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Unban Appeal - FragZ - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for FragZ 

In-game Name: John patrick

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198211456313

Ban ID: 1

Reason given for your ban: c1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i think i got unbanned from the discord server which i do not know why however i can not play without joining the discord server my discord name is Gunz17#4192 if you can unban me i would be happy

Why should we unban you ?: you should unban me as i really wanna get back to roleplay on fivem and this server has no match to it and i played quite abit before aswell.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You was banned for advertising on our discord server. Do you care to explain why you thought that was okay to do?

I am really sorry i think it was a nft project i just needed invites to get whitelisted i just thought it would help other people to get more information about nfts and obviously help me out to get whitelisted if i am correct it should be that like can i just get unbanned.

i think i got unbanned from the discord server which i do not know why
So you started the appeal by stating you don't know why you got banned.

I am really sorry i think it was a nft project i just needed invites to get whitelisted
You now suddenly know why you was banned.

And now you bump your appeal by tagging me. Well I will reply now as you have got my attention. 

Denied. Try being honest from the start it might have gotten you somewhere. You can try again in a week. 9/2/2022

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