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Unban Appeal - Joseph Bane - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for Joseph Bane 

In-game Name: Valencia Romero

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199020347630

Ban ID: !!rpuk13180!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 - Player Report

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Hi, as seen in the video I combat logged which i admit i did.

Why should we unban you ?: The reason why I did this was because I had a ride along booked with a sergeant - David cooper I believe (at 4:00) - Below is the Screen shot

However my other character is doing the ride along which meant that I had to close my game, restart and pick the other character (Joseph Bane). In doing so I did not want to spend so long being processed, driven to jail doing my sentence etc.. missing the ride along. I deeply apologise for ruining roleplay for the gentleman that caught me but I needed to do the ride along as that is the main purpose why I joined RPUK (to be a cop)

Also I am very new to roleplay as this is my first server. When looking at the rules it did not show me anything about this. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/gtarprules/
However after looking at the ban and searching what C2.3 Rule meant, that's when I searched it on the discord and found out that there were other rules. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/community-rules/

https://pasteboard.co/jE1VL1i48Wm0.png - Screen shot for how I found what C2.3 meant.

I promise to read up on them right now and make sure that nothing like this happens. Once again I am sorry for my actions and my reason should not affect others experiences and this wont happen again.

I am just asking for another chance. Sorry.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Bans of this type come with a mandatory cooldown of 1 month. 

Because this appeal has been submitted prior to 1 month passing of the ban being placed, this appeal will be denied. We welcome you to complete a new appeal after the 1 month has expired.


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