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Unban Appeal - john creasee - GTA RP

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john creasee

New member
United kingdom
Unban Appeal for john creasee 

In-game Name: John Crease

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199070054912

Ban ID: !!rpuk11383!!

Reason given for your ban: broken the c2.9 rule

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i was banned for assisting the c2.9 rule with my friend as he told me to, i had no clue this was against the rules as im new to the city and have only played it for around 5 days with a total of 20 hours, i was completely unaware and im most dearly sorry about this as i was really enjoying the server.

Why should we unban you ?: i have only just started playing five m and had picked this server as it was highly rated by loads of friends, im extremely sorry for assisting my friend in the g2.9 rule i will never ever do this again, i was really enjoying the server and making loads of new friends while playing rp, i have been saving for my dream car the nissan gtr and after doing around 20 hours of taxi jobs i was soo close to getting it, i would love to be unbanned so i can persue my journey in rp as im lost without playing this server, please i will never do this again, i loved driving round in my new m4 i bought yesterday and now i cannot due to listening to my stupid mates, im sorry rpuk

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Locked for 5 days for messaging staff about the appeal

Once this appeal unlocks, please answer the following questions in full.

You were not just assisting, were you? You benefited yourself from this. 
Had you read our rules prior to joining our server? If not, why?
Did it not strike you as odd to use this method of making quick cash? 

I’ll be totally honest with you as I really want to get back on this server, yes I benighted from it once or twice(which if you unban me I am willing to give back the money I gain from going this method twice), I had read the rules but I could not remember them all, as I’m brand new to the city and never previously played RP before I thought that if it was in the game it was allowed and it is not now I have sat down and read all the rules properly, I’m sorry for not reading the rules properly as I was just so eager to get into the city,  it did strike me as to why the server would have this way of getting money as surely it couldn’t be that easily which after benefitting from it twice I was banned and now realise it is totally out of order to do this and will never do it again, thanks for taking the time to read this and I really hope you can let me back into the city to continue meeting people and enjoying the RP experience 

(which if you unban me I am willing to give back the money I gain from going this method twice)
To start this off, IF we unban you, you will get to keep 1 of your characters with their roleplay story and phonebook. That is all. Everything material will be wiped and your other characters will be deleted. 

Now, moving on... You said you now read our rules properly. Please quote me the rule C6.4.

Sorry I have been out tonight, rule C6.4 is to not message staff members privately with messages and comments or adding them on social media’s unless I am told to do so or invited to do so, I would like my mean character which is called John Crease and the others can be deleted permanently, once again I’m sincerely sorry for the rules I have broken, you have my word I’ll never break another rule,


I would like if possible to have my main character which is called John Crease as it’s the only character that I have all my role play contacts on 

So I cannot keep my car ? Will all my money be wiped or just what I earned from the rule break ?

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There was a reason I asked you about rule C6.4. During the length of your ban, you texted staff privately about your appeal... To top that off, you just bumped your appeal, instead of showing some patience. 

Overall, you don´t strike me as mature or someone who understands the consequences of their actions, thus I will be denying this appeal and apply a 1 month cooldown until you can appeal again. Maybe you can show some patience this time around. 

Try again after 21/02/2023.

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