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Unban Appeal - Ginogineli - GTA RP

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New member
Cardiff, Wales
Unban Appeal for Ginogineli 

In-game Name: Marcus Larkin

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199387617999

Ban ID: !!rpuk12210!!

Reason given for your ban: G3.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: first of all to whoever reads/ responds too my message it is highly appreciated by myself. As I have seen which rule it states I have been banned for I can say that although what happened regarding the ''META GAMING'' rule being broken it was not an intention and at no point did I go out of my way too allow the use of discord at the time too intervene any RP situation that was taking place. However as I am aware of how the rules work and thoroughly respect them I understand and fully take my punishment given. At the time I was not aware that my headset was causing an echo through discord too in game this is why the majority of time i make sure that i am deafened when in a call. As regarding the situation as a whole may I politely ask where I myself broke the meta gaming rule? At no time did I my self use discord as an advantage too allow me too gain any sort of knowledge/ gaming advantage over anyone. I am aware that the person i was down with at PDM stated already what he said in the discord whilst we was down and understand fully that that is not allowed and was nothing short of a silly mistake and if an unban is given will certainly not happen again.

Why should we unban you ?: Firstly the Passion i have for taking part in this specific server is second too none, the thorough entertainment along with the seriousness allows me too take part in something that i am passionate about and that being Role play/ acting. I am not using this as any ''feel sorry for me'' excuse but this is the first time since being on the server i have been involved in any rule breaking activities. I feel as the weeks have gone by My RP is improving and i am able too provide quality scenarios as and when they occur. The community of people involved in this server are all very respectable, helpful and look too provide top quality RP every time they are on. Not too mention the work that gets put in by the staff too assure that the server runs smoothly, fairly and most of all while having fun. Lastly I can assure that this would be the last time i would see myself in this situation as i will learn from my mistakes and 100% make sure i provide a better RP experience for everyone i get involved with. Thank you.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

From the evidence gathered I'm not sure I believe you weren't engaged on an ooc call.

It's best to be truthful as it's the only way for you to gain trust that we won't see you here again, 
should you get unbanned.

Are you sure you want to stick with your story?

For an advantage or not it was used and influenced roleplay. ​
Thank you for the response much appreciated , So sorry if thats how it came across but i was not claiming that i wasnt in an ooc call altogether because i was, the other person who was in the situation with me who was down outside pdm already clarified what happened regarding the discord call intervening with our RP. I have no reason too lie and i am being 100% honest with you as my ultimate aim is too gain your trust too be allowed back in and play again. Just so i can get a further understanding of where i specifically messed up could you tell me please? As far as i am aware it is because one other member who we was in call with turned up whilst we was down, is that correct? Thank you 

The reason you were banned involved a police chase.

What is your recollection of EVERY time you've been involved in a scenario whilst also on discord?

Is it constant when you were on RPUK?

Hello again and thanks for the response, so to answer your question apart from this instance whenever I find myslef In a rp situation I will always deafen myself if i am in a call. Reason for this is so I can provide and give all my attention to the current rp situation and provide top quality role play to those involved. Even more of a reason is me not gaining an advantage and breaking the meta gaming rule(G3.1) which unfortunately happened and is why I have ended up where I am and can only say it was a very big mistake. As for your second question honestly no I don’t always find myslef on discord while playing for the said reasons above. If I am it is with members who are on a different game who I am just chatting with. Honestly the reason why I found myself in discord this time with other members who were also on the server was souly down to me not thinking smartly. As we were taking part in serious role play I should have made sure that no outside communication other than in city took place.  This lead too information being fed too each other via discord and all I can say is as I’ve had time too think and reflect I’m just very disappointed in myslef that I allowed this situation too occur. Thank you too whoever takes time too read this response. 

Please quote me the rule you broke and explain in your own words why it is in place and what the consequences would be if it wasn´t.

The rule i broke- G3.1) OOC Information - Using out of character information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban. This includes but is not limited to: Twitch Streams, forum information and Steam messages.

The reason this rule is in place is to allow for 100% pure RP and all information gathered is souly from the city and nothing else. It’s a very important rule as it stops any advantages and unfair scenarios taking place. My time away from the sever because of the ban has made me realise how important this rule is and how damaging on other players it can be if it is broken. Also as this is an RP server it stops it from becoming a death match type server that no one wants as this is a high quality RP server. 

thank you for the response much appreciated. 

 the other person who was in the situation with me who was down outside pdm already clarified what happened regarding the discord call intervening with our RP. 
We're not going to dig deep to try and find out where this was said, please repeat whatever he said in your own words.

Yeah so he said- “ we’re dead outside pdm by Aztecca block” but it wasn’t a “come get us please we’re down” it was more just a statement like in general and then the other boy on the bike pulled up. Completely see tho why it’s wrong an why the ban was given. 

but it wasn’t a “come get us please we’re down” it was more just a statement like in general
Did you act on this or let this influence your actions ingame at all? If so, why?

Thank you for the reply appreciate it,  well if I’m being honest no I didn’t let it effect me as I was already down outside pdm complying with the officers when the other person who I was In discord with communicated with the other Person who we was also in discord with and said what he said as I’ve already quoted. I know it might sound like I’m trying too pass the blame or not take responsibility but it’s not that it’s just in the situation I’m in there’s nothing more I can say other than I should of went out of my way and said too the other boy not too intervene with our rp when we was down and let it play out naturally. I hope you understand where I’m coming from and can see that yes I was in the situation when the rule break occurred but it didn’t come from me personally as I’ve said and also as the other member who I was with clarified. Hope you can understand where I’m coming from an we can come closer to getting this resolved. Thank you. 

Good afternoon @Ginogineli

Sitting in a discord call and actively speaking/undeafening during a roleplay scenario will undoubtedly cause yours and others actions during said roleplay scenario to be influenced by OOC means whether that be by gaining information you wouldn't otherwise have in character such as locations etc. or otherwise.

If you were given another opportunity to play on the server, what would you do differently going forward to make sure another situation like this wouldn't happen again?

Evening mate, I fully understand and am now aware the sheer harm discord can cause to everyone’s RP experience. All I can say is if I was to be allowed back on the server my interaction on discord when playing the server would be next to none. I would use this chance as a way to improve my rp and put my mistake behind me and never let it happen again. I am now fully aware of why this said rule is in place and how effective it can be in allowing RP to be up to a high standard. Thank you. 


Okay, I am willing to give you another chance. You seem to understand the severity of the rule you have broken.

Any future rule breaks within the next 6 months will lead you straight back here to the appeals section so i'd suggest you familiarise yourself with the rules.

Dont mess it up.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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