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Unban Appeal - FrankMartin - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for FrankMartin 

In-game Name: Frank Martin

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198166771936

Ban ID: !!rpuk13860!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: For logging out during a RP scenario

Why should we unban you ?: Because I have learnt from my critical error and understand completely why I was banned. I completely and utterly regret my decision. I know this is no excuse for a rule break, however I thought it would be relevant to understand my thought process. It was late in the night and I was literally seconds away from logging off as I work early morning. An RP scenario was played out in front of my eyes and i died. I had no motivation to finish the scenario, I knew it would take a really long time and it was already getting far too late. With hindsight, of course I would continue to play out the scenario and log off when it is safe to do so. However, in the heat of the moment, i know I just wasn't able to mentally play it out as I was ready to call it a night.

I hold my hands up and recognise this is fully unacceptable. I have made a lot of connections in the city with lots of individuals and groups, and think I bring a good overall level of roleplay to the sever. The city has provided me with much needed stress relief during a turbulent time. I can only learn from my mistakes and hope you can understand my point of view. Thanks for your time and hope you consider my appeal. Thank you.

Kind regards,

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Bans of this type come with a mandatory cooldown of 1 month. 

Because this appeal has been submitted prior to 1 month passing of the ban being placed, this appeal will be denied. We welcome you to complete a new appeal after the 1 month has expired.


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