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Unban Appeal - Ezz:D - GTA RP

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Manchester UK
Unban Appeal for Ezz:D 

In-game Name: Danny Kinahan

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198099255161

Ban ID: @@rpuk6622@@

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for breaking rule G2.9 by transferring money from other characters on my account onto my main character.

Why should we unban you ?: The reason I broke this rule in the first place is a contradiction of why I even play this server because first of all I love the seriousness and realism of this server, honestly it is second to non when it comes to FiveM RP servers, over the past 24 hours I have played almost every server available and non have even been able to come close to this one, even the ones that are half decent are charging extortionate amounts for que jumps and other in-game items which IMO is everything that this server stands against.

So with me saying all that above it must seem really stupid to you all that I decided to try to be clever and break the server rules for my own personal gain and risk getting banned since I like this server so much yes? Well yeah it pretty much is down to my own stupidity that I would shoot myself in the foot and get myself banned from the only server I am even willing to play on FiveM, I know it is no where near a valid reason or a valid excuse to do it but as you can see from my profile it is well documented I had a hard time grinding on this server, I was mainly doing taxi driving as that is what 99% of the people I had encountered told me to do and for a while it went great I earnt a nice bit of money, got myself a nice car but eventually I felt like I was having to choose between driving around picking up NPCs and actually going out roleplaying with other players and making situations with them which is the main reason why I even come here, so when I was told by somebody in-game about this method I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to give myself a little bump start on the money situation and a chance to worry less about grinding and more about going out having interactions with people and making friends in the city. In hindsight I genuinely didn't think of the bigger picture and realize how damaging it could be to the server/economy, in my head I was just being very narrow minded to think it was just little old me getting a bump start for a bit of money on the server and thinking I wasn't actually doing any harm. I am very sorry for using this exploit and honestly it has made me realize how much I really care about this server and appreciate the time and effort the admins and staff sacrifice to make this server such a fun place to play. All I wanted to do was become a decently well known character in the server like I say I don't really come here for the grinding part I come here to make situations and meet people but the grinding goes hand in hand with all that and I should've gone about it in a legit manner and earned it the proper way like all of the other guys in the server I was aspiring to be like. The ban even came at a funny time because in the past 2 week I feel like I properly integrated into the server and became a part of the community I made a load of new friends, new situations was popping up everyday and I had been having a great time but the way I had gotten to where I was deservedly caught up with me in the end and that sums up why I am here.

I'd also like to add as a quick note that I am not completely against grinding if you check you can probably see most of the money I had acquired was through legal means I have done a hell of a lot of taxi driving and other jobs its just that I really wanted to grow and move my character on from that stage of his life and with limited time to play due to work commitments and other things I thought this would be the best way evidently I couldn't of been more wrong and I have honestly learnt my lesson, this is the first time I have ever been banned from anything for exploiting, I am an experienced role-player on a whole bunch of different games and servers from back in the day and I really should've knew better, if the admins do decide to unban me I can guarantee they wont be having to deal with me again for anything and that is a promise. NOTE: I did actually put in this request around about a year ago but wasnt able to follow up on it as i was moving irl at the time to a place i couldnt take my pc, i am now in a new house with my PC/Internet set up and i am looking for a place again in this server, in my honest opinion i havent been able to find a server as good as it since i was banned, i understand if i will be required to write out my request again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Honestly because I didn’t think I’d get caught and just by being stupid, you’re right if I enjoy it so much then why do it, as I said I didn’t see the bigger picture at the time and what effect it could have on the servers economy. It was the first and last time I’ve done an exploit in an attempt to benefit my character and speed my progression up. Also I’m not against having my characters/assets wiped to make it a fair playing field if you DO decide to unban me.

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

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