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Unban Appeal - Jean Paul Pace - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Jean Paul Pace 

In-game Name: Jean Paul Pace

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198061436785

Ban ID: !!rpuk8707!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Combat logging someone after "someone wanted to have a chat" after I had parked my car and was ready to log off when 5 people ganged up on me, I was not in a clear state of mind(i know it's not an excuse but its the truth)l, and it was not worth it at all, I truly feel like a bad egg for doing it(Extended) I was going to be thrown into a car when I combat logged, I also was told "Alright maybe when you start telling the full story we might consider unbanning you, until then it's a no." in my previous urban appeal, and to this day I do not know anything else that I did that could have got me banned, Apart from shooting father Augustos(RP was carried out as normal there) I had not done anything else

Why should we unban you ?:  I would like to be unbanned because I really did enjoy my time Rping on the server, RPing with people, and having a game schedule vs my real-life schedule which is a sort of dance I quite liked, Ofcourse the RP is the best there is on this server, no other server can really compete with this 1, and I don't want 1 stupid mistake I made to get me Perm banned from this server, I can't stress how long this 2-month cooldown felt like, but it is finally the day to start a new chapter, and honest to god play by the rules
Going forward I would like to sure to never break RP, under any circumstance. Thank you for your time reading this, have a good day

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Right... Not appreciating the c&p nor the lying.

I´ll give you a hint as to where the problem is... You said you logged out and when you tried logging back in, you couldn´t. Correct? Now, that is not quite true, is it?


Right... Not appreciating the c&p nor the lying.

I´ll give you a hint as to where the problem is... You said you logged out and when you tried logging back in, you couldn´t. Correct? Now, that is not quite true, is it?
Good Morning Sammy,I am not following you(as in I don't understand) I was banned from the server, so when i tried to log back in the next day, it showed !!rpuk8707!!(banned)
Am i making since or am i not seeing something else,im sorry for c & p but it has been 2 months since the incident and I don't remember much else I swear if i am lying its not intentional,If you can help at all in jogging my memory i would appreciate,Thanks

@-Sammy- I am remembering a part of the story(this was at the very end of the session so it is blurry) please correct me if i am wrong & i don't know how i can put it into text,but I THINK I combat logged twice on the same session? Was this what you were hinting at?

The answer is yes I combat logged twice
,I got sarrounded,didin't put my hands up,Didint follow RP rules(C2.3), was shot,put into a car Combat logged, logged back in when either someone from the same group or someone else was going to dump me and combat logged again.

@RobbieGood morning
No the getting ready to log off was true, I merely logged back in to get transported to hospital, then probably log off again (please keep in mind that this happened 3 months ago and I cannot be specific about the exact thoughts and reasoning behind it),i sincerely  I didn't mention this in the appeal, I don't want to be that A-hole & I defiantly know im not doing anyone(especially myself!) any favors in dragging this further then it needs to be

Unban appeals are right at the bottom on the priority list of staff and our unban rules state quite clearly that you need to have patience and to not bump your appeal. 

Locked for 3 days due to bumping.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Did you even take time to read the process and rules as you confirmed you did? 

You mentioned the following "I merely logged back in to get transported to hospital", How would you of known to log back in to get transported?

As you mentioned you missed bits out of the appeal lets start with the full story. So what happened? 

@Stuart Good evening Stuart,Yes i have read the rules of the unban appeal process, I only bumped my appeal because i had gotten declined or it was removed(didn't refresh the page)
Yes I am ready to tell the full story
I started the session as usual,got taxi work/Stole a car ,shot father Augustus & so on, fast forward to the incident where I was going to log out/end my session
I parked my car in a parking lot next to LS customs, where I got asked to "have a chat" with someone who I politely declined as I was ready to log off,when they pulled a gun on me, I sadly did not RP the situation at all,and that makes me feel like an @ss,I was then shot and put in a car to be dumped most likely, That is when I combat logged the first time, a few minutes past, probably 5 minutes I assume,& I decided to log back in to get transported to hospital and log out normally again, so I can find my body ready at the hospital so I can start the recovery process when I would log back in the next day, when someone on a motorbike(I assume it was the same person from the gang that shot me in the first place) Stopped next to me,(assuming he told the gang that I was back)That is when I combat logged for the second time, & left the game there for the night,Then i got the RPUKBAN the next day when I tried to log in

So lets start with an easier question first, Have you read our server rules and more so the rule you was banned for? 

If so can you quote the rule you broke and in your own words explain why you believe we have such a rule in place? 

