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Unban Appeal - k6tdrv - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for k6tdrv 

In-game Name: Michael Washington

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199441570160

Ban ID: !!rpuk11206!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3-player report

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I combat logged midway roleplay while trying to fake sell a corvette and I failed to do so and the guy started following me and I logged out.

Why should we unban you ?: It has been 1 month since my ban and I have reflected on my actions, I have read all of the community rules all over again. It was really stupid of me to do such thing and ruin other peoples experience. I will no be doing any such actions ever again because I really enjoy the server and I would like to be part of the community. I am a changed man since the situation happened and I have reflected since then. I am fully aware of what I have done wrong and I will not be doing such thing ever again, I also regret ruining the community while doing such a thing. Thank you for your time, and making this server being the best.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there @k6tdrv
I hope you've a good day. 

I'd like to start this off with a easy question moving a bit into a harder once.

You say you're a changed man, what exactly changed? 

What was going through your head when you logged out? 

You made 3 appeals in regards to this, why have you made 3 appeals and had to be told 3x that you've to wait a month to appeal? (as combat logging comes with a default 1 month wait time) 

Hello there, when I say that I am a changed man I am saying that I realised that it was not the best decision to do at the time, and that it could ruin someone’s experience. When the person started following me, I panicked because I had high value things on me that I didn’t want to lose so I thought that combat logging would be the only way I would be able to keep my things.

I made 3 appeals because I was shocked and had no clue what to do as this was my first ever time beating banned. Once I figured out how everything works I then waited 1 month to do another appeal.

Hello there @k6tdrv

In the month you waited, what kind of ideas/rp situations have you thought of about your character(s). 
Where do you want to take them, what RP do you want to provide, what situations do you want to involve people in? 

How will I know in the future you won't have a let's say sawn-off shotgun n combat log again? 


 I panicked because I had high value things on me that I didn’t want to lose so I thought that combat logging would be the only way I would be able to keep my things.
That is a bad mentality to have, I hope in the time away you corrected said mentality, you said you didn't want to lose your high value things, regardless of the value of the items you shouldn't break rules, as you said yourself it ruins the experience for everyone. 

What items did you have on you that motivated you to do such actions? 

hello there again, if I get the chance to get back in the server I would like to try and become a car seller, because I love cars in general. I would like to become one of the best car sellers in the server. I would also like to involve other people into this because in my opinion if you be nice to everyone and respect them they might become your customers.

The items that I had on me was a pistol and 500 bags of cocaine that I worked hard to get.

I will not be combat logging anymore because I have learned my lesson and would not like to ruin other peoples experience in the server.

I made 3 appeals because I was shocked and had no clue what to do as this was my first ever time beating banned. Once I figured out how everything works I then waited 1 month to do another appeal.
Going back to this. You happily ignored 2 separate staff members 3 separate times. If we can't trust you to follow basic instructions on the forums, how can we trust you to follow instructions on the server, especially should a staff member need to speak to you about anything?

In truth, it isn't about figuring out how everything works, you chose to appeal before the cooldown was over even after agreeing that you would wait the time - why?

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Hello, yes I would like to apologize for those actions and it was very stupid of me ignoring the staff members like this. I did that because I thought that I never will  have the chance to play RPUK ever again.

Right @k6tdrv

Hopefully you have learned now not to lie to staff. Should we find you lying about anything in the future you will not have a chance to play here again.
As this is your first ban and you have a fairly clean record im going to give you a chance to come back and be apart of our community. Any further bans will result in you being right back here on a 6 month cooldown.

Don't let me see you here again.



Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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