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Unban Appeal - DeShawnBlack - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for DeShawnBlack 

In-game Name: DeShawn Black

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: --

Ban ID: rpuk10720

Reason given for your ban: G1.8, G2.3, C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Okay so I my friend was stabbed and killed by a woman and man who I later believed to have identified when and killed them.. It was obviously Mistaken Identity case and I am sorry for that, I should have taken more time to speak to the people and discover if it was actually them, I just thought they sounded similar and was outrageous.. They found me again later which I believe they broke NLR or Metagamed as I dumped his body in the ocean, took his comms and left him for dead but aparently got 'saved' somehow from an IMPOSSIBLE place to be found... (Bottom of deep ocean)

They killed me anyway afterwards and were all sat on my body mocking me and after around 5 minutes I disconnected due to the toxicity and boredom.. My plan was to not come back on for a day or longer so I just decided to leave and come back another day but it obviously went deeper than that, not realising I couldn't leave is why i did it... I didn't do it to save anything or that because I didn't have nothing of value, check... I just did it due to sat there laying dead while they mock me I couldn't be bothered to be fair.

Why should we unban you ?: Because I want to come back and enjoy the server again, having over read the rules now I just want to play correctly and connect with some good people in the city!

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

  G1.8 - Fail Driving - Players should respect road laws and follow them unless in a situation which endangers their life or being arrested. This is to ensure that everybody isn't FailRPing and driving unrealistically to just cause problems and possibly hurt someone!

G2.3 - Roleplay Everything - To stay in character and not speak about any OOC things even using the /ooc command. This is to ensure proper roleplay and stop anything affecting situations play out to make it fair.

C2.3 - Combat Logging - To not leave the server whilst still in a situation, even when dead. This is to ensure people play the full life of their character and so the situation is not voided as it is just stupid. People could also use this to save items etc so it should be restricted.

"I just did it due to sat there laying dead while they mock me I couldn't be bothered to be fair."
In your own words, you just could not be bothered, why should I be bothered to give you a second chance? What has changed in the time you have had off, and are you really here to roleplay?

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I couldnt be bothered because they were all sat on my body trolling me and I had 10 minutes to wait and had to leave? The difference is I am not trolling and wasting your time. I would like to become part of the community that's all I can say, I am here to roleplay I have months of gametime on roleplay servers on Garry's Mod & Other games and just want to expand my roleplay knowledge and have fun. Consider it please, all I can say has been said.

@DeShawnBlackI will give you a chance to prove yourself, I have spoken to you before in the past about rule breaks and you have taken on the advice. Consider this your only chance, because if you find yourself here again it will not be as easy to convince me that you are aware of the rules.

Take some time to read the rules once more, play and have fun.

Merry Christmas.

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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