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Unban Appeal - kenzosdeath - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for kenzosdeath 

In-game Name: Kenneth Langley

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199117313295

Ban ID: !!rpuk3455!!

Reason given for your ban: G8.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Around 8ish months ago I was banned from the server for taking large amounts of police issued tasers and pistols from the police armoury and selling them to friends, this all happened over the course of about 2 weeks where I would get off duty as a police officer and steal from the armoury at night as a made up character named Dimitri who didnt actually exist.

Why should we unban you ?: Ive taken the time over these past 8 months to step back and think about how stupid what I did was, there really isnt any excuse for my actions and I still to this day dont know what I was thinking when I did it, so I understand it was extremely necessary that I was banned. I broke a very serious rule and I do understand the trouble I caused all the staff with it and I genuinely cant apologise enough for making life difficult for you guys, now that Ive apologised Im gonna try and prove that I deserve to be unbanned. I get that my ban history is poor to say the least but I put over 700 hours into the RPUK server and I enjoyed every second of it, I believe that for the majority of the time (excluding when I first joined the server) my RP was at a very high standard and I was constantly quite hard on myself if I did take part in some poor RP or if I may have ruined the experience for others. Im nowhere near perfect and my ban history shows it but if you take a look at any scenarios I was involved in you can see that my RP is very good, whether that was as police , gruppe seks or just my gang character I always held my RP to a high standard. When I was banned from the server permanently I really didnt have anything to do anymore, it was genuinely my favourite thing to do and is still to this day the best server Ive come across, I built alot of friendships on the server and I believe I was liked by most and Id love to continue that, so Im asking for one last chance to prove to the community that Ive changed, I can RP to a very high standard and follow rules closely. Im just asking to be trusted one last time, I can 100% say Ive learnt from my actions and understand the severity of the situation and the trouble I caused, but please consider allowing me back into the server , thanks.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

understand the severity of the situation and the trouble I caused
Do you? You sold a very large amount of equipment to friends which took quite a few people's spare time to correct this. How can we trust that you won't do something like this again?

As I said previously I've taken the time to step back and realize how dumb it was and learn from it. I took a lot of time off and really thought about it and took it all in.

Not being a new player, surely you knew that what you was doing would be considered against our server rules? Why did you decide to do it? 

I genuinely didnt think, someone said it would be a good idea and I just went with it. Looking back on it I now realise it was a huge mistake to make and I cant apologise enough for the trouble it caused.

After gathering some more intel and discussions with members of staff you will not be getting another chance.


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