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Unban Appeal - jban - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for jban 

In-game Name: Pablo Mankilla

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199138817916

Ban ID: 12506

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i was banned for combat logging in an active situation.

Why should we unban you ?: I've answered this previously in my other appeal, and this will be somewhat repeating what I've said before.
I've been banned from the server for over half a year and believe that in this time I have come to realise what lead me to make the mistakes I had made. I had time to reflect and can see that what I done was not only unfair to my peers and everyone else on the server, but also goes against the whole point of the server. It gave me an unfair advantage, just as I had been playing the server continuously for a while at this point and was more motivated by money , rather than RP. Rolepaly should and is the main reason for a server like this, which is why my ban was completely fair. As my characters got wiped after this took place, any advantage I may have gotten would be gone. I hope I could be given another chance to return to RPUK, as I do truly miss the community, gameplay, and server itself. It may be difficult to give me another shot, but I would make the most of it and try to provide a fun and ejoyable experience to anyone I meet, as roleplay would be a proirty for me like it once was.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Following from your last appeal; 

Will we have an argument again? Or will we accept what was explained to you? 

I do accept that I did "bump" my appeal. Its my mistake, and as I said in the future I will know what to do if I were in a situation like that. 

I agree that I came off a little agressive with my replies but I was just trying to reply to each point raised. I got a little side tracked by this whole time out thing, but hopefully we can get back to the appeal itself.


We have edit functions for a reason...

You are correct, you came off aggressive and had a huge attitude about it all. Not fitting for someone appealing their ban..

  • Quote the rule you broke
  • Explain it in your own words
  • Explain why its on our server
This will be repeating what I've previously said, as I've answered these before.

Quote the rule you broke
(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

Explain it in your own words
Combat logging is when someone intentially does something to be able to leave an active sitution they are a part of, such as disconnecting from the server or intentially disconnecting from the internet. This is done to gain a unfair advantage in a situation or to potentially avoid a conflict despite it being a part of the roleplay sitution and plot. 

Explain why its on our server
The rule exists to avoid anyone gaining an unfair advantage in any situation they may find unfavourable or even if they dont want to continue. Without this rule, any sitution which turns bad could be just avoided by leaving the server. This rule ensures RP is continues and flows proeperly. 

The reason I said this was just to clarify, as you may think I was directly copying from my previous reply. Obviously its similar to what I said as its the same question, but I just wanted to be sure. 

Hello there @jban

Let´s have a look at your history, shall we?

13/02/2021 - you started playing the server
11/06/2022 - 24h ban for Value of life
14/06/2022 - warned for RDM
16/06/2022 - warned for exploiting
24/06/2022 - kicked and warned for stealing NHS/Fire vehicles
21/11/2022 - 24h ban for RDM (this should have been a 48h ban, according to FBS)
19/12/2022 - 7 day ban for RDM (this should have been a perm ban, according to FBS)
14/01/2023 - perm ban for exploiting and transferring items between characters
18/04/2023 - unbanned
19/04/2023 - perm ban for combat logging

You have also been noticed over and over again to provide little to no roleplay before engaging in hostile actions. This doesn´t look good and it shows a clear pattern of immaturity, disregard for our rules and instead of improving over time, it has gotten worse. The last time you were unbanned, you lasted 1 whole day. And to top it off, you have been bumping your appeal, misusing the report function on the forums and argumentative with our staff. 

Give me 1 good reason why I should not send you packing right now.

Hi Sammy, thanks for the reply.

The last time you were unbanned, you lasted 1 whole day
Firstly I would just like to explain this. I got unbanned from the server then banned the next day. The reason for my ban was something which happened before that original ban, so it's not like I came back and decided to break more rules straight away. Yes I do deserve my combat log ban, my current ban is for something which I done 7 months ago so which I got punished for late. The way you phrase it makes it look as if I instantly broke another rule after being given another chance, which is not the case.

Give me 1 good reason why I should not send you packing right now
Many of my earlier bans were from me not being fully understanding of the rules. I obviously have made my mistakes but I tend to learn from them. When I got unbanned, I barely got a chance to return to the server, but something I done in my past caught up to me and is there reason im currently banned. As I said, I do accept that the ban is fair, but if im given another chance to return to the community, I will be able to prove that I deserve another opportunity, whilst trying to provide fun and enjoyable roleplay situation to all who I come across.

I do really miss RPUK and its community, and is why in my earlier replies I may have come off eager, which may have seemed agressive. I do understand that I broke rules and im banned as a result of my actions, but hopefully I can be given another chance to prove myself.

The way you phrase it makes it look as if I instantly broke another rule after being given another chance, which is not the case.
Quite frankly, that does not matter. You did combat log. You did so before being unbanned from your first perm ban and yet, it took staff looking into your history to find it in the logs... The question is, are you sorry for your actions or are you sorry you got caught? Either way, there is no use in debating this. 

Many of my earlier bans were from me not being fully understanding of the rules.
Not sure I can follow here... we´ve got a frame of 2 days to a maximum of 5 months in between your warnings and bans since you have joined the server - the longest period being before all these:
21/11/2022 - 24h ban for RDM (this should have been a 48h ban, according to FBS)
19/12/2022 - 7 day ban for RDM (this should have been a perm ban, according to FBS)
14/01/2023 - perm ban for exploiting and transferring items between characters
18/04/2023 - unbanned
19/04/2023 - perm ban for combat logging

Other people don´t rack up half the record you have. And that is only the things we have seen or found in the logs... what else is there that we do not know about?

Thanks for the swift reply,

I could sit here and try explain each ban, but it wouldn't change anything. Yes I agree, I've made numerous mistakes in the past. I've taken a long time off the server before appealing my original perma ban. In the time that has passed I see that what I done made my own experience more boring, as it gave me an unfair advantage, but also gave me an advantage on everyone else on the server. Im not here to argue the fact that I've broken rules, and I see why it may be difficult to trust me and give me another chance. When I got unbanned from my perma ban, I was given a chance to prove myself but before that even happened I was hit by another perma. Yes I deserve it, but all I can say is that if I were to return, with all that has happened, I hope I can be able to enjoy the server for what it is, whilst having roleplay and an enjoyable experience as my priority. 

what else is there that we do not know about?
Answer this please. And I suggest you think long and hard about if there is anything that you have done that would be classed as a rule break - now is your chance to put everything on the table before we find them by coincidence again.

Very well. 

I will give you another shot - but - any ban within the next 6 months, will be permanent and come with an automatic 6 month cooldown. At some point, enough is enough and this will be your golden chance. Do not waste it.

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

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