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Unban Appeal - Dr_Magnet - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Dr_Magnet 

In-game Name: Jazz Magnet

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198189501338

Ban ID: !!rpuk14122!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for the combat logging rule. i believe this was because on the staff point of view it looks like i turned off my internet or ethernet pulled or something along those lines.

Why should we unban you ?: I'll start by explaining what happened. During that entire day, my internet kept going on and off constantly, this is very common for me I'm not sure if you can check back on my previous disconnections but my internet going out is a constant problem and is usually very quick and I can reconnect after a short time but every now and then it goes out for a while. my internet going out is often one of 2 reasons the first being what I use for a connection as my PC doesn't have a Wi-Fi card I use an external one that plugs into the ethernet port and then into a socket usually when my internet goes out for a short period of time it's because of it overheating and just deciding not to work. the second reason although rare is just my internet going out and this usually lasts a while. in this case, it was my internet going out.

I think I should be unbanned because although I technically combat-logged logged it was out of my control I understand internet going out is the most common excuse for someone who combat logged and I understand this looks terrible on my part. I understand that I should have contacted the staff team through a ticket to inform them of what had happened. My not doing this was an oversite on my part I was very tired and I had been up for a long time and I wasn't thinking straight. previously when something like this happened I did make a ticket (I can provide the ticket transcript if needed).

I'm not sure what other information you would like to know so I hope if any questions or concerns arise while reading this appeal you can ask me and I'll try to provide a response as soon as I can. I'm also not sure what you'll think of the week and a half I took before posting this appeal but it was both time to think about what I had done and to just take a break from RPUK as I have spent far more time playing than I care to admit. Thank you very much for taking the time to read through this

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Okay, I am happy to remove the one month cool-down.

However, you will still need to appeal and you will lose the items on your person.

Why did you wait 1 week and a half before posting this?

Hello, Liam thank you for the fast response and for the removal of the one-month cooldown I thoroughly appreciate it. 

To start, I waited a week and a half for several reasons with one of them being me waiting on my ticket to be cleared up so I could receive as much information as possible regarding the situation, as this is my first ban since 2019 and I was unsure of what could've led to the cooldown. After the ticket was closed I started writing my appeal and was unsure if I should wait until the month cool down. I also had a significant amount of work I had to do as well as something happened in my personal life, which meant I had to contact the insurance company and go through a very tedious process, which I'm more than happy to put into a ticket or a TS call as it's personal information which I do not wish to display to the community in which I hope you understand. So, in short, I've not really been on my PC long enough or had enough time to write up my appeal to a high standard, as I didn't want to present you with a half-assed unban. I completely agree to my losing the items on my person, as it's how the RP would've carried out due to the situation my character was in when my Wi-Fi experienced issues.

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Why didn't you bother to let them know about this situation? You were downed, then 4 minutes later you had disconnected...

What if Ballas were going to come and give you some RP?

What if Medics received a ping of a downed person, drove all the way there from Paleto but once they arrived...there was no-one?

There is a lot of What Ifs when it comes to Combat Logging. Now, whilst this may not have been necessarily your fault. It has stopped a lot of roleplay from it.

In the future, what are you going to do if this happens again?

Hello, once again thank you for the fast response and the time taken to read my appeal. 

The reason I didn't let anyone know that my internet has disconnected is mainly due to a genuine mistake on my part. I had expected my internet to return after a short period of time, but it hadn't and alongside this I was tired from work as I work semi remote meaning some is at home and other is in offices. I understand this isn't an excuse and I should always communicate with the other parties and staff to keep everyone up to date on the situation and I can only sincerely apologise for this and assure you that I've learnt from this mistake and know the exact steps to take next time this situation occurs.

What if Ballas were going to come and give you some RP?
I understand the severity of me not communicating the issues as situations like this make what could have turned out to be an enjoyable RP experience for both parties involved a ruined situation due to my actions. They missed out on RP and enjoyment due to me not opening my ticket and I can only apologise in that regard to those involved.

What if Medics received a ping of a downed person, drove all the way there from Paleto but once they arrived...there was no-one?
Once again, I completely understand this being an awful experience for the NHS or Medics if they were to be involved in the situation as they had not only wasted their time driving from the city up to Paleto they would also be missing out on RP.

In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have logged into the server that night as I knew that with my bad connection, there was a possibility of it going out mid-way through the RP and I can confidently say I won't be doing this again if i were to be unbanned. I managed to ruin RP not only for myself but potentially for Ballas, NHS, or even the police who all could have come and continued the RP with me and this was not fair for anyone who could have potentially got involved. So, all I can do is apologize for not contacting anyone after my internet went down. It ruined the RP for so many and that's what we are all here to do.

I understand the severity of my lack of action after the fact and in the future, if my connection becomes like that again I will try my best to avoid anything that could be affected and in the event of my internet going down I will connect to mobile data on my phone and open a ticket to inform the staff of the situation to the full extent. It's also likely that If my internet is facing the same issues as it was on that night I wont log into the server as even though a staff ticket will inform the parties it still ruins the experience at the end of the day as it interrupts the flow of RP.

Once again, I appreciate the time taken to read my appeal.


I've already took the liberty of wiping your inventory from that night.

Please for the future, if you go down whether it was to a player, an NPC, or starved to death and need to disconnect or your internet goes down. Please open a ticket and let us know, this is the first thing we check when we think someone was intentionally Combat Logged.

Now, please be wary that opening a ticket for disconnecting whilst downed wont always save you. If we start to see a pattern that when you are downed with valuable items on you and you disconnect, it wont be good.

Don't make the same mistake twice.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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