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Unban Appeal - FatherAugustus - Discord

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Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Unban Appeal for FatherAugustus 

In-game Name: Father Augustus

Server: Discord

Steam ID: 76561198151627344

Ban ID: "Discord"

Reason given for your ban: C1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.:
I was in a liaison call to resolve a situation and a random troll came in shouting the N word and saying multiple other things and I gave him the reaction he wanted and bit and called him the F word.

Why should we unban you ?: I am not a homophobic person , I couldn't care less what you are, if you are nice to me I am nice to you.

I done something silly and reacted to a troll when I should have just waited for a staff member to come in and remove him , rather than bite to him and give him the reaction he wanted, its all the guy wanted was to come in and rile someone up, I do not feel comfortable repeating what he fully said to me or to the people in the call.

My intentions were never to offend anyone with the words I said, and if people were offended I can only apologize

When I use that word and many other words were normal to me growing up and were used as the same as calling someone a prick or a cunt, just the same as the way people say "stop being gay" its just a natural thing to me, tho that doesn't change anything , as somethings are normal for others and not for another, I am terrible @ writing these things so not gonna ramble on to much.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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If the word was normal to you grown up, would you say it on the Live Server if someone angered you?

No? on the live server i play a character, If people take the piss or try and make me angry I know they are attacking my character not me, unless someone brings up IRL attacks ( which  happened once before ) I put it in gang leads, I have used the F word in RP before, for a court case scenario for Rikka getting out and a couple of times with friends, not in large areas where like everyone can hear it.


Now before I begin I'd like to acknowledge what was said to you, the personal remarks made and my understanding of that being the reason you lashed out. 

However, from our perspective the words said are the words said and ultimately two wrongs don't make a right and you did infact breach our server rules. 

How can we now be sure that going forward if we were to unban you there wouldn't be a repeat of what happened, whether that be in discord or ingame?

What other things could you have done in that situation that would've avoided you from spewing out the words you did? 

Morning Fluqi, I understand you got to make sure that it wouldn't happen again in game or on discord, I have never had an outburst like that before, and I probably wouldn't of had one if I even responded to him in the first place, just cause I was the only one to reply to him, he then jumped on to personally attack me and try get me angry, which he did and was even silly of me in the first place to react. 

What I should've done, was just wait for staff to come in and deal with the situation since they were notified of what was going on, i should've either deafen up or just straight up ignore it until they came. 

You're spot on, actions you could've taken and if you were met with any situation in the future should take are;

  • Tag Staff / Await Staff to intervene
  • Ignore what can only be described as a child and whatever he/she has to say, after all, words are...well... words and to be fair, noone should ever take anything someone says over the internet to heart. Most people wouldn't have the bottle to say so to you in person.
  • Deafen up
  • Straight up disconnect from the call.

All actions above are some of the things I can think of that would've removed any possibility of you lashing out in anger to what was said to you, which to make clear I think is appalling.

Just for clarity sake, as I make everyone I deal with. 

Please quote the server rule you broke and explain to me in your own words why such a rule is in place on our server?

(C1.2) Discrimination - Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination.

This rule is in place to provide a safe community for everyone to enjoy and to punish any discrimination of any kind no matter their beliefs or race or sexuality or religion , This community means a lot to a lot of people and no one should ever feel not welcome


As I'm sure you're aware, if we go down this path again, whatever the circumstance, you will receive the same punishment but this time with little to no chance of return. 

Throughout your time here you've mostly kept your hands clean, I feel as if lately however your own standards have declined a little bit and you've being more laxed shall we call it?

Please don't let me see your name get tied in with anything negative going forward as I fear if you were to get banned again, your time within our community would be over, and for so many, including yourself, this would be a real shame. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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