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Unban Appeal - Howard Jarvis - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Howard Jarvis 

In-game Name: Howard Jarvis

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198084260129

Ban ID: llrpuk11908ll

Reason given for your ban: C1.7 / G1.6

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was having a conversation with someone in game about someone moving to another city coming up and become one of the "government officials" (admin) over there, I forgot how long the conversation was but I believe it was very short, I also used /me can you see this? a lot as recently on my crim character died due to medics weren't able to see my /me.

Why should we unban you ?: I have been banned for over a month now and I have said what I was going to do in my first appeal and reviewed the rules over the time I was away from the server. I have missed the server a lot since being banned as I enjoyed the community you have here, rping with everyone on the server to make it enjoyable for everyone as best as I can, getting into car chases and the most important thing I've missed is teaching the new officers as thats what I mainly do in the police force. I know I messed up big time and I'll hold my hands up to it, however I only make one mistake and I make sure I will never repeat it again. I understand that the actions I have done could of badly impacted the community as it could be a malicious intent to give people a virus and what not, but I assure you I was not and I also understand that me advertising another "city" (server) could also harm the community as people would go over there and leave this server which will heavily hurt the server and the community. I assure you I did not mean this whatsoever, but I can understand your viewpoint on it. I will also make sure that just because I can't think of anything to say that I will think before I speak before saying anything as what I normally do in a situation is just say anything to not make it awkward and what not, I understand that I'm a senior in a police force and I should hold myself up to a higher standard, I am disgraced in the actions I have done and could only ask you to give me a second chance and let me prove to you that I won't break any rules again as I have learnt my lesson for being away from the community for over a month and I've missed it a lot. All I can really say is that I will keep on educating myself on the rules and will continue to provide good rp to everyone on the server as I did before my ban and train up officers as that's my main objective in the police force.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a lovely day/evening

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

We obviously don’t care if our players wish to play other servers, we aren’t controlling. However, we do have an advertisement rule which is exactly what you were doing and we don’t agree with it.

I can see from your notes that you were understanding about the rule break at the time. However, you can tell me why we have these two rules in place please?

You have the G1.7 rule because we are more involved with the server and in my case the progression and showing how to provide good rp within the community, we must always hold a high standard for other people to follow our footsteps of how to be a valued member of the community and provide good RP with people as I am part of the senior's in the police force and must show to them and to staff that I can follow the guidelines placed out by yourself. I should also show that the storyline that I have started with my character shows a progression to the good or bad side to it, so i can't just wake up one day and start murdering people for the fun of it or showing signs of mental illness, I would have to slowly build up to it by showing signs, acting differently on a daily basis and acting more "strange" 

With the advertisement rule it is there to protect the safety of the community as it can only take one person to give someone a harmful link/download to destroy their PC, get information of that person and could also affect their real life by taking money out of their accounts if they have it saved on their PC, address, name etc etc. It can also hurt roleplay.co.uk as if people are constantly leaving for other servers it would cripple your end and won't be able to keep the servers up anymore. 

Rule C1.7 is there because we are all adults and we have more of a capability of not making stupid decisions and can adapt to any situation that can come at us in game, you can't detail every rule so you would have to trust us that we have more common sense than stupidity to not make wrong decision, so when we arrive in a situation or start a situation we must be able to play out any outcome that the other person(s) are doing and make good RP with them. 

It's clear to see that you understand why a ban was placed on you due to your actions in game. However, you have been here since September 2022 you should've known better than to Break Roleplay to ask if someone can see your /mes and speaking about another server whilst in roleplay. It isn't a good look overall...

Please do better in the future, alright?

Due to this being a permanent ban, any ban within 6 months will lead you right back here needing to appeal.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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