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Unban Appeal - Joseph Bane - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Joseph Bane 

In-game Name: Valencia Romero

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199020347630

Ban ID: !!rpuk13180!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 - Player Report

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: As seen in the video I combat logged when a police officer caught me selling cocaine which i fully admit to doing

Why should we unban you ?: The reason why I did this was because I had a ride along booked with a sergeant - David cooper I believe (at 4:00) - Below is the Screen shot

However my other character is doing the ride along which meant that I had to close my game, restart and pick the other character (Joseph Bane). In doing so I did not want to spend so long being processed, driven to jail doing my sentence etc.. missing the ride along. I deeply apologise for ruining roleplay for the gentleman that i combat logged on but I needed to do the ride along as being a police officer was the main attraction i had which bought me to RPUK and fiveM as i have never played fiveM before this.

I am very new to roleplay as this is my first server. When looking at the rules it did not show me anything about combat logging. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/gtarprules/ - I fully read this rules and i assumed these were all that there were.

However after looking at the ban and seeing C2.3, I searched it on the discord and found out that there were other rules. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/community-rules/ , which i must have missed

https://pasteboard.co/jE1VL1i48Wm0.png - Screen shot for how I found what C2.3 meant.

I have not read up on every rule and have familiarised myself with them since the month cooldown and i will make sure that nothing like this happens again. Once again I am sorry for my actions and my reason should not effect others experiences and this wont happen again.

I am just asking for another chance. Im very Sorry.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

These bans come with a complete wipe of your inventory fyi.

If you had an urgent meeting with a police officer on another character, why would you risk getting involved in RP on another?

I'm sorry, but I don't believe you.

Had the officer not tried to arrest you, you'd be continuing to sell and I know this because you still have bagged cocaine on your person.

Do you want to start telling the truth, or will I deny this appeal here?

Hi and thanks for the response. @Liam

It was stupid of me to risk getting involved in RP on another character despite the urgent meeting that i had with a police officer and i want to assure you  that nothing like that will happen again. 

in response to "Had the officer not tried to arrest you, you'd be continuing to sell and I know this because you still have bagged cocaine on your person."  I know it doesnt seem believable but if you look at the screen shots that i have attached with the police officer whose name is "skinnedrat" on the RPUK discord server, and with the timing that the incident happened where the officer that reported me. you can see that the meeting was for 4:00 and i would not have continued selling cocaine. I have been arrested twice before throughout my whole time at RPUK and not a single time have I logged out. Like you said, it was stupid of me to risk getting involved in RP and it wont happen again.

I am not quite sure what you mean about the bagged cocaine on my person. I always bag 100 cocaine which i buy from the gangs and sell it instead of only bagging 20 for example. Im sorry if this is some sort of rule that i have missed.

And i am completely fine with an inventory wipe, i did break the rules so i deserve it. 

But please believe what i have said. I could simply change the story to say something that you may want to hear but im being honest and saying the real truth instead of making up some random excuse that you will want to hear. 

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Very well, you did have a meeting with SkinnedRat at 16:00.

However, you disconnected over 20 minutes before 4pm. So yeah, I still don't believe you.


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