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Unban Appeal - Jarvin L - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Jarvin L 

In-game Name: Howard Jarvis

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198084260129

Ban ID: llrpuk11908ll

Reason given for your ban: C1.7 | C1.6

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned due to using the /me can u see this? because in recent days when I used /me no one could see it and was wondering if the other person can see it aswell, this caused my crim character to die the other day and they could not see my /me

Why should we unban you ?: I have a clean record until now and yes what I done was a mistake and people make mistakes but that doesn't excuse me of my actions, however I believe I do give good RP within the community when I'm interacting with people within the community, all I can really say is that I have educated myself on the rules that I've broken today and will continue to educate myself on the rules more often to make sure I don't break them and all I can say now is that it won't happen again as I normally follow every single rule, however this time i messed up. I play this server because its a tight community and alot of good people I've met and I don't think that one mistake should cost me to be banned forever, like what I normally say to people I meet who wronged me or done something wrong, yes you done a mistake but don't make a second, so I hope you will give me a second chance so I can prove to you that it won't happen again and it will not happen again as I would of educated myself on the rules and provide good rp to people as I have been since I've been playing the server until now of why I got banned.

I wanted to edit my post a little bit aswell just while I am waiting for a response as I do want to say how I have provided good RP to people within the community within any situation from me getting shot/stabbed/run over or anything else and then rping with the medics, police relations with the civilians, hostage negotiations, pursuits and making good friends within the community and would like to say I didn't think I'd get this far with the connections I have made within RP and meet people in the community.  

Thanks for reading and hopefully you have a good day.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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There's a little bit more to this ban than misusing /me's, ultimately that's not the thing that resulted in your ban.

I know for a fact that you were spoken to at length before the ban was placed, can you tell me a little more about that?

Yes I talked about another server and shouldn't of done so and I apologise very much and it won't happen again, there are no excuses to it and I won't give any excuse to it, but what I can do is promise it won't happen again and make sure that I will update myself on the rules to make sure it won't happen again as I play this server alot and want to prove to the staff that I do care about the server by following the rules and to provide good roleplaying to everyone on the server and basically just have fun. 

Whilst generally speaking it's just rude to advertise another server on one that you're currently playing, the advertising rule serves a purpose beyond just trying to keep people playing RPUK.

What problems and potential issues do you think may crop up if we allow people to advertise anything they want?

I completely understand why that rule is placed because it will stop other people just coming onto roleplay.co.uk server to just advertise to everyone to leave this one and join another server, the issues it will cause for the server is that it will allow people to do what they want and don't matter the punishment as they have already left the server and if that happens you wont have a server anymore just people you use to have onto another server and i can guarantee that it won't happen again as i don't make mistakes again such as this one. 

You've missed the mark a little bit so I'll help out, as I understand the question was somewhat vague.

We ultimately have the rule in place to protect the community, we cannot vet everything that everyone may advertise and so if we opened up advertising to everyone, all it takes is a malicious actor to cause a lot of damage to community members, so we don't permit advertising at all.

I would like to ask though, why did you see fit to do it?

Ah yes I believe I understand now, you want to protect the community from any type of viruses they may get on their PC, or any links that will take over their accounts and spread it around to everyone else. Of course you don't want that to your community whatsoever as you want people on the server to be safe and make sure they are getting no malicious software on their PC or anything taking over their accounts. And to be honest I wasn't thinking about that part about is and i will put my hands up and say sorry for my actions, all I can say is that I am sorry and it won't happen again

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Ah sorry I didn't see that part that's why I edited my post, I'll say again though and expand on it, I just wasn't thinking about the rule as I was wording it differently but I understand now that I shouldn't do it fullstop and I will not do it again, but i have no excuses to what I said and done, was just not thinking when to be honest with you when speaking about it and will always think as I normally do before words come out but done a mistake this time and won't happen again. 

I understand you say you weren't thinking about it and that's all well and good, but what was the intention you had when saying it? What was the purpose?

Heya there, and there was no intention or purpose, it was me just trying to come up with something to talk about and just didn't realise about the rule I was going to break when it came out of my mouth. I find in the moment I often act before I speak, I wasn't thinking about the rules at the time and didn't think before I acted. I have read the rules, to try and make sure they hold strong at the front of my mind. I am an active member of the Police often training Police Officers and it is my desire and motivation to work well to keep this community being the best it can be. I feel disgraced that I have acted so recklessly and would never dream of acting in a manner that would otherwise harm the community of its members in anyway! I know have acted out of turn and through the education provided by this experience I assure you that I will never do this again and can assure you I have firmly learned my lesson. I am sorry and I hope you can forgive me and allow me to continue doing what I love for this community as an active member of the Police.

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Is it common place for you to simply break server rules just for something to talk about? Why did you think it's acceptable to break character the way you did and more so with the people you we're around at that time?

You've mentioned the following; "I have firmly learned my lesson", How so? Help us understand what you mean by this.

No it’s not like me to break any type of rule with any game I play on, and it wasn’t acceptable to break rp to just make conversation with another person and I am positive it will not happen again as I have read the rules and will continue to educate myself on the rules to make sure this is not going go be a repeat and will keep my nose clean. I have learned my lesson as since being banned I have missed playing on the server, seeing people I like to talk to, rping with, making a fun rp experience for everyone, missed my role in the police department as I dedicate myself to helping newly ppcs to learn how to do the job properly and be a valued member of the community.

So I've had a look over this fully, The responses here, How you we're when you we're talked to in game prior to the ban and since the ban. Overall this is a serious rule more so from the advertising part that you are aware of. 

I've been in a few minds with how to deal with this. Whilst I understand you enjoy being a cop and the training ect, We have to also way this up based on what you did in game. In this two rules we're broken to where one of them you we're given a lesser punishment over the full advertising rule and I believe this was fair in this case. It has only been a few days since this ban was placed and as it stands I'm not that confident to give you the opportunity to return at this point.

This doesn't mean that you won't get that chance it's right now due to the seriousness of this that I can't justify it. Based on this I will be going ahead and denying this appeal and giving a one month cooldown period. After this time you are welcome to make a new appeal and we will go from there. You may appeal on or after April 2nd 2023.


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