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Unban Appeal - Joseph Bane - GTA RP

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Active member
Unban Appeal for Joseph Bane 

In-game Name: Valencia Romero

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199020347630

Ban ID: !!rpuk13180!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 - Player Report

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: As seen in the video I combat logged when a police officer caught me selling cocaine which i fully admit to doing

Why should we unban you ?: I respectfully request reconsideration for the ban I received due to my actions. I take full responsibility for what I did and how it ruined another players roleplay experience due to my actions. I promise try to the best of my ability to never break another rule again if given the chance to get unbanned. Furthermore, I hope that I can prove myself in the upcoming month where i will be playing quite a lot because it is summer and show that this was a one time mistake and i will not break the rules again. I genuinely value the opportunity to be a part of this community as this is my favourite server and even thought i have tried playing other fiveM server similar to this, it doesnt give me the same experience that got me addicted to this server. Concequently im pretty sure i failed my A level business exam because of RPUK because i was selling cocaine instead of revising so please.

Thanks for reading my appeal. I hope you can find some remorse and give me another chance

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

I understand your enthusiasm for being a part of our community and your dedication to making amends for your rule break. However, after careful consideration, I have decided to keep your ban in place. As staff our primary concern is ensuring that all players can enjoy a positive and immersive roleplay environment. Upholding this decision is necessary to maintain the integrity of our server and prioritize the well-being of our community members.

I understand that real-life responsibilities can sometimes conflict with playing on the server and it's important to find a balance between the two. I want to encourage you to focus on your real-life commitments and responsibilities, as they should always take priority.

You may reappeal, 11/08/2023

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