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Unban Appeal - ExtendedClip1995 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for ExtendedClip1995 

In-game Name: Tommy Savage

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID:76561199418107027

Ban ID: !!rpuk10718!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3, G3.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I'll start with the c2.3 Combat Logging,

In my first appeal I thought it was for another reason as I forgot about the situation after the attempted boat robbery against me where I combat logged on the beach shortly after.
Where I am new to roleplay.co.uk I didn't really keep an eye on OOC or even check the forums at that time to see reports against me or anyone calling me out to explain the situation and that's just me being a rookie to server and not acknowledging certain things so this situation completely slipped my mind. Nonetheless I am wrong for combat logging on the beach during that Rp scenario especially when I allowed myself to be in that situation in the first place and I'm very positive that I ruined that Rp scenario with all that people that where involved not just the person that reported.
It was a selfish/greedy act on my behalf and no matter how long you are in the server or whether you pay attentions to reading the rules you should know and have a decent amount of sense
that quitting/combat logging during a situation like that is against the rules and damaging to the community that play within the city , To be honest I would have been very upset if someone had done that to me.

The reason I combat logged was because I didn't want to lose my heavy pistol (Which I ended up loosing anyway on the same day to police SMH) and the kilo of cocaine I had on me especially after losing a pistol not long before this incident arise but once again that doesn't matter because I put myself in this situation and I should of let the Rp continue and face whatever consequences front of me like a man that was a sucker move from me to combat log just to keep items I would have potentially loosed and to be quite fair I'm somewhat happy that I got reported and received a perm ban because what I did was unacceptable and I definitely needed this time off the server to reflect on the rule I broke and how this can affect other people fun and experience.

The rule I broke is (C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained.

In future if I am caught in this type of situation I will let Rp continue enjoy the moment instead of breaking rules and combat logging.

As for the G3.1. I didn't intentionally break this rule but given the circumstances this rule for sure looks like it has been broken due to me coming back into the server a few minutes later and then brought to the hospital so I can completely understand why I have been also banned for breaking this rule. I didn't actually speak to no one in OOC or out of game after I combat logged it just so happened that when I came back into the server there was people taking some other people that also got killed on the boat to the hospital I just so happened to load back into the server as that was happening. but with that being said if they wasn't there I can admit that I most likely would have asked someone to come get me due to fact I was carrying such items I didn't want to lose so either way it would have been rule break.so I can also put my hands up and say this was also a rule that broken due to my selfishness of not wanting to lose items.

The Rule I broke was G3.1. To quote directly from the rules page, G3.1 is "OOC Information - Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages."

In Future I will take note and be very mindful that rule G3.1 is a rule break and also disruptive the course of roleplay.

The reason these rules are in place is to stop players from unfairly manipulating situations to their advantage. Ensuring all players communicate on one platform fairly ensures a level playing field and most importantly, it guarantees the continuation of great RP.

Metagaming/OOC information and combat logging kills any potential RP.

Why should we unban you ?: During the time I have been banned I have been taking a thorough look and reading through the rules for the server and education myself probably on how to abide by them and give quality roleplay.
This something I didn't do before because I was moving too fast and was too excited to get into the server and play. I have also personally apologised to the person who reported me for the combat logging because that's the least he deserved and I apologised for the experience and gain that I took from him.

I have also spent time looking through the reports on the forums to see if I have been reported for anything else that I was unaware of and I found that I was reported for VDM which I got a one day ban for which I also thought was related to another incident. When I realised it was me they reported I also personally messaged that person and apologised for what happened. Because I actually care how my actions can affect people playing within the community and RPUK is a server I truly want to be a part of and roleplay Rp best of my ability and provide quality interactions with people. I feel like there has been times where I have done that and ive had fun and made quite a few connections in the community. 1month ban has been harsh especially where I had only been in the server for two weeks but it was needed and I'm glad it happened sooner than later because I still consider myself being new to the RPUK community and if I'm allowed back in I will come back with a WAY better understanding of the rules and I will provide way better roleplay than I have provided in the past.

