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Unban Appeal - harveyM - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Unban Appeal for harveyM 

In-game Name: Harvey Long

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198994135823

Ban ID: @@rpuk8836@@

Reason given for your ban: G1.2 RDM

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned on may 25th 2022, I received a permanent ban and wasn't able to appeal for 6 months. After the 6 months I placed an appeal and was denied. Here I am placing another appeal after my appeal was denied for a further 6 months.

Why should we unban you ?: I was banned for RDM (G 1.2) it's been over a year since I played the server so I've learnt big time from the time and actions taken. During my ban I have been playing on other RP servers and learnt a lot. I've improved my RP quality drastically and wish to play on RPUK again. RPUK was my first RP server ever so mistakes were bound to be made in these type of scenarios that I wasn't quick to thing upon. If my appeal is approved I would like to bring high quality RP to the city that I've learnt from the mistake and from the other server I have mentioned.

I understand I did not engage in any sort of high quality RP before the engagement. The RP was short/not good and it was foolish of me. I ruined a roleplay scenario between Michael and Tim, which is understandable it happens, but I ruined it with RDM which I can understand his frustration and the reason for the ban. From which I have learnt my mistake and took the punishment of my actions.
Hopefully you can consider approving my appeal. Appreciate your time.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You seem to have forgotten to mention something, Harvey... 
What happened in April this year?

@harveyM- Please respond soon, or your appeal may time out!

Look i know i was banned for RDM then later on i ban evaded at all means i deserve these bans but however i really do want to RP with my friends legitimately ive been a long standing member within this community and i want to prove to the community that im not my old self anymore and i have really improved my RP.

If given another chance to play in the server i will not disappoint you whilst being banned i had been roleplaying in a different server to improve my roleplay so i could prove to the community if i was allowed back i can create fun roleplay scenarios for all parties and not ruin them like i have in the past all i can do is say sorry for what i have done and would really appreciate a chance to RP with my friends again.

Back to the ban evading yes what i done was really bad and i should of not done it and i felt so guilty afterwards the reason i did it was because i had been banned on STRP and i wanted to test to see if it worked out of boredom yes RPUK is a server i should have not tried it on as i knew what the outcome would be im really sorry for this it will never happen again 


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How many times did you ban evade, Harvey?
Remember; Honesty is key...

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I created one character called Lewis and i want to say i logged in twice once before 8pm storm and once after im so sorry for this and this will never happen again 


Why risk ever being unbanned, by evading your ban in the first place? 

At the time i really wanted to play with my friends on STRP and i tested it on RPUK briefly this was really stupid of me and as i knew i would have to appeal my ban in the future some part of me hoped i didnt get caught because i wanted to play in the server but now it has backfired on me 

There comes a certain stage in life where you realize that "what you want" and "what you can do" are often two different things. 
In this case, you wanted to return and play on the server - something you couldn't do at the time. In spite of this, you took deliberate action to evade your ban, to get what you wanted. 

This is something that usually cost many players chance of ever returning, and I want you to remember this.
- Furthermore, I want you to familiarize yourself with our newest feature called  'Character Locking', should you fall into bad habits, you'll be recommended as the first candidate for this. 

Do you remember the requirements attached to the appeal of your 'meta-gaming' ban? (LINK).
I'm sure you now know how tedious the wait has been, and no doubt it'll be a good deterrence from any malicious behavior going forth. As of such, here are the criteria of your return:

  • Any rule-break within 6 months will yield a permanent ban, and comes with an attached 6 month appeal cooldown.
  • Any rule-break after the 6 month period, for a period of another six months, (23/01/2024 - 23/07/2024), will yield a ban in accordance with the 'Fair Bans System'. - There will be no warnings, Harvey.

Once a full calendar year has passed, 23/07/2024 -> , your actions are at the discretion of our staff team, as per usual. 

With the above in mind; your account (Harvey -Long) has been unbanned. If you have any questions regarding the above and / or need clarification on the matter, please open a Discord ticket and link your appeal. 
As for the account you evaded your ban with, it will forever remain banned...


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Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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