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Unban Appeal - hol_ll - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for hol_ll 

In-game Name: Victoria Cohan

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198258453464

Ban ID: 8222

Reason given for your ban: C2.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I was spamming the /die command to get out of an active situation on 30/03

Why should we unban you ?: I think I should be unbanned because, I have taken some time to think about what I did and I realise that it was such a stupid mistake and I am truly sorry for what I did. I understand what I did was wrong and in the future I will know what to do in situations like that.
I let real life issues bother me too much to the point where it effected my RP and I shouldn't have let that happen. I know what I did was wrong and regret it massively as I miss the server and shouldn't have made such a silly mistake like that.
If I was to be given a second chance I would make sure that I don't make a mistake like that again and I would make sure to stay away from the server when I am struggling as I know I won't RP to the best of my abilities. I have made many friends through the server and wouldn't want to lose spending time with them over such a careless mistake that was made in the heat of the moment.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there.

Although it was quite a while back, this is not the first time you have gotten yourself banned for not roleplaying a scenario through, pretty much with the same justification, right? 
Reading up on your last unban appeal, this is what you have stated:

"For one I’m not going to get myself into that state again. As I shouldn’t have done what I did irl in the first place and played because that is just not a good mix.

if it does come to it and it does get that bad I will make staff aware of what is going on and make sure that I don’t make the same mistake. I’m going  to use this situation as a lesson on how to proceed in the in future."

Although you did not technically break the same rule again, the similarity of the 2 scenarios is still striking, wouldn´t you say?
Quite frankly, you don´t exactly seem to have learned not to do it again. You simply attempted to do it through other means. Why should we believe this time will be any different? 

The two situations are very similar from an outside perspective but with my first ban there was a lot more going on that wasn’t spoke about publicly on the report.

That was a year ago now and there were many different factors to that ban that are not talked about publicly on the report for privacy reasons.

Like I stated above there were other variables at play during this ban and I have spoke to staff about this as well and taken there advice. Which  is why I waited to appeal. 

RPUK is an escape for me and most people where we get to be someone else for a change. Situations have happened throughout the past few months that have drained me over time and whilst I should have brought it to staff I wasn't sure how to position this to them.

After explaining my situation to certain staff I was given advice on how to go about things like this in the future and the correct process to go through.

I am truly sorry for what I did and I regret my silly decision but I can only look to learn from my mistakes and grow from them. I know now what to do in those situations and know nothing like this will happen again

I am aware of the ticket and was told enough to ensure I can see the full picture, to be able to deal with this unban appropriately. So let´s move away from "there is more behind this" and let´s get to the situation at hand.
And that is simply you not keeping to the rules. The circumstances leading to this will be considered and taken into account, however, it will be seen as an explanation rather than act as justification. 

Therefore, the 2 situations are in fact somewhat connected, as you desired the same outcome and merely broke different rules to get there. I am also aware that this happened a year ago tho, considering your lengthy absence in between these two incidents, it still is relevant to a degree. 

Now, moving forward. You have been made aware of what to do in situations that make you want to log off the server/escape an ongoing rp scenario before, right? As much as I understand certain things that can affect a person irl and lead to an error of judgement, the responsibility of recognising it and doing the right thing still lays with you. 

How will you ensure to do that in future? Are you capable of staying away when finding yourself in such a state of mind again?

As stated before from talking to other staff and listening to there advice I believe it would just be best for me to avoid coming on when I get in that headspace. 
I know I’m capable of staying away now as I have found other outlets to compensate for when I want to play the server but don’t have the best head space. 
Im also going to work on different characters to avoid being on one constantly as I think this will help me better my RP and stop me from being on just for the sake of it. 

Very well.

I am satisfied with what I am reading here and willing to give you another shot. 

However, as much as we are understanding of certain circumstances, there will not be another chance so soon, should this ever happen again. Stay away from situations that could affect you in such way and make sure to remember: Your character is not you! If you find yourself not being able to seperate that, step away and have a time out instead of letting it push you to break rules. 

Any ban for something similar within the next 6 months, will come with a 3 month cooldown before you can appeal again. Also keep in mind, this was your second permanent ban all together. It will, no matter the time frame in between, get harder and less likely to get unbanned if you continue on breaking rules.

Is the above understood and clear?

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Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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