Why not be honest from the get go into what happened in the situation, As we have asked multiple times and only now you are giving this story, So why couldn't this be done from the start?

@Stuart Good evening,Yes i have read the roleplay UK community rules,My ban reason is C2.3(combat logging & while dead awaiting a medic) are the 2 reasons I was banned,I am pretty aware of this rule as I have had several people do it to me & have reported said players aswell

The reason for having this rule in place is to not have RP disrupted so players can continue to have a pleasant experience on this server and that the value for life is FAIR for everyone, good or bad characters Rping

I do apologies Stuart I did not mean to hold back any information,as stated in previous comments & another appeal that was quickly declined without any proper judgmentthe other month, its just that it was a long time ago,2 months & 2 weeks so when I made this unban appeal I had only written what I had remembered as my PC cannot handle to record while playing the game which was close to the other appeal as previously stated,Again i apologise for my actions and I apologise to all admin staff that have read this unban appeal & the other 1 of the previous month,I am not trying to withhold information knowing fully well that you guys have all the details down so there is no point in lying or bending the truth

I'll address the previous appeals since you believe they we're denied without in your words 'proper judgement'. One appeal I denied due to the type of ban it was, Combat logging bans have a mandatory one month cooldown so any appeal before that month will just be denied. The second appeal was denied as you didn't wish to tell the full story, If you won't be honest with us then how do we know you won't simply do the same again?

Honesty is key on RPUK and more so when it comes to the appeals process, If we cannot trust you from the trust you've lost due to breaking the rules how will it be gained back? Hope that clears up that point. 

Moving back to this appeal, So you are fully aware of the rules and even reported players for doing the same exact thing, So why do you believe it makes it fine for you to do the same when you know it does disrupt roleplay? 

Why did you combat log twice that night? 

How can we trust you won't simply do the same thing again should we give you another chance? (This is your time to convince us).

Good evening @Stuart
Yes I 100% agree with you regards previous appeals,
Please accept my apology about the previous appeal, I did not mean anything against anyone, but I had not remembered the exact situation at the time being, I was not trying to hide anything from the full story, but sadly I had no proper memory of the event, & i hope that clears up my point from the side
Yes i am fully aware of the rules, I dont agree with you about other part where other players would get the exact same thing, some get away with it((I am not complaining to you or anyone else just clearing the air)

In all honesty@Stuart , the only reason I can give you for why i had combat logged twice, was just out of pure anger and self anguish(serious anxiety attack) just out of spite for loosing my boring inventory

I would like to be given a second chance, to try a second life(NHS) as to where people IRL go to have a change of heart, and follow in a clean, healthy career.
I would really wish to return to the game and go into a different life cycle & help other people(Pretty much like you Stuart you are a highly decorated Member of this community just given from your profile)
I again,apologise for the whole ordeal, and wish again, hope that everyone understands that I had not remembered the whole situation as it was, I was not trying to waste anyone's valuable time, I know how busy everyone is, in game or off game
I promise to never act out, or do anything to break the rules again, knowing full well the punishment ,time & hassle it will bring, I wish never to come to an unban appeal ever again

My word is my promise,& the only thing I can give you

If you we're unsure fully why not just come out and say that to start with? It's better than attempting to lie to us when we would know what happened. 

Since we have now got to the bottom of why you did this and seem to understand what you did wrong in this situation I'm willing to give you another chance. This is your first punishment on the server so lets make it your last, It's a slippery slope when you get on it so I do hope with this opportunity you do take more caution. Now with me offering you another chance this does come with a condition.

Due to you stating you did combat log to save your items it's only fair you lose the items. So the condition is this, Prior to an unban being given your character Jean Paul Pace will receive a full inventory wipe, Meaning everything on your person will be removed due to this being the reason you combat logged. Do you agree to this? 

@Stuart I did say it as clear as possible multiple times that what i had said was the truth(because I myself didin't know the story & its for that reason my previous appeal(Not yours was denied)Again I am not doubting anyone it was my mistake that I had forgot the exact scenarios to what happened on that night

Yes i accept the condition that my inventory receive a inventory wipe as its only fair.

Happy to be accepted back, and hope to some day, have a chat with you NOT in an unban appeal @Stuart.

Good Evening @Jean Paul Pace

As agreed your inventory has been wiped, Meaning any weapons, Items and cash you had on your person has now been removed. Everything else does remain, With that being said I'll issue you an unban from the server so you are able to come back however please don't take this opportunity for granted and take time to read the server rules before rejoining so you are more aware of them moving forward.

I do hope that you don't let us down by this opportunity being given. Welcome back! 


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