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Unban Appeal - Invidious - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Invidious 

In-game Name: Johnny Fingers

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 151471255

Ban ID: !!rpuk8119!!

Reason given for your ban: 62.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I believe I was banned for transferring money. I have a small friend group who wanted to all buy a house together. We found a house for 420k and all chipped in to live there as apparently you can offer keys to all live under the same property.

Why should we unban you ?: I understand you're meant to read the rules before joining however I completely was unaware of this rule. I'm happy for the house to be sold and money reset. I've played on the server for a few weeks now and haven't committed any other offences and have been enjoying my time.

Apologises for the issue and it wont happen again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I believe I was banned for transferring money.
Can you elaborate?

also please quote the rule you broke and explain it in your own words why do we have this rule in place


Myself and my friend group had been looking for a house for a while, And found it rather difficult to either locate a houses that even sold or if we did it had already been sold.  While we were on, a friend discovered the house we ended up subsequently buying. As we'd finally found a house that was for sale we panicked, all rushing to the property to purchase. We later noticed that the property was up for 420k. We then decided to all chip on and purchase the house, as we'd been told earlier in the week that keys could be divided for multiple people to live at the same address. 

I then committed the offence by going onto my other character and sending over 150k to my friend, as at that point we hadn't ascertained who would be the owner, With the mindset that once the property had been purchased I would have given a key to that character too to have them all under the same roof. 

This then subsequently lead to breaking the following rule- 

(G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.

To which, looking back retrospectively was a violation of this rule. I have since, understood my mistake. I understand why you allow multiple characters and I in essence violated that and used my other character to gain an advantage unfairly without thinking.

My defence for the above is simply put that we were panicking, trying to rush and made a stupid decision without thinking about the ramifications of the decision. 

Many thanks for the reply,


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If unbanned what are the plans for your character? if you in a situation again where you "panicking for money" how would you got about obtaining it?

To be honest, we got swept up with getting the house and decorating/ owning a garage etc. I mainly play the server for the RP, If I wanted to houses cars and money id play GTA Online.

I understand the gravity of the situation and will focus my attention on RP based scenarios with Police and gangs, this whole experience has put me off cars and houses. And even if I wanted to return to purchase a house one day, I'll make sure its done correctly. 

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Due to the nature of your ban if given another chance you will have to start fresh and receive a full account wipe, do you agree to these terms?

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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