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Unban Appeal - harryjs14 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for harryjs14 

In-game Name: Trent Steel

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198387278611

Ban ID: !!rpuk9953!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 - Combat Logging

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I had breached the combat logging rule at around 23:35 BST in the evening of 27 AUG 22. Prior to the 'combat log' I had been on duty for a while as a police officer. While on duty (around 20 minutes before the 'combat log'), there was a large incident which took place outside of MRPD. It involved a large group of people storming police officers where the police officers were overpowered as the large group had various different melee weapons. Many officers were run over and beaten down, leaving them in a helpless state on the floor. I was originally one of these officers. I was then taken into the MRPD garage where I was treated by a concious officer who managed to also treat another injured officer. After I was back on my feet, I headed back out to the front of MRPD once again to try and apprehend any suspects or save any downed officers from the mayhem. While this was happening, the same situation repeated itself and I was once again knocked onto the floor by a masked figure with a barbed wire baseball bat. During this situation, I was placed into an unknown vehicle by a masked figure (who had been assaulting the officers) where I was then taken away from the scene and taken to an isolated part of the hills, east of the casino. I remember being taken from the vehicle along with my colleague, where I was dumped on the ground. After this, I was lifeless and I was roleplaying the injuries I had sustained. The person who had kidnapped and dumped us (me and the other officer), began to re-enter their vehicle and drive off. At this point in time, I had around 11 minutes left on the respawn timer. I also had multiple issues I had to attend to in the real world, and due to it getting late, I F8 quit (this was due to the masked figure driving away from the area). At this moment in time I believed the RP to be over, and of course I had to attend to things IRL. Although I was very wrong. I didn't realise the RP wasn't over so the action I took was very stupid and caused the RP to be disrupted. I assume that the person kidnapping me wanted to see my respawn or fully die out etc. I take full accountability in this, and even though I believed that it was ok to do this originally (to log out once I believed the RP was over) I do see the other side of things as it hindered the roleplay scenario at hand.

(Snippet taken from previous appeal)

The real reason I feel I was banned was because of the countless other times I have combat logged and also made other choices. This time it was the final straw. My poor actions over different occasions lead to me being banned. I also believe that it was right to give me a three month cooldown for re-appealing. I was not honest, and thought I could just get away with all the other occasions I had combat logged and not valued my life in roleplay.

Why should we unban you ?: Dear Staff Member,

I believe that I should have another chance in the city of RPUK as I have learnt from my mistakes. I previously was involved in an incident where I accidentally combat logged. When I went to appeal, I was found out for the numerous other occasions which I had combat logged or suspiciously logged out while in a dying stage or as such. In my previous appeal, I stated that I wanted to 'take full accountability for my actions'. This was clearly not the case as I was not honest. So, I wanted to shed some light. I have previously been caught up in situations that I didn't want to be in, therefore I decided I would combat log on a number of occasions. I have also previously not valued my life, leading to warnings regarding this which I am aware of. I have now come to understand that this was silly, immature and stupid of me. My actions were careless, and I had no regard for the quality of roleplay around me.

Since I was banned, I feel as if I have matured more. I feel as if I really understand what it takes to roleplay properly and if I am to be given a second chance, I can follow the rules how they are supposed to be followed. I understand that to roleplay, you have to be more mature and take a better understanding of what is going on around you. I feel as though I am ready to start a fresh and get back into RPUK, if I am given another chance. I also understand that this is not taken lightly, as I was dishonest in my last appeal. I can prove to the staff team that I am willing to be a better, improved version of myself. I can also prove this to the community by providing better roleplay and actually following the rules - not just quitting the game or not valuing my life to save my items. I need to take it more seriously and start roleplaying better. Thank you for reading.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @harryjs14

I remember unbanning you in May of last year, when you assured me that you will stay out of trouble and keep to the rules... Yet, it took you less than 4 months to break one of our most serious rules once again. And here you are... 

What am I going to do with you this time? Why should I take a chance on you once again? 

Hi there Sammy.

Thanks for responding so soon.

I believe I should be given the opportunity to roleplay in the city of RPUK because I have learnt from my mistake. I understand that I have said this before, and I have not stuck to it. How can you trust me? I will make sure that if trust is put back into me to roleplay on the server, I will not simply ‘play’ on the server. I will act accordingly as a valuable member of the community and start to get my act together. I can assure you that my mistakes have been learnt from, and I am going to use them in the future to better myself.

I feel as if I have failed to roleplay properly in the city of RPUK this far. This is why I would like another chance to prove myself. I understand that combat logging is not taken lightly, and my actions were poorly chosen with a lot of misjudgement. I was too selfish in my actions and did not think of others during combat logging and not valuing my character’s life.

Looking back, I think that my roleplay was not serious enough and quite frankly, immature. I did not value my life enough in certain situations. I did not understand how to fully roleplay without being immature. 2023 being a new year, I have already achieved lots of my goals this year, and have many more goals to come. This meaning that I am trying my hardest to be civilised and roleplay according to the rules while being in the city - if I am given another chance of course. I will put pull effort into learning how to roleplay properly and not being stupid and immature while Role-playing.

Since my last appeal was denied back in October, I have gained more experience in Role-playing. I have made more of an effort to better my roleplay and feel as if I have actually made progress in my roleplay ventures.

Another reason I would be grateful if I was given another chance is because RPUK is my favourite city. Not because I used to mess about and break rules unforgivingly, but because I have always found that the quality of roleplay and the quality of the server is in a good place. This being said, I have thought back to old times and realised what it takes to roleplay.

Thank you for reading this.

Quote me the rule you broke and explain, in your own words, why this rule is in place and what would happen if it wasn´t.

Hello again Sammy,

C2.3 - Combat Logging
This rule is when someone leaves the game during combat which would affect a roleplay scenario. An example of this would be getting killed and then put inside a car to be dumped. On the way to the dump, you leave the game. This would be an example of combat logging.

This rule is in place for multiple reasons. One of these reasons being that if it wasn't, people would simply use it to their advantage. How would they use it to their advantage? Well they would simply leave the game and that way, the NHS would find them more easily as they have not been ocean dumped. Basically, if the combat logging rule wasn't in place - no one would lose their items most likely as everyone would be able to get revived.

The way in which I broke this rule was similar. I combat logged on an occasion where I had been dumped and believed the RP to be over. Like I stated in my first post of this particular appeal, I believe the accumulation of me doing it in the past lead up to me being banned. Like a 'final straw'. I do apologise for breaking this rule and I understand that this rule is very serious in how it is presented.

Thank you for reading.

Very well. 

I will give you one last golden chance. And do not be mistaken, there won´t be any more for a significant amount of time if you get banned again within the next 6 months. Do not make me regret this.

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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