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Unban Appeal - Dore Dore - Altis Life

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Dore Dore

New member
Unban Appeal for Dore Dore 

In-game Name: Dore

Server: Altis Life + teamspeak

Steam ID: 76561198092138854

The date you got banned: 03/01/21

Member of the team that banned you: Keir

Reason given for your ban: 1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Someone said Islam was radical implying that there was something wrong with my religion and I said "I don't know what goes on in your shitty country to think that..." then he told me to fuck off and that he was scared and I said "you fuckin should be saying stuff like that" and then I was dragged out and banned

Why should we unban you ?: I don't know why I couldn't have just been spoken to like a human being

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Why should we unban you ?: I don't know why I couldn't have just been spoken to like a human being
Quite ironic the way you spoke to the guy and then decided to threaten him as well. Saving you some time here, your appeal as it's stands has no chance of being unbanned. So i'd suggest you reflect on everything you said and done and actually put some effort into your next appeal if you wish to stand a chance.


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