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Unban Appeal - k6tdrv - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for k6tdrv 

In-game Name: Michael Washington

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199441570153

Ban ID: !!rpuk13119!!

Reason given for your ban: (C1.2) Discrimination

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Yesterday we was having a chat about how we should start up a business, everything was going very good. When it was time for (Fuego) him to leave, I said something very inappropriate which I a really sorry for.

Why should we unban you ?: Firstly I would like to apologize to Fuego for calling him a fa**ot. This was very stupid of me the do because I have hurt his feelings very badly. I would also like to apologize for breaking the rule (c1.2). I am against discrimination and i think that it should not be something to laugh about. If i was to be brought back into the city i would also like to further apologize to Fuego himself in person. Secondly , I would like to talk about the discrimination I have been influenced towards (Fuego), I think that it’s wrong that people have to suffer through this hate. My wrongful and horrible words has not helped that movement against discrimination at all. Thanks you for taking time to read and consider my appeal .

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Why did you do it? Is it your normal vocabulary to say things like this?

I didnt want to say it, it just slipped out of my mouth, it was very silly and these types of words are definitely not in my normal vocabulary to use against people  

So you didn't want to say it yet did so anyway and saying this isn't part of your normal vocabulary? This doesn't really add up now does it? If it's something you don't say, then how would it "Slip out"? Help us understand this.

Furthermore, this is now your third permanent ban. Why should we give you another chance, as it is clear you don't respect our rules? It is up to you to put your case forth. 

Hey Stuart, thanks for replying back to me. What I was trying to say is that I did not want to say it out loud,  in the clip you can see that I instantly saw what I have done wrong which once again I am really sorry for . This is not part of my vocabulary and never will be , that was the only time I've said something horrible like this  and I can assure that this will never happen again.  Secondly, I think you that I should get another chance because I respect the rules in the community  because if there wasn't any rules everyone would go around being rude to each other and the server will not be as good as it is now, but because of those rules the server is calm and peaceful and a good place to enjoy spending time with people. I know that this is my 3rd permanent ban which is very bad considering that I kept saying that I will change in my last appeals, but if I was to get one last chance to prove myself that I have really changed it will mean a lot for more because I do enjoy playing in the server and would like to continue my characters story line.

Once again thanks for responding back to me and very much appreciate your time reading this.

Hello there @k6tdrv

Over the short time you've been on the server you managed to collect quite a bit of bans, haven't ya?
Is this the *WORST* we've seen of you? - If this is not part of your vocabulary how did you manage to throw it out, from what I was listening it sounded rather fluent, no hesitation. 

Not even apologizing just going "Nuhuhuaah" followed by "I'm an idiot". 
How many tries / chances do we have to give you for you to change? Will we see each other here again if you are unbanned? 

*IF* we were to give you a chance there would obviously be some conditions. 
Any ban for the next 6 months (of the time of your unbanned) will automatically come with a 4 month cooldown. 

Hello there Mike thanks for the reply, this is definitely the worst of me. I didn't have the chance to apologize because they left straight after and I said I was an idiot because I knew my consequences will be indeed a perm ban. If I was to get unbanned you would most surely wont be seeing me here  again. I also do agree with 'any ban for the next 6 months will automatically come with a 4 month cool down.' 

Thanks for reading this appeal.

Have you apologised to the gent that reported for the Discrimination via Forums/Discord? Once you've done that, we may give you a successful appeal.

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Cool. I hope he accepts your apology for the disgusting language used towards him.

Any ban within a 6 month period will be a permanent, also if you are banned again within two months. You will receive a 2 month cooldown.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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