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Unban Appeal - DelportGeorge - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for DelportGeorge 

In-game Name: George Delport

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198994151616

Ban ID: rpuk#4722

Reason given for your ban: C1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I asked my brothers friends who were playing with him at that time on what happened after I left it turns out he had lied to me. Turns out my brother was also saying the n word after being killed and that's what lead to my account being banned.

Why should we unban you ?: I will make sure my brother cant go on my computer again ive already had a chat with him about what happened and he still just keeps denying it I am really sorry for what he had said .

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Turns out my brother was also saying the n word after being killed and that's what lead to my account being banned.
Oh so your brother was saying it but you didn't know despite sitting next to him whilst being in a call on your laptop with your friend that you mentioned in your previous appeal? 

And I quote from your previous appeal "During and before this time I was in a call with one of my friends on my laptop"

If you was there "During and before" it happened you would have already knew that your brother was saying it right?

Yes I was with my brother then during the whole incident when he was in the car with them assholes then but when he got tased or shot I left and went downstairs for a drink I also said this as well and when  I came back up my account was banned 

Edit: also some of the stuff I put after he died was was stuff he told me so it might not be true 

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Yeah. I ain't going to waste any more time entertaining this appeal. 

Denied. Appeal in 6 months. If you do try and appeal in 6 months, be honest from the start.

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