I WILL DEFO not be combat logging AGAIN no matter what the situation. At the end of the day it really isnt worth it and it affects people experience and also takes time from people that have to report these incidents, especially the staff that have to deal with these reports. It's a big waste of time for everybody involved. Moving forward I will keep my eye on forum reports and the OOC if I feel like I have done something wrong or something has happened out of my control so in the future things can be handled better if a situation arises. I feel like if I comeback I can tell you now you will not see me here again and I will do my upmost best not to break any rules within the RPUK community.

Thank You for taking time to read through my report at such a busy time of the year.

Early Merry Christmas

Extended Clip

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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@ExtendedClip1995Thank you for this appeal, I have read through your detailed response.

I have a question for you:

On the 08/11/2022 you were banned for RVDM (for 1 day) and then you were banned for the incident that you have provided an account for above on the 13/11/2022, which leaves 5 days apart.

If you are unbanned is this just going to happen again?

Are we going to find you in the unban sections again?

What have you done to ensure that you understand the rules set out on the server? 

What is your plan when you come back?

Please consider your response and provide detail for each question.

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Hello @PapaSmurphy Thank you for your response.

Very true the bans are very close together in time which isn't a great look and if I took time to check myself to act accordingly during that time especially with the first ban incident I would have avoided most likely both bans. But thank you for detailing that because I should be doing better and its made me realise that I have to be aware of what I'm doing as well.

. If I'm unbanned I can assure you and I'm happy to take full responsibility for making sure that I do my up most best this never happens again. I will  never combat log again for my personal gain or in any situation unless its a serious reason (IRL) and I know what actions I would have to take to to explain the reason for that. i.e. Using discord, RP forums etc. As for the RDVM that was a genuine accident and sometimes that can happen but next I need to be more aware of what I'm doing and keep an eye out on what's happening in OOC. But I will not be running around RDVM people. I'm not a fan of myself or people doing that I want to provide serious RP.

. I am certain ive learnt my lesson from this permanent ban I am currently on  and I tell you something its not a nice feeling having to come and be in this section of the forums yes people can make mistakes and find themself here which could happen to me in the future but most people that are here in the urban section included myself have broke rules. Moving forward I am not looking to be a participant of breaking rules and receiving bans. If I do get a chance to re join the server I need to be very aware of what I'm doing whilst also having fun so I don't find myself here again.

. First of all I have been reading through the rules on the website the Gta Rp rules and also the community rules thoroughly and constantly during the time ive been banned. I think I will keep doing that moving forward because for me I think it would be good to keep fresh in the mind so  you can always be aware and know straight away when your doing wrong or right. The first time round when I joined the server I really rushed through looking at the rules thoroughly out of excitement of joining and once agreeing I hadn't looked at the rules again but I still had enough knowledge to know what's right and what's wrong especially with the rules I got banned for breaking. I have also just be studying other people situations (Urban appeal section) where they have been banned for doing things I was even unaware of and ive just been noting it down mentally so I have a full understanding of the GTA RP and Community Rules.

. If I come back the first thing I want to do is check my phone lol. I would want  re connect with the friends I made in the city and continue to build my character story and provide enjoyable Rp  I met a lot of good people that I think I could build with and have fun within the city. I want to continue with building my mining skills and investing more time into the business of crafting and materials so I can potentially start a legitimate business or even buy one . Whilst also  funding myself to be legit by doing illegal trades on the streets and being in the middle of both lives and seeing how it ends up for my character.

Thank you for taking time to read my report.

All the best


I would like to thank you once again for your detailed responses, and I can see that you have read my questions and I am satisfied that you are aware of the rules and ones you have broken and you have explained them fully so I should not be seeing you back in the unban appeals again!

My decision is that you will be unbanned, however your inventory is to be wiped and the coke stored in your house, must be surrendered to an admin.

If you are happy to go ahead I will do this once you have responded.

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Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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