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Unban Appeal - JET JONES - GTA RP

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New York
Unban Appeal for JET JONES 

In-game Name: Jet Jones

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198961220854

Ban ID: !!rpuk9879!!

Reason given for your ban: (C2.3) Combat Logging

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: First of all, I would like to apologize for my actions

I will explain the situation below, however, I would like to state that I do not have any recording of this happening. I am hoping that whoever banned me has some video evidence to back my story up as I don’t seem to have a report on the forms against me to view the situation myself.
The roleplay situation began whenever my friend and I were driving around Paleto Bay and spotted a taxi heading down the highway. We began to chase and shouted asking him to pull over. After I had asked twice for him to pull over, it was clear that the driver had no plans of stopping, and as we were quickly approaching the prison, I shot one of his tires causing him to crash.
Once the vehicle had been stopped my friend and I made it clear we had guns drawn and for the driver to step out of the vehicle with his hands up. The driver got out of the car and began shooting at myself, so we fired back leaving him wounded on the floor. This player was clearly not happy that he had been shot multiple times when he fired first and while he was in a state of severe wounding on the floor, he still managed to argue with us. This is frustrating as this seems to happen every time we shot at somebody.

I put the taxi driver into the car and began driving him to the ocean where we planned to dump him. I had set a marker so the passenger knew exactly where we were going if the player that reported me has the full video you can clearly see that. I took an off-road path so that I was not spotted by anyone traveling in the quarry top of the map to get to the ocean. Conveniently three players in matching cars turned up minutes after and halted me from being able to dump the driver claiming that they were friends and they made it very clear that they knew each other. This again frustrated me as I don’t believe these two players would have been able to find the driver without him communicating with them outside of roleplay.

While I was surrounded by these two players, I sent my friend the GPS coordinates to my location on my phone and he turned up a few minutes after. By the time he had turned up, there was only one of these players still with me so now that we had outnumbered him and that we were both armed I took the opportunity to draw my gun and ask him to put his hands up, the player was aware that there were two guns aimed at him and after searching them I asked for the weapons in his pockets to be dropped. This player then began stabbing me even while being shot at by two people, in my opinion, this is a complete lack of valuing your life and again added to this frustrating roleplay interaction.
After being left wounded on the floor I let the emotions get the better of me due to everything that had happened in the interaction and turned off my pc. I would like to apologize sincerely for this as I understand this completely kills the roleplay experience and for someone who has played on this server for so long, I should have known better.

Why should we unban you ?:  I fully understand that what I did in this situation was wrong, and can see why combat logging is punishable with a permanent ban as it fully kills the roleplaying experience. However after reading the full situation above and hopefully reviewing some video evidence of this situation you will be able to understand my frustration. I have contributed a lot over the past year while I have been playing this server and have thoroughly enjoyed it and it really would be a shame to end by a moment of madness. I also never had any previous offense of breaking the rules or bad interactions with staff since joining the server over a year ago.
Again I apologize for my actions and can assure you it will not happen again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

First off we do appreciate the effort you have made within your appeal. I will state that video isn't required for appeals however it's clear you are making an effort for us to understand the situation so this will help us also understand things from your POV. 

You mentioned the other party was just arguing with you, I'd assume you mean they we're breaking rules also? If this is the case why didn't you or your friend make staff aware of this or simply make a report on said player? 

Apart from a few kicks last year for being AFK you are correct you have a pretty clean record. Now reading this it's clear you believed the other party we're breaking rules, Does this mean you are allowed to do the same thing ? 

You've mentioned this won't happen again and you can assure us of this, How can you assure this won't happen again? 

Hi Stuart, I appreciate your quick response.
In this situation I do believe the other party was breaking the rules, as mentioned in my explanation of the situation I suspect they were using external methods of communication. At this time, I didn’t have any recoding software open so without clear, sufficient evidence I wouldn’t have wanted to make any false claims. If my punishment was to be removed, I will make sure I have a recording software running in the background from now on so that I can clip events like this in the future.
I admit what I did in this situation was wrong and I accept the consequences of my actions, although I do believe they were breaking the rules as you said I should have simply recorded the situation, so this was poorly handled from my part, and I apologize. I just included this situation to build the story.
This punishment has taught me a lesson to not let my emotions get the better of me no matter the situation and being able to take time away from the server has allowed me to reflect on my actions. If my punishment was to be removed, I will continue to contribute to the community hopefully providing many more roleplay experiences and will make sure a situation like this never happens again.

No problem Jet! 

Indeed it is hard to say either way however it is something that is taken on board within this case. As you mentioned it is your own fault you are here and shouldn't of broken the rules either way, However including what happened prior does also provide us with a bigger picture of the situation so it is indeed helpful in this case. 

Lets say someone was breaking character or other rules whilst you was trying to roleplay with them, How would you handle this moving forth?

In relation to the rules have you taken the time to read them? If so can you please quote the rule you broke and in your own words explain why you believe we have such a rule in place?

No problem Jet! 

Indeed it is hard to say either way however it is something that is taken on board within this case. As you mentioned it is your own fault you are here and shouldn't of broken the rules either way, However including what happened prior does also provide us with a bigger picture of the situation so it is indeed helpful in this case. 

Lets say someone was breaking character or other rules whilst you was trying to roleplay with them, How would you handle this moving forth?

In relation to the rules have you taken the time to read them? If so can you please quote the rule you broke and in your own words explain why you believe we have such a rule in place?
If I was in a situation where someone was breaking character I would continue to do my part and roleplay and not break character and keep moving forward then once the scenario is over I would gather my evidence and simply make a thread on the forums.

The rule I broke is: 

(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

The reason this rule is in place is to provide the absolute best roleplay experience for everyone. We want this server to be a serious roleplay server and without this rule in place it would significantly ruin the whole aspect of what a roleplay server is and would not be taken serious. 

Given how you have conducted yourself here and understanding of the rules I'm happy to offer you a chance however it does come with a condition. Due to you combat logging indeed it was the wrong thing to do in this situation, More so if you believe another player is breaking a rule as it in no way allows you to do the same. So with this in mind the condition will be to have your full inventory removed. Do you agree with this?

If I was in a situation where someone was breaking character I would continue to do my part and roleplay and not break character and keep moving forward then once the scenario is over I would gather my evidence and simply make a thread on the forums.

The rule I broke is: 

(C2.3) Combat logging - Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a permanent ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

The reason this rule is in place is to provide the absolute best roleplay experience for everyone. We want this server to be a serious roleplay server and without this rule in place it would significantly ruin the whole aspect of what a roleplay server is and would not be taken serious. 
thats fine by me

Right, I have wiped your inventory. You are being unbanned, but please know that we will not accept any further rule breaks like this from you. Don't let us down. 


Right, I have wiped your inventory. You are being unbanned, but please know that we will not accept any further rule breaks like this from you. Don't let us down. 

Thanks man! Appreciate the second opportunity.

Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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