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Unban Appeal - edb0y8 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for edb0y8 

In-game Name: Theo west

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198404036668

Ban ID: IIrpuk14921II

Reason given for your ban: g4.3 g3.1 (metagaming-NLR)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned due to a situation that happened and following that situation I could have gone a better route about the whole thing. me and my friends died then which one of my friends put a screenshot in a group chat of us laying dead. from my understanding this was just a screenshot not a cry for someone to come get us and did not affect anyone's RP. we bled out and respawned. my friend posted that not me. i get how that can look like meta gaming but on my half I don't know why I got done for that as in the photo that u have i didn't reply or anything.

the other reason for my ban is that when I came back I could have done better to stick to the NLR rule. the following days i slipped up by saying to my friend what happened and he wanted to get revenge. i also stated to him I couldn't be involved if he did. I had no plan on trying to get revenge.

I'm very sorry if its hard to understand I'm dyslexic

Why should we unban you ?: This is my first server that I've joined and spent a decent amount of time on. I should have read though the rules a lot better when first starting but this is no excuse to NLR. during this ban I've taking time to read though the rules thoroughly so I have a way better of an understanding of the rules.
this server was a bit like a second home to me I made a load of friends and would spend a lot of my day on this server and most days probably spent over 6 hours a day on the server. I loved this community and where I was going with my character and think I could be a good part of this community.
I would really love a second chance now I have more understanding on the rules and the server. I respect everyone of the members and understand that they have to do what they do to keep it fun for everyone else but if I was allowed this second chance I would make sure I'm not in this situation again.

starting off with the meta gaming ban. I understand I was apart of the situation but I did not post any image. maybe I should ensure that the message was deleted or told my friend that they couldn't be posting that at that time. and made sure no one bought that information In character. just to make sure I have read though this rule is well to make sure I know for the future. I feel like if I'm allowed this second chance you will have no problems from me and rule breaking again.
Second of the NLR rule I understand a lot better now going and reading everything I notice my mistake and would love to prove to you I wouldn't make that mistake again
I know its only been a short while but I've would really like a second chance to prove that I wont be in the situation again. I miss the community already and miss all the friends that I made.
I under stand I got a 24 hour ban from this same situation is well for not acting my injury's and I've also been though them rules is well to make sure that wouldn't happen again.
in the 4-5 months I've been in the server I've had no other problems like this in the past. I'm sorry that I've made a few mistakes and feel like a second chance is needed so I can show that I wont be in this situation again with a ban.

sorry again if its hard to understand I'm dyslexic but I've tried my best for you and apricate the time u take to read this appeal.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good evening, @edb0y8! I hope all is well aside from this ban 🙂

You were on the top of Maze bank for 1 hour 30 minutes getting your ban reasoning explained to you which ended up going around in circles. 
Within the situation you've mentioned above, you were killed and re spawned along with your friend. Due to NLR rule, you'd completely forget about this situation.

You are then seen in a car with an Apostle member and Caldo trying to find out how/why you died.
How does it make sense for Theo & Caldo do investigate the death's of Theo & Caldo?
Even if you are just sitting neutral in the vehicle whilst someone else is searching for this information, you're still very much taking part and looking into it.

You seem to be focusing on the fact an image was posted in Discord, nothing at all regarding the fact you were investigating your own death after respawning?

Good morning and thank you for taking your time to look at this appeal.

I do understand that we was up on maze bank for a long period of time which your team helped us out by explaining where we went wrong. I do see that us trying to investigate our own deaths is against the NLR rules and now after reading though the rules is a silly mistake and I fully own up to it now that I was in the wrong. I do like the city and it was very silly for me not to go though the rules properly the first time I joined the city so I honestly have no excuse for this but I do understand where I went wrong.

ill explain the points where I think I went wrong.

I was in the car with Jax as we was at the kraken and Lilly pulled up which I went over and talked to her. which lead to her saying she was going to taxi. I repeated this to Jax which said he wanted to go grab her to get to the reason we was killed. this would make no sense for me to help go get her as it would be finding out about the event that coursed my death. 

another reason for the NLR rule brake was also after picking up Caldo from prison we all was talking in the car about going to a solicitor for the camera footage for jax  so he could know what happened and who was involved. we should have picked him up from prison and headed back to city and just carried on with our day like normal.

now I've took the time I see how completely wrong this is and how bad it looks but that's why id like another opportunity to show you and your team I wont make the same mistake 

yet again thank you for taking the time to go though this appeal I get its a low priority for the staff team.

Good afternoon, @edb0y8! Thanks for the response.

I was in the car with Jax as we was at the kraken and Lilly pulled up which I went over and talked to her. which lead to her saying she was going to taxi. I repeated this to Jax which said he wanted to go grab her to get to the reason we was killed. this would make no sense for me to help go get her as it would be finding out about the event that coursed my death. 
Why did you continue to stay in the car with Jax, if you knew it was wrong you should be in said car?
Whilst being spoken to on Maze bank, you had completely disregarded this and saw no issues whatsoever.

another reason for the NLR rule brake was also after picking up Caldo from prison we all was talking in the car about going to a solicitor for the camera footage for jax  so he could know what happened and who was involved. we should have picked him up from prison and headed back to city and just carried on with our day like normal.
Again, if you knew this was the correct thing to do, why did neither of you head back rather than staying in the car?

