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Unban Appeal - EC4 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for EC4 

In-game Name: Carl Davis

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198128273202

Ban ID: 2339

Reason given for your ban: C2.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I exploited out of prison by doing an emote which is completely unacceptable obviously. I did it right in front of an admin just showing I didn't care if I ever got unbanned which was very stupid of me. I also got mad and was toxic towards the prison officer player. I also was being spectated that week while the report was open about me and told the people in prison while we were all talking out of character that I am going to report them for something that I forget the details about us and got banned for a week for threats to report and breaking character.

Why should we unban you ?: I am here once again, this is my 3rd time being perm banned, obviously that's something if I got unbanned the other times but I hope you aren't fed up of having to read my appeals... I got banned about 9 months ago, since then my roleplay has improved massively and I have matured a lot in my opinion, I have been looking for a more serious roleplay server to play on. At the time of the ban I felt like I was being targeted by a lot of players trying to get me banned because of what I was doing in RP so I was fed up of the community. I was being very foolish at the time because I was mainly playing another server and didn't care about this one as much so I was in a call streaming to my friends and I exploited out of prison because in that week I had been sent to prison for like 3000 minutes at least 3 times and I was sick of the long sentencing. In the heat of the moment I knew I was going to be banned so I said some toxic things to the officer which I apologize if I offended him in any way. In prison for the week ban that I received we were all joking punching each other and I literally just said I am going to report you for RDM while laughing so it was clearly a joke but I understand the staff member's reason for banning me. I have fully read all the rules since being banned. If I get unbanned I will try to join police because it is what I have been wanting to do since I joined the server in May 2020 and I want to get involved in serious roleplay. Thanks for reading my appeal

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @EC4

As you have stated, this is your 3rd perm ban. Why? Why do you keep breaking rules? Do you think they have no consequences? Why should I allow you back when you are likely just to take up further staff member time and resources? You were banned around 9 months ago, I fail to see how much you could have changed since then.

@EC4please respond soon or this appeal will time out. 

Sorry for slow reply, I have played a serious RP server for the full time I have been banned and like I said the rules I broke were not at all intentional, they were in the heat of the moment when I was angry and let my emotions affect my RP which I shouldn't have. I promise it won't happen again because I fully understand I will be banned again if I do break the rules again which I won't.

@EC4If you have spent the past 9 month on another serious RP community, why do you want to return to this one? 

I would like to return to this as it is the server I started playing on and the main one I play has lost players. This server also has better scripts and more RP. 

I said the rules I broke were not at all intentional
Having just watched the video of your exploit i am unsure here to what you mean about it not being intentional?

I see a video of you talking with another player about using emotes to escape prison.. how is that not inentional?

You are also saying that you are sick of the long sentencing and felt it was wrong but i have spectated you multiple times in the past and even after your perm bans you didnt change your style of roleplay. You always did the same old same old. Its your own fault the way you have been treated by police and such and you have shown a clear disregard for staffs time here.

Why would we give you a third chance just because another community has fell apart?

I worded that wrong, sorry, I meant that I only did it because I was frustrated but the actual exploit was intentional and I understand now why the sentencing was long so I will be more careful to not get arrested in future. You shouldn't have to give me another chance just because of my main server dying, but instead I should get a chance because of the RP I can bring to the server. I want to join Police like I said and believe I can be a good officer as I have a lot of past experience. I think if there is more structure and more for me to do like there is in Police RP I shouldn't have a problem with getting bored and breaking rules because I am very interested in it and am willing to put my 100% effort into it. 

So if you believe you are capable of this now then why would you not have been capable of good roleplay before?

Why this time should i believe you are going to be 100% effort this time?

I understand fully why you would be sceptical of how I have changed in such a short time and because of how many times I have been banned but looking back I was just being completely stupid, immature and I honestly feel bad for wasting staff’s time but all I can say is that I enjoy this server and have always wanted to be police and when my application got denied for being too young a while ago I didn’t really know what to do on the server so I guess that’s why I didn’t play as seriously as I am capable of. 

This exploiting ban wasn't your first though was it? 

You have previous for RDM/Combat Logging


Breaking RP and Threats to Report....

You've got a very colourful past. 

Given that 2 of those are Perm bans in and of themselves and the other a 7D, this isn't even including your current ban. 

I wasn't satisfied with your first response, so I'll ask it again. 

Why do you keep breaking rules? Do you think they have no consequences? Why should I allow you back when you are likely just to take up further staff member time and resources? You were banned around 9 months ago, I fail to see how much you could have changed since then.

Yeah sorry was in a rush when I was replying to that first time. I will not break rules this time because I have fully learned my lesson from being banned 3 times and I also enjoy playing the server so I don't want to get banned again. It was a stupid mistake and I regret wasting the staff's time. I fully understand all the rules and will follow them because I want a serious roleplay experience and don't want to affect other people's gameplay. I think if I have something to keep my interest and attention like police I won't get bored and start messing around again. I understand if you don't believe this though as I have been banned 4 times but hopefully you can see that I want to play properly this time.

I think if I have something to keep my interest and attention like police I won't get bored and start messing around again.
this statement concerns me to be honest. You shouldn't have to rely on other people and/or factions to make sure that you wont get bored and break rules. You should be able to play within the rules and make your own fun, regardless of what factions or people are around you. 

I really think you have made your bed with this one. 4 bans, 3 of which are perms, just says to me that you cant manage to stick to the rules. I am afraid I have to deny this appeal. Perhaps you can come back in a month with a different outlook. 

Denied (can reapply 19/09/2021)

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