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Unban Appeal - harryjs14 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for harryjs14 

In-game Name: Trent Steel

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198387278611

Ban ID: !!rpuk9953!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 - Combat Logging

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I had breached the combat logging rule at around 23:35 BST in the evening of 27 AUG 22. Prior to the 'combat log' I had been on duty for a while as a police officer. While on duty (around 20 minutes before the 'combat log'), there was a large incident which took place outside of MRPD. It involved a large group of people storming police officers where the police officers were overpowered as the large group had various different melee weapons. Many officers were run over and beaten down, leaving them in a helpless state on the floor. I was originally one of these officers. I was then taken into the MRPD garage where I was treated by a concious officer who managed to also treat another injured officer. After I was back on my feet, I headed back out to the front of MRPD once again to try and apprehend any suspects or save any downed officers from the mayhem. While this was happening, the same situation repeated itself and I was once again knocked onto the floor by a masked figure with a barbed wire baseball bat. During this situation, I was placed into an unknown vehicle by a masked figure (who had been assaulting the officers) where I was then taken away from the scene and taken to an isolated part of the hills, east of the casino. I remember being taken from the vehicle along with my colleague, where I was dumped on the ground. After this, I was lifeless and I was roleplaying the injuries I had sustained. The person who had kidnapped and dumped us (me and the other officer), began to re-enter their vehicle and drive off. At this point in time, I had around 11 minutes left on the respawn timer. I also had multiple issues I had to attend to in the real world, and due to it getting late, I F8 quit (this was due to the masked figure driving away from the area). At this moment in time I believed the RP to be over, and of course I had to attend to things IRL. Although I was very wrong. I didn't realise the RP wasn't over so the action I took was very stupid and caused the RP to be disrupted. I assume that the person kidnapping me wanted to see my respawn or fully die out etc. I take full accountability in this, and even though I believed that it was ok to do this originally (to log out once I believed the RP was over) I do see the other side of things as it hindered the roleplay scenario at hand.

Why should we unban you ?:

Dear Staff Member,

I believe I should be unbanned as I recognise the issue with doing this. I take full accountability into the issue and I am willing to wait the required amount of time before this is able to be reviewed. I have kept my nose clean as I was originally banned for a completely different incident back in December (this involved a breach of rule G2.9). Ever since then I have had a fresh start and I have worked hard across three different characters to maintain a good reputation and standing. I understand that just because of this, it doesn't give me an advantage into this ban. I would like to request that I am unbanned as I can assure the admins that this will not happen again. I personally deem this to be a mistake as I had to go and attend to a real life issue, however I do understand that overall it was wrong as it breached the rule C2.3 (Combat Logging) as at the end of the day I had logged out when the person dumping me had wanted to see my die for RP purposes. I see why this was an issue to others and did not think about it at the time. As much as it seems like I'm making excuses, as I stated about working hard across three different characters and I also stated about having to attend to real life issues - I believe it was a stupid action and I am willing to review my actions and take a good look at what I did. If I am unbanned I can promise that this mistake will not be made again, and with this in hand I would like to thank the staff team for reading this. I would also like this to be a chance to apologise to the respective members of the community who I affected.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Whilst we all understand we have real life commitments to deal with, Just leaving a situation isn't the correct way to go as you have indeed found out. Why didn't you reach out to a member of the staff team to inform us if you had something going on? There was no ooc messages, No tickets made nor any messages within discord regarding this, So why didn't this happen? 

Reading further into your appeal there we're a few things you have failed to mention, As you claim to want to take full accountability for your actions can you explain the ooc message that appeared from another player that asked you to stop breaking character? 

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Thank you for your reply Stuart.

Dear Staff Member,

I do understand that leaving the situation wasn’t the right way to deal with it. I should have contacted someone in OOC chat before leaving to make sure that they knew. My actions affected the roleplay of others and caused a roleplay scenario to be ruined.

The reason I didn’t reach out to a member of the staff team is because at the time I was too rushed to do so and had to get off. I didn’t reach out to anyone at all and I regret this. My instinct was to leave as I genuinely believed that the situation was over, so I did so. At the time I really thought nothing of it - this being the reason why I just didn’t reach out to anyone at all.