Good afternoon hope your doing well

as I've previously said this is my first city I've joined and spent a fair amount of time in and I've really enjoyed my time here and made some good friends and all honestly I hadn't been though the rule book properly which shouldn't be an excuse because I should have gone though them better when joining. during my ban I've been over the rules a couple of times and read the rules toughly to make sure if I got the chance again I wouldn't make the same mistake. 

sorry I couldn't understand fully on top of maze bank and what the rule was that we broken. but now I've took my time and gone though the rules I understand why it was wrong of me and also that I shouldn't have stayed in the situation in the car or planned to help Jax get Lilly to also find out information. I fully understand the NLR rule now but back at the time I was slightly confused on the rules and just went off what I had been told.

About staying in the car. we was told by a staff member that we could speak to a solicitor that came up to us after we died about the casino CCTV. so we was on our way to get his number from a police station to see if he requested it from the casino. yet again now realising after reading the rules and listening back to the conversation  on top of maze bank that it was wrong to investigate our death.

we must of miss heard or miss understood what the staff member was trying to us. I apologies and this is completely on us for making this mistake.

thank you for taking your time to read this. much appreciated. 

Good evening, @edb0y8! Thanks for the response 🙂

A few nights prior, you were spoken to along with Caldo and another gentleman that was investigating your death.
You and Caldo were banned for G2.3, the other gentleman was the one informed about a solicitor which will be where the miscommunication has happened.

On the 25/11/2023 you received your ban for G2.3, you managed to survive 2 days before receiving a permanent ban.
You have also been spoken to prior by me and given a warning for your roleplay (Dumping a new player) which wasn't noted at all on your record.
Overall your roleplay seems to be going downwards causing your name to frequently pop up, when will this stop and begin improving?

Hello good evening @Danoohope things are well 

I understand your concern as in the last week things wasn't good and I realise how bad it looks. I can promise that if you was to give me a second chance that I wont be in this situation again. 

If I am allowed to join the server again I can promise you that you'll only hear my name for good reasons and that I will not be braking no more rules. you and any staff team will not have no more reasons to pull me aside as id like to prove to you that I'm worthy of a second chance and this will begin to improve.  

I have to say I have really missed playing on RPUK and missed all my friends that I made there. I really do think I can become a good RP player for this community.

I know with the last week I was playing that you might doubt me but I really wanna prove to you that I can be there and not be a pain to the staff team this time and I have defiantly looked back on my mistakes and I'm gonna fix them for the coming future if I get the chance to. 

thank you @Danoofor taking your time yet again to read though this. I much appreciate it and hope your doing well.

Good morning @edb0y8!

I appreciate your response so far, and since we're being open and honest now I'd like to ask you one more thing regarding your ban.
Had you, at any point on the evening of your ban metagamed any information at all? Please be honest with me.

Had you looked at a Discord message regarding another players location, and then brought that into character influencing you to act upon that information that Theo should not have had?

Good morning @Danoohope your well

I think your regarding to when Theo left apostles apartments to go to the kraken.

I'm gonna be 100 percent honest. on that night I did look at discord and see someone had message me that they are going to the kraken. I think it was Lilly. I'm not gonna lie because I know its not the right thing to do I just don't wanna get anyone else in trouble because I would hate for them to get a ban is well that's why on the night about being ask I refused to say but I have also learnt from this.

I now know honesty is the best policy I just didn't wanna get anyone into trouble is well as I want everyone to be able to enjoy there time. 

I know if this happens again I should completely ignore it and turn my discord on to do not disturb while playing and defiantly learn from my mistakes.

Hello @edb0y8!

No one else will be getting into trouble regarding this, by what you've explained here you decided to act upon a message sent to you in Discord and travel to the location bringing OOC information into roleplay.

When you were asked about this during the staff sit on maze bank, you had said multiple times you've not acted upon any OOC information.
Why did you lie?

good afternoon @Danoo

as I said perversely I was worried about me getting someone else in trouble. I do realises I made a mistake on top of maze bank by saying I didn't but this is me coming forward and being honest with you like you asked. I don't intend to ever be in the situation to lie about this sort of thing to staff again or even be in this situation again.

I've looked back at this mistake and that's why I have no problem telling you the truth and nothing other then the truth. I feel like I've learnt a massive lesson during this ban.

If I do get another chance I've learnt that being honest is the best way forward.

Good afternoon @edb0y8!

Thank you for clearing this up for me, although I do hope that if you're spoken to again you won't attempt to lie.
Honesty is the best policy in this community, and if you had just told the truth to begin with rather than have us up there for so long going in circles it may not have ended up going down this route.

I do not mind admitting I was one of the two staff members that spoke to you on Maze Bank, you said to me in your own words that you felt targeted, why?

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.

at the time I felt that I was being pulled aside a lot but after the ban and going though the rules properly I now understand that I was in the wrong and that it wasn't me being targeted I was just making a lot of mistakes. your team was only trying to help me out and was so kind to me before without me realising. i do have a lot of respect for you and your team for keeping the server in top tier. 

Good evening, @edb0y8!

This is now your second ban all within the space of a week and I'd like to see some serious improvement on your roleplay as a whole as if it continues the way it was you'll likely end up back here again.
Please read over the rules before joining again so that we don't end up making more mistakes.

You are correct in saying you got pulled aside frequently, but, if you were being targeted there's not a chance I wouldn't have noted our chat about dumping the new player in the boot of a car on your record. I gave you the benefit of the doubt though and didn't.
You were also pulled aside for RDM on a new player, which again was not left on your record. This is far from targeting you.

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent taking you right back here, the chances of us entertaining another appeal from you will be absolutely minimal.
Take this as your chance!


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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