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Unban Appeal - HasTrex - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for HasTrex 

In-game Name: Has Trex

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198448319935

Ban ID: rpuk#4287

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was at the police station. I jumped of a wall and when I hit the floor my game crashed. I tried logging back in straight away but it said I was banned for C2.3. It genuinely wasn't my fault I tried to get back in straight away it wasn't allowing me.

Why should we unban you ?: Because I have the worst luck in the world and someone has probably cursed me. It wasn't even my fault.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Game crashed when I hit the floor, was frozen so I forced quit the application and tried to restarted. I probably should of just waited but this isn't the first time it's frozen or bugged. I understand how it can come across as combat logging out.

Theres been times where I have had my inventory open and received a phone call and it has frozen. Had to restart then aswell. Still fairly new to roleplay in general but from what I have experience so far I thoroughly enjoy it and would like to come back

@HasTrexThis is not what is showing though. You are fine running about, in fact you were so quick to force quit the application, there was no way of youactually seeing if you were frozen or not.

So, did you just quit so you didn't get arrested?

I'm fine running about? There has been loads of bugs where I freeze. inventory is stuck or my phone is stuck. I did not quit because I was getting arrested. there was no police after me. I did nothing so was no need to run or hide. I was near the police station and heard sirens, went near the car and I heard a guy talking, he was hiding from the police. I asked him how he got up there and he said he climbed the wall. That's when I climbed the wall too, fell of and froze.  Have a look at the police body cam, and also ask the police officer. No one was after me so I don't understand this.

I got no reason to go back and fourth, I could of just been like yeah I logged out I apologize I will never do it again but this is what happened. imp sure you can check my game logs and see that it froze? have a look at the police body cam, I was never getting chased in the first place.

Have a look at the police body cam, and also ask the police officer. No one was after me so I don't understand this.
I have had a look.

And it shows otherwise...

I wasn't being chased, the guy was on top of the building. He said he was hiding from the police and that's when I asked him how he got up there. I literally heard the sirens, parked up and ran over to the police car. The officer has never seen me before. I apologize if it has come across any other way it wasn't my intention at all I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Plus freezing and restarting didn't help either. I will definitely take note for next time

(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

C2.3 is classed as combat logging, combating logging can ruin the experience for everyone else in the server. I have read it several times and agree with it. I'm new to roleplay and didn't know restarting when game is crashed could be combat logging, but after viewing the situation I understand how it can come across and I apologize. It was never my intention. My character had nothing on him that was illegal and I can promise you no police was after me. I didn't speak to any police before I froze nor was told I was under arrest. If anyhow I thought police was after me I would of totally gone along with roleplay like I have several times before. 

Okay, in the future please be more considerate when thinking you should log out to maybe fix any issue that you might be having. If you are involved or around people you should try to make them aware and not so its seems like you jump and log to not be arrested for trespassing in a police station.. which im sure is what has happened here.

Either way, i dont want to see anything like this from you in the future else you will not be back so easy. 


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