Regarding ‘breaking character’, I usually have my OOC chat turned off. And in this situation I did not have OOC chat visible. I understand that this was not smart as I should’ve kept it turned on to make sure that I was aware of the situation and I should of notified those involved. I may have broken character during this incident however I did not intend to break character. The reason I may have been breaking character is because I was rushed and needed to go. I do apologise for this as again, I understand that it affects others’ roleplay.

Overall, I do take full accountability for my actions, however the reason I did not list all incidents is due to the fact I did not remember them. I understand that this is careless of me however now that you have mentioned the ‘breaking character’ incident I understand that this was also part of the chain of events. As much as I am taking accountability for my other actions, I would like to fully apologise for anything I may have done or caused during the evening on AUG 27 22. I would like to make sure that this is recognised as I do not deem this as acceptable.

My acknowledgment of this situation over the past month has gave me time to think about what really happened, and I understand that it really does dig a deep hole. It affected others’ roleplay and ended up causing this big incident. I apologise for my actions fully and I also apologise for being forgetful about ‘breaking character’. I can assure you that if I am given another chance, this WILL NEVER happen again. I felt as if I have let myself down and a part of the community down with my poor roleplay and poor decision making in this situation.

Thank you.

So you believed the situation was over however you stated "This is fucking shit" then broke character and logged off the server. What part of that sounds like the situation is over to you? 

Having ooc on or not is a players choice and it's fine to play with it off, But the point I'm getting at is you broke character, Whilst yes others did tell you not to in ooc chat you should of known this given the amount of time you have been in the community. You are in two whitelisted factions so I'd expect better and indeed it did ruin the roleplay that was happening overall. 

From your last bans didn't you bother to read all of our rules? If not why?

Lets lean on the full accountability you wish to hold yourself to, How many other times have you broke character or simply combat logged? 

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Dear Staff Member, sorry for the late reply.

The reason I stated 'This is fucking shit' is because I was annoyed with the situation as this was just after I had been beaten multiple times outside of MRPD. I didn't mean for it to sound as if I was breaking character at the time. I was just annoyed and it was something I said in the heat of the moment. I understand that my roleplay was poor for someone who is in two whitelisted factions. I do apologise for ruining the roleplay scenario for others. I really have had a hard think about this - I understand that what I originally thought was a mistake on my part was actually a rule break. Since my ban, I have had a look at the rules and reviewed them. I do see why this is a rule break of the combat logging rule, and I also see how it was a break of character as it was poor roleplay. I understand that I should've been more responsible with my actions and I do regret what I did. I understand that breaking character may also be counted as breaking rule G2.3 and/or G1.6.

From my last ban, I did read the rules afterwards. Infact, I often try to update myself with the rules to make sure I stay in line and I am not breaking any rules while roleplaying. My last ban was for a breach of the money exploitation rule, which I have learnt from since. After I was banned for that, I made it clear to myself that I would not break another rule. I understand that I have let the people involved down in terms of my roleplay. Not only that - I have also let myself down as I wanted to stay clean.

My record is not great at this moment in time with two bans to my name. I am confident that I have not combat logged or broke character previously. Although I have confidence in this, I am not 100%. In saying this, I feel as if I have followed the rules since my last ban and up until this incident I feel as if I have respected the community's values and rules within RP. I understand that breaking character and combat logging are not taken lightly, which is why I am trying to take full accountability for what I did. I also understand that breach of any rule is unacceptable and, I also understand that taking full accountability will hold me accountable for any other rule breaks that are in consideration with this ban. I am willing to make up for what I did and I really do apologise for it.

Since the day I joined the RPUK community, I have loved every moment of it. I have made some valuable memories within this community and met lots of good people along the way. I am basically saying that I would like another chance. Now, I understand that I have a lot of nerve asking for another chance due to previous circumstances. I am willing to learn from my mistake and make it up to the community. It is my fault and my fault only for getting into this situation. I can assure you that while I will be very lucky to be given another chance, I will take it with great responsibility and will never forget the rules. I will stay updated and in line with the rules and have a good attitude towards the server and community. My poor actions in the past have proved that I have been an incompetent roleplayer and I somewhat do not deserve to be in this community. Despite this, I would be extremely greatful for another chance.

Thank you.

