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Unban Appeal - Kryptiq - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Kryptiq 

In-game Name: Patrick Kryptiq

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198150086593

Ban ID: !!rpuk5774!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: C2.3 - Combat Logging

Returned from Holiday to a perm ban, family member has been playing my account and clearly doesnt know the rules.

Not an excuse however not much I can do. Appreciate its insta ban for combat logging, would appreciate if the circumstances can be taken into account.

Why should we unban you ?: Respectable member of RPUK on a number of characters

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Well, first things first, you shouldn't be sharing your account with someone else anyway. This is a serious RP server, how can your family member play your character? They don't know the back story, your personality, your voice etc. Not to mention the obvious issue that they could do something like this and get you banned. 

Why did you allow your family member to do this?

Noted on sharing the account moving forward. I allowed him to use one of the four characters slots for his own char to try and introduce him to it, did explain the majority of the rules to him prior to going away. Clearly put too much trust in him. 


Noted on sharing the account moving forward. I allowed him to use one of the four characters slots for his own char to try and introduce him to it, did explain the majority of the rules to him prior to going away. Clearly put too much trust in him. 

How long have you been away for?

Okay, so i have looked at all 4 of your characters and all 4 of them show you have had them created for a long time. There ID'd are all 15000 and below. We are currently on around 55000 character ID's.

So with that being said ill revert back to what Bowen has already asked. 

This is a serious RP server, how can your family member play your character? They don't know the back story, your personality, your voice etc. Not to mention the obvious issue that they could do something like this and get you banned. 

Why did you allow your family member to do this?

After looking into this further, you have session logs from your cop character (Trevor Tonk) and (Patrick Kryptic) on the 18th. Are you also now telling me your brother also plays your cop character to whilst you are away?

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So he didnt create a character and just used mine, great. Again completely my fault for allowing him to play however wanted to explain the situation. 

Wouldnt make sense for me to get myself banned having been a player for a long time. I'll speak to him my end. 

So he didnt create a character and just used mine, great. Again completely my fault for allowing him to play however wanted to explain the situation. 

Wouldnt make sense for me to get myself banned having been a player for a long time. I'll speak to him my end. 
You would have known that already if you created your 4 characters wouldnt you?? You would have known that one would need deleting. 

You have not answered thr last part. Do you not think anyone in the police would know its not you playing? Surely when on patrol you would know fellow officers but your brother wouldnt know them?

Also, why would he also play your cop character?

To recap - i explained the rules to him, i said you can delete one of the chars and create your own, just dont touch the police character or Patrick Kryptiq.

As per my 2nd post in this thread "I allowed him to use one of the four characters slots for his own char to try and introduce him to it"

You've told me he's not created a char and just logged in on my characters which is great.......

Do you not think anyone in the police would know its not you playing? Surely when on patrol you would know fellow officers but your brother wouldnt know them?
He's watched me streaming a fair bit so could know one or two voices/names, although I'd like to think they would know, we do sound quite alike tho. 


To recap - i explained the rules to him, i said you can delete one of the chars and create your own, just dont touch the police character or Patrick Kryptiq.

As per my 2nd post in this thread "I allowed him to use one of the four characters slots for his own char to try and introduce him to it"

You've told me he's not created a char and just logged in on my characters which is great.......

Do you not think anyone in the police would know its not you playing? Surely when on patrol you would know fellow officers but your brother wouldnt know them?
He's watched me streaming a fair bit so could know one or two voices/names, although I'd like to think they would know, we do sound quite alike tho. 

Okay, so as he is not a regular player how would he also know that he could log in as a cop to get priority queue and then switch to civ to play his other character without queueing as long?

Did you also teach him that?

No! Why would I teach someone that when I know full well you have to be on for 2 hours before switching otherwise its most likely a ban, I can't remember the last time i even had the option of a priority queue? I presumed this was because I was inactive for an extended period, hence the privilege removed.

In addition to that, I can say with confidence that i've never skipped the queue and then not played on the cop character, I haven't even switched after two hours. 

Wasn't there a lock on other characters being used when you've used the queue jump? Does it even still give an option of a queue jump?

No! Why would I teach someone that when I know full well you have to be on for 2 hours before switching otherwise its most likely a ban, I can't remember the last time i even had the option of a priority queue? I presumed this was because I was inactive for an extended period, hence the privilege removed.

In addition to that, I can say with confidence that i've never skipped the queue and then not played on the cop character, I haven't even switched after two hours. 

Wasn't there a lock on other characters being used when you've used the queue jump? Does it even still give an option of a queue jump?
Would you be able to get your brother to come onto TS and talk to me?

Both of you, same mic, same time?

Doubt I'll be able to pin us both down at the same time, but i'll do my best. 

Will revert back 

Doubt I'll be able to pin us both down at the same time, but i'll do my best. 

Will revert back 
Well, unfortunately your using the oldest trick in the book saying "it wasnt me it was my brother" so if you stand any chance of ever being unbanned (which the decision obviosuly still is not made yet anyway) im going to require this questioning of both of you.

Im still on the edge whether to believe you or not you see. 

When are you free for this chat with you both?

@KryptiqRespond soon else this will time out. 

We need to arrange this chat so we can clear this up or you can admit all of this was an attempt at a cover up and we can move forward?

Either way, this cant wait here forever. 

I am going to have to time this one out for now. I have tried to contact you and arrange this for a while now and with your work schedule and our free time it seems this is not possible to arrange.

If you do have the time feel free to arrange this with me. 

Timed out. 

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

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