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Unban Appeal - G3T_H3ADSH0T - GTA RP

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United Kingdom
Unban Appeal for G3T_H3ADSH0T 

In-game Name: Reece Smith

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199201743505

Ban ID: !!!rpuk10771!!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.3 OOC ABUSE

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for having a stupid argument with someone that plays this city regular out of this game in discord and he took it to you guys to get me banned from roleplay as he didnt want to see me around anywhere or speak to me.

Why should we unban you ?: I think i should be unbanned because this was so long ago now and i have spoke to the person since and said i was sorry but we have lost contact with him and all my friends have too. The argument that me and the person had wasnt anything to do with this city at all it was a personal thing and nothing even came into roleplay i regret it and wouldnt be as stupid to do it again all my friends still play this city and i know he doesnt play anymore i took the situation into my own hands and it went too far. i really enjoy playing this city and did put alot of hours into it and good roleplay at all times i have been trying my hardest to get back in now and this is my 3rd attempt that shows how much i like this city. i can promise you that nothing as childish like this will happen again and can ensure yourselfs that i will keep to the best possible person i can be and make it fun for everyone. I understand what i did and im very sorry just hope that i can be forgive for my actions as everyone deserves another chance thanks.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

As previously asked, do you have any form of proof of you reaching out to the person that you almost bullied off the server and apologizing? 

i dont have any proof as the person doesnt speak to anyone of our friends anymore as he doesnt even play pc and i didnt screenshot anything because i didnt think i would honestly need it also i dont understand how you can say "bullied them off the server" as this wasnt anything to do with the game in a whole this was personal between me and him and he took it upon himself to bring it in to rp. I have been trying to get back into the city since this and have said many of times i am sorry for what i did and its along time in the past now i honestly dont think that this should be held against me as i just wanna move on from it and have fun! if i could get into contact with this person again to say sorry and screenshot it for proof i really would i just think that this has gone way to far i understand what i did was wrong and wouldnt ever do it again just asking for this one chance of forgiveness to prove that im not a bad person and it was just a silly mistake that all humans make.

They left the server because of your immaturity and bullying. We wont take this lightly, trying to pass this off as some sort of low tier argument wont work. You were then using our platform to impersonate your target.

I've read your ban notes, and without proof of an apology. We wont be entertaining this appeal. I hope you to make some sort of apology for your actions otherwise you will not be welcome back here again.


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