You've mentioned your last ban for money transfer and said you have learned from it, However this isn't the only punishment you've had since being within the community. You've had three bans including this one and two of the three are permanent bans, To make it easier I'll list them all below; 

1 Day ban - C1.14, G1.2, G2.3
Permanent Ban - G2.9
Warning's (two different times) - G2.4
Permanent Ban - C2.3, Current ban.

So having a look over this it's the order the bans and warnings we're given. One would think more so after the last permanent ban you would want to be more careful overall and not break the rules as you indeed knew the outcome. Whilst it's understandable you are asking for another chance this does pose the question, How many chances does one need to start following the rules? 

Now moving onto the combat logging overall you've said you are confident you haven't done this before however not 100% sure, So I've done some digging. Upon having a look through all your characters and found this isn't the first time you've combat logged. Upon checking I have found 18 other times you've combat logged from situations after being downed by another player most of the time within minutes, This doesn't include this combat log you we're banned for. To myself it looks like you are happy to break the rules should you believe you will get away with it.

You do say that you learn from mistakes you've made, How can we believe this is the case with a history of breaking the rules and more so combat logging?

Dear Staff Member,

To take accountability for those 18 times, they have been times where I have simply left the server after the situation is over, or when I have had an issue with my game, forcing me to re-log. I do not believe they are all combat logs, but from a staff member’s perspective I can understand that this looks like 18 combat logs. I find this record appalling and I am shocked at this. I will take accountability for all of the 18 incidents as combat logs due to the nature of this incident and due to the fact I am trying to be as upfront and honest as possible.

When I said I have learnt from mistakes I have made, I am genuinely serious. I really try not to break rules however sometimes I let myself down. I always work hard and I am really pushy towards myself to improve. I strive to be better everyday despite the fact that my record is a really bad example of this. 

To counter this, I will apply a new attitude if I am given another chance in the server. I will not take as many risks and I will try to become a better person. I will stay in line with the new rules and work hard to improve myself. I will constantly keep updated with the rules and make sure to relay it to myself.

I believe that with the mistakes I have made in the past, every mistake I have made has made me a better person and it really has made me realize how it has affected me. Personally, I can agree with anyones perspective on how this is a bad rule break and I can see the bad will in this.

Although I am not in a good position to be asking for another chance, I can assure a few things (If I am given another chance).

• I will not abuse or break any rule ever again.

• I will not ruin roleplay for others.

• I will utilize features such as OOC to make sure I am telling others when I need to end a situation for a real life event.

• I will stay in character at all times.

I understand that even this is something that is poor of me. I am understanding that these are basic rules and I have failed to follow them. I really do apologize for my actions and I understand that they are not acceptable to any extent from any member of the community or anyone that joins the server for that matter.

Thank you for reading. 

Indeed from a staff perspective it is shocking, As from my side when looking at this you have no regard for the rules if you believe you won't get caught. As mentioned most of these combat logs we're within minutes or less from being downed, To me that doesn't shout out "Oh my game is bugging out ect". There have been a few times you logged off whilst downed and only returned 3-4 days later however was perfectly fine playing on other characters during the times of logging off and back on so I'm not believing fully it was due to your game. 

If this is the case, Why was nothing mentioned in ooc, Why wasn't a ticket made or why didn't you come directly to a staff member and inform us? Doesn't make much sense if you needed to relog ect. Now where does that leave me based on what I've found and the type of ban you are appealing, Whilst yes you are making an effort in a sense to return we cannot overlook the amount of times you've done this leading up to this ban where it has all now come to light. 

Whilst you say you will follow the rules this time if given another chance, We have given you multiple chances and it's played out the same, So when looking further it to me looks like it could be more of a risk to allow you to come back this soon after receiving the ban. Do I believe you are being honest, I do but do I believe you will do this again or break another rule? At this time I believe you may since you was given two warnings between two permanent bans more so the last warning was 15 days before you received a permanent ban. 

So where does that leave me, At this time I wouldn't feel comfortable giving you another opportunity just yet, Not saying it won't happen however it was just a little over a month ago you was banned and in turn I do need to take on board your two warnings and the 18 other combat logs into account. So based on this I will be going ahead and denying the appeal and providing you with a 3 month cooldown period to think about your actions over the last few months that would cover almost all of the combat logs, Both warnings and indeed this ban. 

Take this time to re-read the rules and address the above in your next appeal. You may make a new appeal on or after January 4th 2023.


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