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Unban Appeal - gettzgritty - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for gettzgritty 

In-game Name: gettz gritty/getty grime

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198820834663

The date you got banned: 27/01/21

Member of the team that banned you: stealthee

Reason given for your ban: im going to be honest i dont even know

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: been in work when i came to get bk on said i was banned the last time i was playing we was having a shoot out with a gang because they took one of our members hostage next time i triedto log on said i was banned ?

Why should we unban you ?: could'nt even answer that as i dont know why i was banned lol

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello @gettzgritty

Please think back to the day you were banned and tell me what you think might have been the issue. It was only a few days ago so I am sure you can remember. 

@gettzgrittyPlease respond soon or this appeal will time out.

i honsetly dont know i swesr  i gave purple gang some weed tried to call a truce with us then one of our guys got kidnapped we had a shoot out and i died  it was late so i logged as i had work next  day or so when i logged oni was banned genuinly dont know you know if you could shed some light would be appriciated


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