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Unban Appeal - Kevin Toft - Malden Life

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Kevin Toft

New member
The Fucking Toon
Unban Appeal for Kevin Toft 

In-game Name: Kevin Toft

Server: Malden Life

Steam ID: --

Ban ID: 5213

Reason given for your ban: underage

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was underage

Why should we unban you ?: I have since turned 18

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

In your previous appeal, on August 10 2021 you state and I quote 

and am only a year and a bit away from 18
That's what? 5 months ago? That's sure as hell not a year and a bit now is it? 

Lying to us is going to get you nowhere.

Talk to me..

Ill go ahead and save us all some time. You said 5 months ago that you would be 18 in a year "and a bit"

To put it simply, Denied. 

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