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Unban Appeal - Ky - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
A Place Which Is Unknown
Unban Appeal for Ky 

In-game Name: Ky Fidelez

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198197366579

Ban ID: !!rpuk11393!!

Reason given for your ban: G1.2 Player Report / RDM

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I hate to be here again. Despite saying in my last appeal I wouldn't be here again. Even when reading the rules a few times

I was banned for RDM on an officer, I did not provide any roleplay for them. It was stupid of me to put myself in that situation.

Why should we unban you ?: When I got the ban on Saturday I took time the next day to reflect on what happened.

The whole situation was processed so badly.
I know my actions that night were invalid now I see it from Richie's perspective. It was totally 'random' and it was awful RP.

Now reading the rules yet again and knowing why they're in place I understand why we follow them. It provides the best RP. Now I know what I did was wrong. I should've thought this more through and devised a good scenario for Richie. To provide good RP for me and him.
I understand why he was mad because I would be too if someone came up to me out of know where and just shot me.

The RDM rule is in place to prevent people from doing what I did. Which creates no RP for no one, and makes the whole scenario bad for them. Providing roleplay with everything you do in RPUK makes it fun for both sides. Even at least trying to make the scenario before resulting in violence.

I'd like to apologize to Richie for what happened that day, and also to the staff and community as I have let myself down again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello @Ky

It took you just a little over a month to get yourself banned once again... In your last appeal, you were told that it will not be easy for you to get unbanned next time around and that statement stays true. I do not feel like your prior bans have hit home unfortunately, thus you will be given a 1 month cooldown until you can apply again. 

Try after 17/02/2023.

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