did 

Alrighty then, may the christmas spirit be with you!

And be careful with who you give access to your steam games to!

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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