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Unban Appeal - Don Berna - GTA RP

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Active member
West Midlands, UK
Unban Appeal for Don Berna 

In-game Name: Rhys Rodriguez

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198837410876

Ban ID: !!RPUK12216!!

Reason given for your ban: C 2.2, G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: The reason my account was banned was due to a violation of rule C2.2 and Rule G2.9. These rules are in place to ensure RPUK is kept to its highest standard in terms of RP. Rule G2.9, in my opinion, is one of the most important rules devs and staff have put in place. It prevents the transfer of property, money or items between characters. If this rule wasn't in place, this wouldn't be an RP server. It would just be treating it like a normal game, which it isn't. Rule C 2.2 is in place to enforce fairness and to provide every character in the city equal opportunities and fairness.

Why should we unban you ?: I want to start by saying, I did not do this. I protest my innocence and I appreciate you taking the time to hear me out. Yesterday, I was at University , I have my timetable to prove it. I didn't log on after Uni yesterday either, as I have an assignment due in at the end of the month, something I can also prove. I finished my assignment earlier today and decided to go on RPUK. I was greeted with a statement saying I had been banned for the above offences.

I have been a member of the RPUK community for around a year, I have never faced a report or ever been in any conflict with staff. I have 4 characters. Sergio Sanchez was my first character, I have not been on that character for months as I decided to go down a different avenue with my characters in RP. My second character, who I regularly use, is Rhys. He is my most used character in the city. I have provided good RP with various groups of people in the city with this character. My third character is Miguel who will soon be a police officer pending interview. He passed the application and is awaiting interview. My fourth character is my newest, Sergio Rodriguez. He has just been accepted as a solicitor and is now looking for an interview. The reason I am saying this is because I know what different characters are for and the reason that we are provided with 4 characters.

I have never, in the year ive been a member of RPUK, moved stuff across characters for another characters gain. This renders the game pointless, there is no RP involved and so is pointless, unless you are in RPUK for the wrong reasons. Like I said, ive been a member for almost a year and I have no motivation, after that year, to suddenly switch and start moving things across characters or exploiting. Like I said, it renders my characters pointless. It does not make sense as to why I would do this.

I would really like to see, if its not too much bother, the evidence of which I was banned as I have no idea what it was I was 'exploiting' or 'transferring'. If it was an automated ban, I only have one theory, assuming the automated system was correct.

The PC I used to play FiveM is in a shared room downstairs, and the PC is shared with my brother. He regularly watches me play RPUK and observes what's going on, so he has a basic understanding of the server. He never uses my characters or goes on FIveM, but does play a lot of GTA when I'm at Uni. My only theory is that he went on one of my characters while I was out. I'm not stupid. This is unproveable to staff and I have no evidence for this claim, but its the only thing I can think of, unless the ban was a mistake. I have texted my brother but with no reply as he is currently working night shifts so I wont get an answer today.

I have nothing else to say, I have been a member for almost a year, and it makes no sense for me, after a year, to suddenly start exploiting or transferring with no previous reports or bans. I welcome any questions and thank you for reading.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Why should we unban you ?: I want to start by saying, I did not do this. I protest my innocence and I appreciate you taking the time to hear me out. Yesterday, I was at University , I have my timetable to prove it. I didn't log on after Uni yesterday either, as I have an assignment due in at the end of the month, something I can also prove. I finished my assignment earlier today and decided to go on RPUK. I was greeted with a statement saying I had been banned for the above offences.
You were online at the time that you broke this rule and the ban being placed. Due to the fact that you're lying about it doesn't fill me with confidence.

Be honest in your next appeal.


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