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Unban Appeal - Ezz:D - GTA RP

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Manchester UK
Unban Appeal for Ezz:D 

In-game Name: Danny Kinahan

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198099255161

Ban ID: @@rpuk6622@@

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for breaking rule G2.9 by transferring money from other characters on my account onto my main character.

Why should we unban you ?: The reason I broke this rule in the first place is a contradiction of why I even play this server because first of all I love the seriousness and realism of this server, honestly it is second to non when it comes to FiveM RP servers, over the past 24 hours I have played almost every server available and non have even been able to come close to this one, even the ones that are half decent are charging extortionate amounts for que jumps and other in-game items which IMO is everything that this server stands against.

So with me saying all that above it must seem really stupid to you all that I decided to try to be clever and break the server rules for my own personal gain and risk getting banned since I like this server so much yes? Well yeah it pretty much is down to my own stupidity that I would shoot myself in the foot and get myself banned from the only server I am even willing to play on FiveM, I know it is no where near a valid reason or a valid excuse to do it but as you can see from my profile it is well documented I had a hard time grinding on this server, I was mainly doing taxi driving as that is what 99% of the people I had encountered told me to do and for a while it went great I earnt a nice bit of money, got myself a nice car but eventually I felt like I was having to choose between driving around picking up NPCs and actually going out roleplaying with other players and making situations with them which is the main reason why I even come here, so when I was told by somebody in-game about this method I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to give myself a little bump start on the money situation and a chance to worry less about grinding and more about going out having interactions with people and making friends in the city. In hindsight I genuinely didn't think of the bigger picture and realize how damaging it could be to the server/economy, in my head I was just being very narrow minded to think it was just little old me getting a bump start for a bit of money on the server and thinking I wasn't actually doing any harm. I am very sorry for using this exploit and honestly it has made me realize how much I really care about this server and appreciate the time and effort the admins and staff sacrifice to make this server such a fun place to play. All I wanted to do was become a decently well known character in the server like I say I don't really come here for the grinding part I come here to make situations and meet people but the grinding goes hand in hand with all that and I should've gone about it in a legit manner and earned it the proper way like all of the other guys in the server I was aspiring to be like. The ban even came at a funny time because in the past 2 week I feel like I properly integrated into the server and became a part of the community I made a load of new friends, new situations was popping up everyday and I had been having a great time but the way I had gotten to where I was deservedly caught up with me in the end and that sums up why I am here.

I'd also like to add as a quick note that I am not completely against grinding if you check you can probably see most of the money I had acquired was through legal means I have done a hell of a lot of taxi driving and other jobs its just that I really wanted to grow and move my character on from that stage of his life and with limited time to play due to work commitments and other things I thought this would be the best way evidently I couldn't of been more wrong and I have honestly learnt my lesson, this is the first time I have ever been banned from anything for exploiting, I am an experienced role-player on a whole bunch of different games and servers from back in the day and I really should've knew better, if the admins do decide to unban me I can guarantee they wont be having to deal with me again for anything and that is a promise. NOTE: I did actually put in this request around about a year ago but wasnt able to follow up on it as i was moving irl at the time to a place i couldnt take my pc, i am now in a new house with my PC/Internet set up and i am looking for a place again in this server, in my honest opinion i havent been able to find a server as good as it since i was banned, i understand if i will be required to write out my request again.

NOTE: I did do this unban appeal quite a while back which got to the later stages and i seen had ultimately been denied due to the appeal timing out, i genuinely forgot i had even appealed and forgot to check the website. I only realised today when i tried joining the server after a long time not being on FiveM that i was still banned which made me come back to the website to see i was denied. This time i will be checking the website daily for any updates/messages i need to respond to. Thanks for taking the time to read my appeal

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Please list all of your Steam accounts.

Good evening @Ezz:D, I hope all is well with you this evening! 🙂

Please could you tell me why you've connected to the server with 2 separate steam accounts to play?

Hello @Danoo, good morning to you 🙂 

yes honestly the original reason for the steam account was just to play csgo with my friend as he used it to join my lobbies because his main was global elite, then I started using it to play with some of my lower level friends once I got high rank on my main.

The only reason I can see myself joining to this server on that account is just to transfer the money over between characters, from what I can remember I’m not sure at the time I was aware you could delete/remake characters so I think I may of sent it from all 3 characters to my main character on my main account, then sent it from all 4 characters on the second account back to my main.

