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Unban Appeal - G3T_H3ADSH0T - GTA RP

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United Kingdom
Unban Appeal for G3T_H3ADSH0T 

In-game Name: Reece Smith

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199201743505

Ban ID: !!!rpuk10771!!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.3 OOC ABUSE

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I think i was banned for having a arguement with someone out of the city that plays in the city often and calling them nasty names and being toxic towards them.

Why should we unban you ?: I think i should be unnbanned because the arguement didnt have anything to do with the city at all it was just personal arguement over discord that got brought into the city. I do fully regret my actions and have since appolgised to the said person as hes a good friend of my bestest friend. I took the situation too far and said some things i shouldnt of i realise my actions and what i got was justifed i have waited this time to make this appeal as i really enjoy the server and from my prior ban was following strict roleplay at all times never messed up once. I was being childish at the time and went on to create a forum account knowing i was going to get banned as he stated that hes reporting me and then talked rubish on a post. I have thought about what i did wrong and should of took that 5 minutes to chill out and think before i speak i didnt mean anything i said to that person and hope he has forgived me for what i said. Just hoping that you guys here can allow me to prove that im not a toxic person and just got onto the wrong side of the stick.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Do you have proof of this apology?

I dont have any proof of it no as the person doesnt really want to speak to me still... But i have tried my best to contact them one of my bestest friends still speaks to him now and he as even told him in voice chat what i said i believe the person still has me blocked and i have no other way to message them other than my friend

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So you claim "I do fully regret my actions and have since appolgised to the said person as hes a good friend of my bestest friend." However cannot provide this to us to prove this actually happened? Doesn't make much sense overall. 

In all honesty doing what you did overall and going into even impersonating them I'm not surprised if they don't wish to talk to yourself after the full ordeal. Giving you decided to impersonate them (Well attempt to) this appeal will be denied and you will also be given a 3 month cooldown period to think about your actions overall. I will say if you do decide to go down the same route and impersonate others when being banned this time will either be extended or simply we could close the door for good. 

Take this time away and when you return after the date provided below we will go from there on the appeal. I would suggest to read over the GTA and Community rules prior to your next appeal. You may appeal on or after June 11th 2023.


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