This was a stupid mistake by me and a terrible lack of judgement to expect not to be caught for this offence, I got carried away with it and used it to speed my characters progression up which is completely unfair to the other players in the server and also the staff who have taken the time out to create the rules to ensure everything is fair and everybody can have an enjoyable time here.

I hope I can be forgiven and given a second chance here as in my time away I haven’t came across another server where I had as much fun as I did on this one, it was out of character for me, I spent a lot of time making legit money on this server and buying myself a nice car etc just to go and flush it all away with a stupid mistake, I am a longtime RP player dating back to the Arma 3 days I knew this was wrong when I was doing it I was pretty new to FiveM at the time but it is no excuse. I would be more than happy to have my characters/assets wiped and be able to come back into this city on a fresh clean slate if staff deem me worthy enough of a second chance here. Thanks for taking the time to read my appeal.

Good afternoon @Ezz:D, thank you for the response! 🙂

You had managed to exchange an excessive amount of money between characters to gain a quick advantage as stated by yourself.
To be fair, many of the questions I would've asked you have already been answered in this response and your initial appeal so I would like to thank you for the effort which has been put into this by yourself as it's making the process much easier!

Even at the time, after being told about this in game. Did you not think to yourself at any point that this isn't an intended feature of the game, else everyone would be doing it right?
Were you aware what you were doing was breaching server rules, and just hoping not to get caught or did you genuinely think it was fine to do after being told about it?

I look forward to your response! 

Good afternoon @Danoo🙂 

Genuinely after i had been told about this method i did know subconsciously it wasn't an intended feature of the server but i did read through the rules at the time and either missed or didnt see the G2.9 rule otherwise honestly i wouldn't of done it so brazenly and for such a large amount. At the time i hand on heart thought it was an oversight by the devs/staff that it wasn't in the rules, but when i got perm banned i instantly knew the reason it was for. Upon seeing the reason why when attempting to join back into the server i quickly went to the rules page and it was kind of a kick yourself type moment when i seen it right there in front of me i didnt know how i missed it, however this is NOT an excuse, i knew full well this wasn't an intended feature of the server and i used it to benefit myself greatly in terms of buying an apartment and starting to grow weed in there and besides that i should've read through the rules thoroughly enough to make sure i didn't miss any, something i have now done.

I did hope i wouldn't get caught and if i did i thought i had a genuine arguement not to be banned thinking it wasn't a specific rule. Once i did refer back to the rules i realised how much of an idiot i was for missing it and also that i didnt have a leg to stand on and was rightly perm banned for my offences. Since being gone from this server i have been active in plenty of other FiveM servers and i'd say i've lost my sort of win/lose attitude towards RP, i no longer really care about items/cash/properties although they're nice to have once you have worked hard enough for them, it is about the RP and different situations/interactions with other players which make these servers as great as they are. This is the only FiveM RP server i have been banned from and coincidently it is also in my opinion the server in which i had the most fun on and best interactions with people. This offence was a silly mistake early on into my FiveM experience and it is one i have honestly learnt from and will not be repeating again no matter the outcome of this request.

Thanks for taking the time to read my response.

Good afternoon, @Ezz:D! I appreciate the detailed response.

It's definitely clear that you've realized where you went wrong and have since taken accountability for your actions.
As a standard, bans of this nature come with the following conditions if you have a successful appeal which are the following:

You currently have 4 characters; Ethan Green, Danny Kinahan, Ellis Holt & Michael Bently.
One of these character which you pick will receive a full character wipe (Bank, Cash, Inventory, Loadout, House, Vehicles & Stashes), the remaining 3 characters will be permanently deleted.

Do you accept these conditions? 

Thanks for the response @Danoo

Yes the conditions sound great to me, i think my main character was Danny Kinahan so i would prefer to pick him and then delete the rest.

Thanks for giving me a second chance here and i can promise you wont find me having to write out one of these unban requests again, thanks for taking the time out to read my request, I'm looking forward to having a clean slate and being given a second chance here at RPUK. 🙂 

Good morning @Ezz:D!

I am inclined to give you another chance on the server regardless of you breaking the rules in such a ridiculous way.
As per the above conditions, Danny Kinahan has received a full character wipe and all other characters have been permanently deleted.
Please, take this as your lesson and read over the server rules before reconnecting to ensure we do not end up in this same situation again over something so easily avoidable 🙂

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent. Don't waste the chance!


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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